SERENDIPITY Part 9 A morning that I was waiting for, the moment - TopicsExpress


SERENDIPITY Part 9 A morning that I was waiting for, the moment of my life came up sparkling high. I saw there was no response from the Serendipity girl even after I mailed her couple of times on her various email Id’s. I was getting tensed each and every day to see what would be her reply. The refresh button on my phone was literally raped as I kept seeing my phone every now and then if I was fortunate to get a reply. A reply that I longed for never came and I was getting worried if she deleted by mistake. Well at that point of time I never got a negative thought that she might have read it, got irritated and trying to ignore me because I have somehow managed to live on the positives against all odds I have seen. I was recollecting what all had happened in the last one month , whomever I was very comfortable with I was talking more about her than myself or anything. If they asked me how are you? I replied I have seen a girl in my office ad she is really good. The conversation always ended up with a hypothetical situation of what would happen if she knows. Today was the time I decided to talk with her and know which of the hypothetical situation matches it. I travelled all the way in the bus thinking what I would do for her birthday. I thought I will get some sweets and drop a mail to everyone including her to take the sweets. But that sounded extremely a terribly choice because I did not want anyone to know her identity until and unless she accepted my proposal. Additionally I only wanted to talk with her so why invite everyone and let know the purpose of giving sweets because I have never given one in last two and half years. My next thought was I will get a gift from a shop and then call her and give it to her; it was just another insane one. I was cribbing for all the stupid ideas that reached my mind. I reached office now and I was delighted to see that lovely princess on her birthday. I skipped the lift and I walked upstairs so that I will get some idea. For God’s sake I got one good idea of making a greeting card for her with whatever resources I had. Immediately after I entered the office I kept searching her where she was and I was just out of this world. OH MY GODDDDDD!!!!! There I see her sitting in from of the system in a lovely Red Dress. She was extremely beautiful that day and the red color dress instigated many romantic ideas in me and nothing of which will suit up the situation. I cut down all the thoughts and reached my place to make a greeting card for her as that was the only thought and only gift I could give her because I felt “A Best gift to her would be my TIME for her” I thought it might be a universal fact and I start working on it. I took a couple of white A4 papers which was there in the desk, I managed to find a couple of sketch pens and then I thought it would look plain. Immediately I remember having a ribbon on my Diary. I immediately took the ribbon out from it to make it as a bow. Trust me the ribbon was also in red and it complimented her dress. I was extremely overjoyed every moment and I started thinking of situation where I give her the greeting card in her hand, in return she accepting it with a wonderful smile which I fell for. Seriously these kinds of thoughts are the actual root cause of much stupidity in me. I was least bothered on what would happen if she complaints to someone on my idiotic act because I was only wishing one thing and it was “She accepting it”. I regained my consciousness and started searching for glue so that I could stick couple of the white papers to make the greeting card look stiff and I could find one. I desperately started searching every draws in the cubicles wherever my team mates sat. Their immediate question was “What you are searching for”? My reply was so simple “Nothing” Few knew it was waste asking me and few knew something was not right and they kept posing questions and I was not ready to respond them. Finally I saw an old Fevicol bottle which had very few traces of glues. I tried pressing the bottle to get the glue out of it and I was unsuccessful. I immediately searched the blade that was there in the stationary cupboard and started cutting the fevicol bottle to somehow get it and stick the pages. In the process of cutting the bottle I was so over excited and tensed what if she leaves early today being her birthday and I was trying to do them fast. Slickkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!! I was successful in getting the glue bottle and also unlucky to get my hand cut. Before anyone could recognize what would happen I immediately rushed to the washroom to do the self medication. I kept holding my hand in water for almost 5 minutes until there was no blood to come out. Because it was so simple I did not wanted the card to get stained with blood and all as it wasn’t a good sign either. After getting all this done I got back to my place and started making the card. Well I can relay not tell the content because I feel it is meant for her and It will remain for her only irrespective of whether she reads or not. After having the greeting card ready in my hand I was now eager to talk to her. I was literally hunting chances to talk with her somehow. Now I did see her getting up from her place and I was literally seeing what she was up to. WHAT A SIGHT IT WAS!!!! A BEAUTIFUL GIRL WITH A WONDERFUL SMILE IN A FANTASTIC RED DRESS. I do not know how many people will fall in love