SEPTEMBER 16, 2013 · Word of the Week: Gospel This week I will - TopicsExpress


SEPTEMBER 16, 2013 · Word of the Week: Gospel This week I will be writing my posts from Trenton, Florida. I’m in a gospel meeting with the Trenton church of Christ. It is especially sweet since Trenton is Norma Jean’s home town. So, she is enjoying seeing her relatives and reconnecting with old friends. I love coming to Gilchrist county. It’s a joy to preach the gospel here. They turn out for Gospel Meetings from all the other churches in the county. And they are very supportive and encouraging of gospel preaching. As I reflect on preaching here, I am reminded of an old saying about the gospel by a 19th century preacher, Walter Scott. No, not the British author Sir Walter Scott who wrote Ivanhoe. Walter Scott who became one of the great leaders of the Restoration movement in America was born in Moffat, Scotland, October 30, 1796. Scott came to the United States in 1818. He was a well educated man and began his life in academia. He preached his first sermon November 18, 1827. For the next 34 years until he died in 1861, he dedicated himself to the restoration of the gospel message. His signature explanation of the gospel was simple. “The gospel is facts to be believed; commands to be obeyed; and promises to be received.” Here are some facts about the gospel. The word of the week is “gospel.” It is found 100 times in the New Testament. And quite simply is defined as “good news, or “good tidings.” The word evangelist comes from the same Greek word which means “a bearer of good news.” I am a gospel preacher! A bearer of the good news! The Bible speaks of ‘the gospel of God” (Rom 1:1). It originated in the mind of the Father. It was purposed and planned before the beginning of time. “The gospel of Christ” (Rom. 1:16). It was brought to light by Jesus. He came and preached it. And he is the basis and foundation of it through his death, burial and resurrection. “The gospel of the grace of God (Acts 20:24). We don’t deserve it! We didn’t earn it! But by God’s grace and mercy, we’ve been given the gospel to save us from sin. “The gospel of peace” Eph. 6:15). It will provide inner peace. Peace with others. And peace with God. “The gospel of the kingdom” (Matt 4:23). And you can’t preach the gospel without preaching about the Kingdom, the church! They go together. Furthermore, it is a fact that we’ve all sinned! (Rom. 3:23). Yet God loves us (Jn 3:16). And has provided a means for us to be saved through the gospel (Rom. 1:16) But the gospel is commands to be obeyed. God didn’t give us the gospel to make us smarter sinners! God expects us to obey (Rom. 16:26). The gospel demands repentance ( Acts 17:30). Instructs us to change our allegiance and confess Christ as Lord (Matt 10:32-33) And commands us to be baptized for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38). In doing so we imitate the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ (Rom. 6:1-17). The Gospel is promises to be received. It is indeed good news! When we believe and obey the gospel we receive remission of sins. Access all spiritual blessings in Christ.. Experience fellowship with God. Belong to His spiritual Family. Enjoy the privilege of prayer. Feel peace of mind. Obtain a spiritual inheritance. Guaranteed the gift of the Holy Spirit. And are promised a home in heaven for eternity. No wonder Peter calls them “great and precious promises! As I write, I’m thinking this little phrase must have motivated Walter Scott to give his life to proclaiming the gospel. And it reminds me why I am a gospel preacher. The Gospel. If you haven’t believed it, obeyed it, or received it, give it an honest evaluation. You’ll be glad you did! –Ken Weliever, The Preacherman
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 16:33:46 +0000

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