SERIES 19 THE DICTATIONS FROM THE ASCENDED MASTERS are not intended to take you away from your church but to make your mind and faith deeper and to be constantly conscious of what the Ascended Masters are reminding us of the narrow PATH to HEAVEN which is very difficult so we can be with God. The way will be shown to you as you keep reading the SERIES OF MESSAGES from the Ascended Masters. (Please open my FACEBOOK site for THE EARLIER [1 TO 18] SERIES). PLEASE READ ONE DICTATION in the morning and one in the afternoon as recommended by the Ascended Masters. You may repeat the Messages twice or thrice so these will be engrained in your consciousness. HERE ARE TWO DICTATIONS FROM ASCENDED MASTERS: 1. Let God into your life Mother Mary June 23, 2013 I AM Mother Mary. I have come. What do you think we are going to talk about today? I think that there are many things that you would like to discuss with me. And many questions. However, I have not come in order to have a quiet talk today. I am in a decisive mood and ready for a serious talk that we will be having. I would like to talk to you about your service and your obligations. Very many of you have assumed many obligations upon yourselves concerning your service for the world before coming in this incarnation. Yet, by now you have forgotten what you have taken upon yourself. And this is sorrowful. And it is especially sorrowful now, when the situation on the planet is still worsening, when dark is benighting the eyes of people, and does not allow for taking a deep breath and aspiring towards bright and joyous energies of regeneration. First of all I am speaking to the people of my dear Russia. But I am also ready to talk to many of my beloved children spread around the whole globe. I am happy then, when we together combine our efforts in our joint prayer for the world. And I am sad then, when the rows of those involved in the prayers thin out, when momentary entrainment distracts you from the main thing – the prayerful opposition against any negative forces and manifestations of your world. Together in our prayer we are able to change any situation in any country of the world. Together in our joint prayer we can reverse even the most difficult situation and direct it into an easy and joyous Divine flow. I am ready to stay with you in your prayer. I am ready to join the people who appeal to me in their heartfelt prayer and ask for help. God gives you unprecedented opportunities. God is ready to come to every aspiring person during sincere prayer. And together with Him I will stay with each of you. I am craving for the moment of your sincere prayer in order to come and to reinforce it. Sometimes I come to those of you who have assumed the obligations upon themselves to read my Rosaries every day. And how surprised and disappointed I am when instead of the prayer you plunge into other things that seem more important for you. I come exactly at the time of your prayer in order to strengthen it and to pray with you. And I cannot find you. And this is very sad. Beloved, do not upset me with your inconsistency and laziness. Do understand that now your prayers can only save and improve the situation that has been formed in Russia and in the world. Only by your prayer can you prevent the most terrible thing. I am asking you, I am begging you. Beloved, it is not hard, is it? Even then, when you do not have time for reading a Rosary, do simply aspire to me with the whole love of your heart. I will meet your eyes and understand that you remember me, though the circumstances do not allow you to spare the time for praying that day. I will come to you the next day, and together we will contribute our prayerful efforts for the Common Good. The power of our joint prayer is reinforced now as never before. And I assure you that we can prevent the most terrible consequences of past and present incorrect actions of people, if we oppose the negative energies with our faith and unity. Imagine a mighty prayer wheel that is rolling from one side of the Earth to the other end. Imagine how the voices of those who are praying merge into the one loud voice. And this voice is heard everywhere on the Earth. Together we will be able to withstand! I am telling you that the situation is so difficult that it is hard to believe it. And the only thing that I am asking you for now is to give me the energy of your prayer, so that I can allocate it according to my view. Entrust your prayerful efforts to me. Ask me for help and I will send my angels to help in those situations which seem unsolvable. Imagine that my angels and I enter the walls of your government bodies. By our presence we will transform the situation and create the preponderance of the forces during any decision-making. Imagine me during any negotiations that are taking place at the government level, as if I were also sitting at the negotiating table, and I will supervise any decision-making in your world whether it concerns politics, economy, education, health care, culture or social security. Your visualizations and prayers will allow me and other Ascended Masters to be involved in decision-making at any national level. Thanks to such a simple practice we can reverse any situation and direct its settlement along the Divine path. I know that very many people are suffering from depression now; I know that the hearts of very many people are held captive by fear and hatred. Beloved, all this happens because of the lack of Gods presence in your lives. The Divine energy is blocked by you yourselves and with the help of mass media which immerses you in negative states of consciousness. Only the flow of Divine energy that you attract during your prayer can purify your bodies, your consciousness and subconsciousness and forever liberate you from fear, depression and hatred. Any imperfect states of your consciousness can be dissolved by the Divine energy that you will daily attract into your life with the help of your prayers. I will stay with every one of you during your prayer. I will strengthen its influence and will help you. But I cannot do anything for you unless you give me the energy of your prayer and the energy of your love that you send to me, meditating on my image. Therefore, do not blame anyone if you experience negative states of consciousness, if troubles and misfortunes benight your eyes. God is so merciful that one prayer or one flaming appeal can be enough to change any situation. You must manifest all your prayers and appeals in the name of God only. We will be able to change any situation! We will do it! The Divine miracle is beside you. And it is ready to be manifested, but the energy of your prayers and of your positive aspirations towards happiness, Bliss and Good is needed to manifest the miracle. You get that which you strive for. But if every day you argue about everything, if you scold your government, all the people around you and God himself, you will hardly achieve a positive result and you will hardly ever be happy in your life. But if you are able to sustain faith and love in your heart no matter what, if you are ready to protect yourself and your nearest and dearest by your prayer and love, then the worst and irretrievable things will go past you and your family and friends. And if from year to year there are more and more of those people who accept the priority of God and His Law, then no difficulties, no calamities or crises can threaten your country and its people. You can see that God always looks after you. Let God into your life. I AM Mother Mary. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina Translator Ekaterina Reznichenko Proofreader Richard Wilde --------------------------------------------------- 2 You are to return to God “You should have Kindness, Mercy, Compassion, Love, nobility, courage, devotion, aspiration and constancy.’ Quan Yi December 25, 2013 I AM Quan Yin. Like my sister Mary, I have come to you with a Message, in which I intend to give you the foundations of faith and to teach you to follow your faith regardless of any external difficulties and obstacles. Therefore, get ready for a serious talk. We have come to the realization of the necessity for the transformation in the consciousness of humanity. It is the time of the turn of the cycles, and it is the time when your consciousness must change. This will literally be the revolution in your consciousness, about which beloved Babaji told you. I have come today in order for you to realize the forthcoming changes. Humanity in its majority has gone to the dead end of its development. The prevalence of the concentration on the external, on consumption and on getting pleasures from life leads to the degradation of human consciousness. Therefore, we will take all the necessary measures in the nearest future to turn humanity back to the evolutionary path of development, the characteristic of which is the prevalence of inner Divine values. There are eternal values that are left with you all along your evolutionary path. These qualities are known to everyone and do not require any justifications in their favor. Kindness, Mercy, Compassion, Love, nobility, courage, devotion, aspiration and constancy. Many of these qualities are now pushed to the sidelines and left aside of human interest. Therefore, our and your task at present is to return these Divine qualities to your lives. You are to return to God. So this means that you are to carry out the revolution in your consciousness in the nearest future. Only when you are able to overcome the magic of the illusory forces, will you wake up for the eternal life. I wish that you live forever. For this I come to you and give you my exhortations. It seems to you that my words are simple and do not have any depth. You wish to get food for your mentality, for your carnal mind. No, beloved, muscles of the flesh have nothing in common with spiritual attainments. It is exactly owing to the simplicity of the Teaching, that it is ignored by many intellectuals who got used to pseudo-scientific phrases and expressions. The Truth, Divine Truth, lies beyond your aspirations to any of the outer manifestations, including intellectual refinement. There is no and cannot be God where there is a desire to prove your importance and priority. God does not mean the creation of any exclusiveness in the physical plane. None of the parts of the organism, of the whole body of God can have a claim to be exclusive and insist on its right to govern and lead. The Divine guidance is not manifested from the outside but from the inside of human individuals. That is why the focus of attention must be redirected from the external to the internal. All that the illusory forces do is constantly try to hold your attention on the outer manifestation. Shapes and the appearance of goods change very quickly. The same fuss is seen on TV screens. You are constantly shown the flickering of the pictures and of the effects of sound and light. These tools suppress your inner Divine essence. The inner Divine qualities are replaced by the abundance of the outer surrogates. You are always staying in the informational flow, and you have no time to think of the eternal. If you do not think of the eternal, you will not be able to live eternal lives. If you do not spare time for solitary considerations over your qualities, you will not be able to develop your Divinity. If you do not spend time in reading texts of good quality, you stop thinking. If you stop thinking, you lose independence and expose yourself to the flows of bad quality information which push you to the sidelines of the evolutionary path of development. I tirelessly repeat to you that it is time that in the diversity of life you find what represents eternal values and give up everything that is momentary and perishable. Those loud voices and harshness that are characteristic of modern mass media have only one objective – to take you away from the evolutionary path of development. Our task is to save and take as many souls out of the thick of the illusion as possible. At present we apply enormous efforts in order to imprint the image of the Divine path of development in the consciousness of as many people as possible. We use all possible methods. However, I must tell you that many of the things can only be done while being in embodiment, with human hands and feet only. That is why we tirelessly call you to concrete actions in the physical plane. Our Messages have a prolonged effect. They can change the consciousness of the daily reader within just a few years. However, our opposing forces adopted new technologies that replace peoples natural desire of knowledge with the thirst for information. There is a difference between the acceptance of knowledge and the satisfaction of informational curiosity. The knowledge is eternal, but information becomes obsolete very quickly. Staying constantly in the informational flow, you lose the ability to analyze and to make distinctions. The quality of distinction is blocked by new information technologies. If you do not tend to believe in the Supreme, in the reasonable structure of this Universe, in the end, if you do not tend to believe in God, then you factually have no chance to come out of the labyrinth of the illusion to the eternal life. I have come to warn you that each of you has to make your conscious choice in the nearest future, whether to thoughtlessly slip down into the abyss of godlessness and ignorance, or to raise your eyes and turn to the summits of the divine consciousness. The illusion obediently shows you the side that you expect of it to show. If you are driven by constant desires to consume pleasures of life, you are helpfully offered more sophisticated forms of these pleasures. If you make inner decision and aspire along the Divine Path, you will find all the necessary things in your life that will help you to step on the solid ground of the evolutionary path. All the keys and mechanisms are hidden within you, and only you can make this decision. Some people go along a wide road to nowhere, while others find a narrow path leading to eternity. The choice is yours. I AM Quan Yin. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina Translator Ekaterina Reznichenko Proofreader Richard Wilde IF YOU LOVE THESE SERIES FROM THE ASCENDED MASTERS PLEASE LET YOUR FRIENDS KNOW OF MY SITE IN FACEBOOK: (Dr. Hermaneli Torrevillas Alliance) MAY GOD the ALMIGHTY BLESS YOU AND KEEP YOU BUT YOU HAVE TO VOLUNTARILY SUBMIT YOUR FREE WILL TO HIM AND PLEASE DON’T QUIT THE INITIATION.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 19:37:22 +0000

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