just reading the line but I was fortunate to see them in real. She literally went to everyone in her team and started giving sweets. The scene was very much analogous to every kid giving sweets to their classmates on their birthday with an every exuberant smile on their face. That smile was magical and I was able to observe and feel. I am not sure if it happens with everyone but I was sure it was the first time I was experiencing such a remarkable one and I enjoyed it. Seeing all this with my eyes I started craving for a chance to talk to her as I saw her in a very good mood and I thought this would not be her day but it would e “OUR DAY”. Very hesitantly I sought out another mere horror option to try talking with her. That was the worst mistake of my life and I am still repenting for it. I went on Sametime and I started to see her name and for the first time I pinged her. Me: Hey!! Hello… (I said her in the mail I sent that my first dialogue to her will be “Hey.. Hello!!” Now I made it easy for her to recognize if she was hunting who had mailed her.) Few minutes went by but no reply from her. I kept waiting thinking she might have not seen it and I was hoping her to respond as in few minutes she would go for lunch. I immediately became impatient and again I messaged her “Happy Birthday to you!!!” Suddenly the Chat box closed. That was one of the most terrifying moments of my life and I literally had a free fall from the clouds to the earth crust. It was really such a terrible fall, I could find myself burning down into ashes as my thoughts immediately shrouded with a lot of negative feeling. I immediately started messaging my teammates across locations telling them what happened. I couldn’t take it as a snub though but I started thinking what if she accidentally closed it. The guys sitting next to me was watching my screen and they were seeing what was going through from the moment I stepped in the office and they just stopped me and asked what happened? I did not know what to say I just locked my system and rushed out. I came down to my cubicle after sometime noticing that no one in my team was there in the cubicle and I could resume my talk with her. Me : “Do you have sometime today?” Chatbox again closed… I immediately started seeing her getting up from her place and walking out of the door and I could see her drinking couple of glasses of water and I could understand either she is scared or angry and to be frank I was scared of her now. She walked in back to the ODC and I turned back seeing my computer and I did not bother to lift my head up. Suddenly after sometime I was getting ready for one of the Toastmaster session and that’s one I made another terrible mistake. My teammate was talking to the serendipity girl enquiring her who was the guy who has messaged her and in response she had showed it was me. The best part was I was not aware she was just standing behind me. My teammate was also good enough that she gave a missed call to keep me aware that she has come here. As soon as I saw her name on my phone without any delay I turned back thinking why she was calling. OH MY GOODNESS!!!! THE LITTLE PRINCESS WAS STANDING THERE IN THAT LOVELY DRESS And I got so scared that I saw her for few seconds and I immediately turned down. I did not want to take my eyes off from her, I wanted to stand from my place and wish her “Happy Birthday” but then I was scared what if my wishes make her day a terrible one. After all it was her birthday and I cannot spoil that. Now I started to know its now not going to be “OUR DAY” but atleast I wanted it to be “HER DAY”. I rushed out of my seat and went away to the Toastmaster session which went along for two hours so that it could keep me get cooled and get my mind stable. I was known for being short tempered however in her case I didn’t get angry I was still hoping she will come back and talk. One of the guy sitting next to me got angry and told Friend: Let me go and ask her why did she do this to you!! ME(Spontaneously): No, Don’t ask anything to her I should not have spoilt her day. Please leave it.After all she smiled at seeing the ground that day and that could not be a reason to spoil her birthday. I literally lost everything in me and I was just sitting aloof. I couldn’t forget her smiles, the images of me and her talking together flashed my mind with a very heavy feeling tearing my heart that it is never going to happen again. It was late in the evening I got to know that the Princess had asked my teammate why did she call me, but somehow she managed it was accidental. I was happy that I did not spoil a relationship because of my stupidity again. I kept silent for an hour and as soon as I may team dispersed fro a tea break I again pinged her Me: Don’t be silent,its haunting me. I hope you respond. I keyed in and went away downstairs to have a cup of tea as I was all nervous and I also did not have my lunch after encountering such a worst day in my life. I came back upstairs hoping that she hasn’t told her lead and entered the ODC to see everyone busy with their work. I opened my screen to see few lines from her. I was rejuvenated that somehow I have talked to her and she has responded. The content in the chat was not as I expected. She had type in her response in all capital letters showing that she was angry. She was really so patient enough that she told me SERENDIPITY GIRL
Posted on: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 07:24:08 +0000

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