SEPTEMBER 1965 Fact or fiction Not too many people like to - TopicsExpress


SEPTEMBER 1965 Fact or fiction Not too many people like to Take-up on this subject simply because its old history or maybe its no longer attractive to an average reader. I believe the subject is as fresh as it ever was and we must keep every episode of September1965 war alive for generations to come. We owe this to those brave men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice It troubles me enormously when I hear geniuses in Pakistani media defaming Pakistans armed forces so openly and so bluntly under the umbrella of newly found freedom of speech. Someone made a statement on TV the other day and I quote Pakistan lost all wars against India. Now, we know there is a game being played by the people who never missed an opportunity to harm Pakistan any which they can but I do know that people like this are in Pakistan for a specific purpose in mind, this is no accident that outrages statements like this are made routinely on Pakistan TV. People like Najam Sethi and Many of his elk have tried repeatedly to spew venom against Pakistan armed forces or discredit there achievements. Many among us already know why this new phenomena has emerged and spreading so rapidly, reason is very simple, Which is to create rift between general public and the military, hence pushing the country deeper in to turmoil. This is happening right under the nose of our so called elected governments. ( this calls for a separate discussion by it self) So for no one has challenged these guys who have two major claims, that Pakistan was responsible for starting the war and then lost it too. In this article I will try to set the record straight. I wont go deep in to history but some back ground is necessary for younger readers. 1962 border clash between India and China played an intriguing role in shaping of American policies towards Pakistan and India. American military aid was being received by India without accepting obligations of an ally. Americans however, had accepted the difference between an ally which Pakistan was, a neutral which India claimed to be. This situation was reversed after the clash with China. Historian and journalists have testified that the war with China was started by India. How that happened is beyond the scope of this article. Nevertheless America frantically started rushing all sorts of military hardware to India, even shipments destined for Pakistan were diverted to India. How Pakistanis found that out? After capturing Indian lands, crates full of ammunition were found all over with ship to Pakistan stamped on them. After getting a bloody nose from China, just to show its Mighty armyis still able and have the spunk to fight, India started a new adventure with Pakistan in Run of Kutch which also turned out be a fiasco. Desperately looking for a victory India declared her intentions to choose a front of their likening. Obviously this was to be the Kashmir front. India stepped up cross border violations. The people of Indian held Kashmir, who had waited for the enforcement of their right of self determination for years, retaliated and became restless. They started state wide agitations. India used its massive army to crush the Kashmiris and at the same time started using its usual weapon- blaming Pakistan and threatened to cross line of control. As Kashmiri Mujahidins built pressure in Kashmir, Indian public became depressed and irritated and demanded explanation. Indian high command, out of frustration had no choice but to attack Pakistan just to calm the nation. In their own fantasy world, victory over Pakistan was unavoidable and was already in hand, as assured by the top brass of the Indian army. The war which was so far limited to probes and skirmishes now became all out encounter. Night of September the 6th, India attacked Pakistans international borders. I would like to digress here for those who are too eager to spread misinformation that this was Pakistan who started the war. If they only do little research or dig a bit deeper into history they might find the actual truth. But then again that wouldnt serve their ultimate objective or would it? As to who won the war? I begin with simple facts on the ground. In-spite of an army, Air Force and navy four time larger than of its own with the full support of the western world, militarily and otherwise Pakistan was able to hold its own was a clear victory. It was a victory when within three days after the hostilities broke, Pakistan Air Force decimated enemys air defenses and achieved total superiority in the air, testimonies from western experts and even some Indianan higher ups of the time although reluctantly could not deny this fact. It was a victory when Pakistani army was just hours away from Jamun when Lal Bahader Shastry, then prime minister of India rushed to the united nations looking for a ceasefire. It was a victory when Battle in Sialkot sector where six hundred Indian tanks laid in Ruins. That alone is the strongest testimony by it self in favor of Pakistan. It is well documented and accepted by the international press as a true event. I can go on for ever but fact remain the same that every time an army with minimum of resources, deprived of military hardware, repeatedly repulses a massive attack from an army many time larger than its own,equipped with best weaponry, and full support from all the major power brokers of the time, has the legitimate claim to victory, hands down. In 1965, We were not in a position to fight a war and yet we did, against heavy odds and yes we won too, let there be no debut. All the nay sayers! keep this in mind when you come on TV and try to twist facts on behalf of others then you better rest assure, there are millions of us who are prepared to confront you every step of the way. People know who you are, who you are working for, where you are coming from and what games you are playing. Still what you are doing is not new, its been done before. However Pakistanis are moulded in an entirely different kind of mould, with a mixture of resilience, faith and traditions we make a pretty good force to reckon with. So you keep doing what you do best, dissing your homeland just to appease its enemies. You are not the first and you wont be the last. Tariq Choudry
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 18:53:55 +0000

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