SEPARATISTS FACING POLITICAL VENDETTA: GEELANI Seeks intervention of Amnesty International Srinagar(Indian Occupied Kashmir), Sep 3: Chairmanof Hurriyat Conference (G) Syed Ali Shah Geelani on Tuesday alleged that the leaders and activists of pro-freedom parties are being “denied political space and subjected to political vendetta.” Terming continuous detention of party leaderMir Hafiz Ullah as a “worst example of state terrorism”, Geelani according to a statement by party spokesman said “despite admission of bail and consequent court orders for release, he was detained and shifted to Srinagar jail.” Geelani said Mir Hafiz Ullah was detained in 2008. “And since then district authorities on different intervals slapped PSA nine times against him. “During court proceedings the allegations proved to be unfounded and he was acquitted from all charges. Ironically, he was shifted to Central JailSrinagar,” he said. Citing the case of Muhammad Yaseen Yatoo, the Hurriyat (G) chairman said that “evenafter repeated applications for parole, he is not being released to attend wedding ceremony of his sister.” “It is matter of concern that released youth are being forcibly compelled to attend Control Room Srinagar on prescribed days and dates. They are compelled to provide detailed particulars of their families and relatives. They were also directed to attend same meetings on September 5, 12, 25,and 27,” he said. “On September 2, a number of police officialsin their civil dress introduced a psychologist to these youth who asked bizarre questions and insulted them. The youth in turn unanimously made it clear that prevailing uncertainty and instability is because of Kashmir Issue and it is a reality that nobody can deny. They also stated that due to atrocities by Indian forces, their life has turned miserable andare facing many social problems,” he said. “By such tactics, the youth are being pushed to the wall. But such suppressive tactics won’tdeter our resolve to take the movement to its logical conclusion,” Geelani said while stressing for release of Mir Hafiz Ullah, and Muhammad Yaseen Yatoo on parole,” he said. Geelani urged Amnesty International and human rights organizations to take notice of serious human rights violations in state and urged that “while protecting the civilians from state oppression, they ought to fulfill their assigned obligations.”
Posted on: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 04:02:00 +0000

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