SERENDIPITY Part 7 My eyes were already dries by the time I woke - TopicsExpress


SERENDIPITY Part 7 My eyes were already dries by the time I woke up to see the dawn. To my surprise the day was gloomy too and it was just matching my mood. I don’t know when did I sleep but then until my brain had to rest I was only thinking what can I do. I was heavily intoxicated by this smile and the only cure from this is to talk with her in person. I went down from the upstairs and I saw my entire home was giving a ghostly feel everyone were very silent. I could sense what would have happened, like I was thinking about this girl folks at my home were thinking about what I had said. It was really an awkward feel where my mind was entirely shrouded with disappointments, however without any reactions at home I just got myself ready and left home bidding good bye to them. I took the usual bus to office and I was thinking about my plight and what all had happened all the while with me. I saw a tough battle that I had fought all these years and I was happy to overcome them without shedding any bloodshed but then some occasional inevitable tears to make sure I was still a human. During my course of travel to office I plugged in my earphone and went ahead. Few days went on like this and I was just clueless about this state. I kept talking in the office proclaiming to myself that I am meant to be happy but somewhere there was still a person sitting right in the corner of a dark room. I kept seeing her everyday and never had I got bored in fact every moment I saw her I was engrossed with my imaginations and my plans to somehow speak to her. There came an opportunity to talk with her one afternoon so I decided to get back and talk to her. I would say that’s when the actual day become even more freaky when I was about to call her by her name and speak there was one friend of her who called and she kept walking by. I literally got frustrated after losing such a chance and started to blame the nature for again getting things bad for me. Even today I consider this girl as a villain of my love story. On losing such a chance I decided to come back and not proceed fearing that I would make a mistake somewhere that would eventually make things even uglier. I took the phone of mine and started to text my teammate telling how brutally I missed the chance of getting in touch with her today and immediately another reply from her “Are you really serious with her?” I did not know what to say but then I thought it’s better to at least confess for one good time and try things wholeheartedly. I started telling a lot about her to my teammate and immediately I got one shock that was even heavier than any of the live wires. “What will you do if she is committed?” Well that was the most devastating time of my life I never ever thought on these grounds and its always a fact whenever I have seen someone and had a thought they have always got their Prince Charming riding on to them with their proposal. This time I wanted to be the Prince Charming and she to be the Queen because that smile was SERENDIPITY of my life. I immediately got the wild ideas in my mind and as I was already lost with various troubles. I did not know what I was doing but then none of the plan was worth a try. The inner devil in me said me “WHO DOES NOT LIKE A GUY SOMEONE AS GOOD AS YOU!!!” Well I was not sure on the implications that will happen for my actions but I would have at least been happy that I spoke. I immediately opened an Gmail account on my phone and started typing the SERENDIPITY Part 1. When I was typing it I was unconditionally happy at such a wonderful day that I came through and my mind started ringing her lovable smile. The smile that traveled miles in my mind and the Dimple that ploughed my heart erratically. After typing out the story I was wondering where would I send them and immediately saved it in the draft and closed my phone suddenly. There was a sudden fear What would happen if she goes and tell someone? Will I lose my job because of that? Plethora of thoughts ran in and I was totally stuck again. I immediately added few lines before the story and again saved it in the Drafts. I was so scared to even send an email not fearing about what will happen to me instead fearing what if she doesn’t like me. It was high time the devils was playing all over my mind and I decided to send the email to her . I took my phone out , Opened the Draft folder, keyed in her email address and sent it instantly. The moment after I sent It I left the office as I was sure the moment I had mentioned in the story will track me down and sure shot Iam getting finished. THIS WAS THE WORST MISTAKE I DID… I never got the courage to speak to her in person and I said my love to her in the mail. I do not know what is going to be her reaction after she reads the first few lines but then I only hope she reads the story because I knew she can definitely feel how beautiful she was and my love for her was not just seasonal. I travelled around in the bus with all her thoughts muttering her name to myself. My heart was heavy and I cannot get home and find a lap to sleep instead I ran away to the beach and kept things simple. A man see’s millions of women in their life but they always cherish the one’s that made their life impeccable. This lovely lady of mine would be an gift of my lifetime. With lots of hope I wait for the Independence day to end to see her again in office.
Posted on: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 17:42:38 +0000

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