SERIES::THE MISSING KEY (EPISODE 10) ************ “Who - TopicsExpress


SERIES::THE MISSING KEY (EPISODE 10) ************ “Who cares,” John muttered under his nose. But it was loud enough for dad to hear. “What did you say?” dad asked and instinctively rushed towards John. Before John could turn around and react, dad’s right hand had already reached his shoulders and forcefully turned him around. With John now facing dad, dad gave him a slap on his face. John wasn’t expecting it. “Are you trying to show me that you are now a man? Do you want to challenge me? Or have you smoked something?” John stared at dad for some seconds, anger building up within him. “I have always been planning on leaving this house for a long time. You know what? My mind had already left this house a long time ago. You can have you big fancy house all to yourself. I don’t intend to stay anyway.” Dad stared at him, he didn’t expect this. “Fine, then what have you been doing here all along, did I chain you here?” “It’s not just about building a fancy house,John said.. I hope you mean what you are saying when you say we should leave, because it will even be a thing of joy to sleep on the street than stay here with parents that doesnt care. I wish this door can be opened soon so that you can have the house to yourself. This house is not even qualified to be called a home” Ada chipped in to dad’s amazement. “You are not even qualified to be called my daughter. You have decided to be a disgrace to yourself. I can’t even look at you. You should be ashamed of yourself but rather you still have the guts to talk to me like that. Is it me that got you into this condition and made you feel like you don’t have a home? I will be glad to have you take your disgraceful self out of here.” Dad returned. He had never exchanged words with his children before. Its always been him talking and everybody in the house listening. He never thought that they had grown big enough to voice out their opinion. Where these really his kids? Looking at them now they were like strangers to him. “If I am pregnant or if John is smoking around, it really should be your fault. It beats me that you don’t even blame yourself for anything! Oh I forgot, you are the perfect dad, the manager of Dew luck Nig. Limited who always gets it right” Ada replied. This was really surprising. I never thought she had such guts to talk back to dad the way she was doing now. “Ada, your mouth is surprisingly too sharp for someone who acted in such a disgraceful manner. You are not even grateful to your parents who sacrifice their all to make sure you get the best in life. Instead you stand here and talk back to your dad with such effrontery.” Mum injected. “The best in life? Did you say the best in life?” I can’t believe you mum. You think what your children are having here is the best in life?” Ada returned, looking around disdainfully. “A lot of your mates will give everything to be in your shoes. You are not grateful to God for what you have; no wonder you have no respect for yourself. Don’t you see your mates hawking on the streets? But you have the opportunity of finding yourself in school; instead you are misusing it by avoiding school and sleeping with men all over town.” Mum said. “What do you know about school mum, what do you even know about me?” Ada asked, she shrugged frustratingly and walked away from the scene. John left after her, leaving mum and dad standing there with their mouths wide open. Dad was both unhappy and angry, “Do you know this is all your fault?” he said to mum, “how can you look at yourself and call yourself a good mother? You chose to neglect the kids under your care and concentrate all your efforts on that boutique of yours. You don’t know your duty as a mother, now look at the result.” “Oh please, enough of your ranting. Will you ever stop? Mr. Perfect. If I concentrate my effort on my boutique where do you put yours? Oh, I remember you always take out time to be with your children.” Mum replied and walked into their bedroom. Dad followed her behind. *************** WATCH OUT FOR EPISODE 11 Time:4pm(Today) Go to our prev. Post for the previous Episodes...
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 12:16:38 +0000

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