SEOUL vs Many Asian Cities SEOUL has a much Higher Percentage - TopicsExpress


SEOUL vs Many Asian Cities SEOUL has a much Higher Percentage of Christians. Seoul has much cleaner public toilets, trains and taxis run more smoothly, traffic flow is more harmonious, trains are more spacious, seats are wider, human traffic is less crowded and more harmonious, customer service is much better, people are more polite and harmonious, buildings external lighting are much more colorful and harmonious, tap water flow is better and more hygienic for washing, people look better because of better fashion and access to cosmetic surgery, ladies in Seoul carry themselves with much more flare and style, people in general take pride in their work rather than just working for money, people are more responsible in the use of public things, the tray return system in cafeterias are better, in food court the place of handling money is separate from the place of handling food, there are signs in buildings such as train stations to notify if the toilet is in a different corner and even display the distance. Seoul functions like a collective where everyone is naturally behaving for the whole whereas some countries are run by a group of elites while the majority are selfish and need strict rules to force them to behave proper but yet people still litter and dont flush, etc. Seoul allows eating and drinking in train stations and train platforms and has shops and dustbins around. Some countries are more concerned with Terrorist attacks and put priority on Military funding whereas Seoul has a very real threat from the North at all times and yet they do not overdo safety precautions at the expense of public well-being. There is no best country in the world. Every country is better than others in some way, and it is important to implement the qualities of another country without the foolish inhibition of not wanting to copy them. No one owns the exclusive use of knowledge and technology. It belongs to all humans.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 09:00:32 +0000

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