SERIES THREE------------(Please go to my FACEBOOK site for the - TopicsExpress


SERIES THREE------------(Please go to my FACEBOOK site for the previous series. Thanks. HERE’S THREE DICTATIONS FROM THE ASCENDED MASTERS PLEASE READ ONE DICTATION in the morning and one in the afternoon as recommended by the Ascended Masters . 1. I Am Calling You into the Future! Archangel Michael, June 22, 2009 I AM Archangel Michael. I have come surrounded by the angels of the blue flame. And today I would like you to fully concentrate your attention on the message that I am giving you. Now and for the coming days, the time has come when we must focus our efforts on helping the planet. And this is my message and my warning to you. I have been carefully choosing the words and thinking about how to get a simple truth over to you that you have reached such time when you have to share with the Ascended Hosts the responsibility for everything that happens on the planet. You are not eager to take over this responsibility, yet to take the responsibility for the planet you will have to. And that is the next level of consciousness onto which you should rise. You are still worried about what is happening around you, you are so enthralled by the illusion that surrounds you at home and at work, and which is shown on TV. However, there are much more important and substantial things that the time has come for you to start thinking about. The entire world, the physical and the subtle planes of existence are trembling because of many of your actions, thoughts and feelings. Both I and the other beings of Light, sometimes watch with a shudder another burst of negative energy which humanity releases through its folly. Every time an uncontrolled release of negative energy happens, it takes a great effort by numerous beings of Light to balance out the situation so that the consequences for the physical plane do not become catastrophic. Now the time has come when you, the best representatives of the human community, must share with us, the Ascended Hosts, the responsibility for planet Earth, for everything that happens on the planet. And this is the level of consciousness which must be truly achieved by you in the nearest future. Stop looking at the people that surround you, stop following the lead you see around you and on TV screens. The time is coming when you should follow the direction which you get from your hearts. There are more subtle energies and processes that are occurring around you on more subtle planes. And these processes are reflected within you as certain states of your consciousness. It is not always that the things occurring in the subtle planes can be consciously understood by you and not everything reaches your external consciousness, but there does exist a certain intuition, premonition and inspiration. And if you become honest with yourself, if you enter your heart and feel the vibrations of a more subtle plane, then you will undoubtedly hear the warning tocsin ringing on planet Earth. And this tocsin is a danger signal. It is an indicator of the ill-being of the planet. How can the situation be changed and what can be done now in order for the preponderance of forces on the planet to open up an opportunity of a bright future again? I think that it will not be superfluous to remind you that be the times ever so hard for you and be the thoughts and states filling you so heavily, you still must find the strength to say: “I know that these states are not real. I know that the illusion is strong, but I am ready to oppose all the power of my Love pouring from my heart against the illusory forces. I love this world. I love God and His creation, and I will not allow this world to be destroyed. Beloved Archangel Michael and the angels of protection, I am asking you to use my life stream to help the legions of Light. I know that nothing will happen to my planet as long as at least one light bearer acts consciously on the side of the powers of Light.” As soon as we gather a sufficient number of individuals who are ready in their hearts to firmly support the Light, then we will be able to ask the Great Central Sun and all the Cosmic committees for mercy so that the Earth gets help and this help comes without delay. Much is upon the die at this moment. Most human individuals are not ready for a change of consciousness. And volunteers are needed to demonstrate a new level of consciousness, the consciousness that is not tied to the physical or astral plane but is ready to cooperate with the Higher Worlds. And when there is a sufficient number of individuals capable of demonstrating a new consciousness, then, due to their efforts, the consciousness of other people will begin to change too. You all are interconnected in more subtle planes of being. And there is a necessity for a higher frequency of consciousness to resonate like a tuning fork in space, so that the souls of those people who are stuck in the illusion rise again and cast their glances heavenward. I envy you, those who are incarnated at this very tough time. Because the future of the planet and of millions of souls who are caught in the illusion and do not see daylight depend on your ability to keep your consciousness pure, heavenward and accordant with the Higher Worlds. Lead by example! Be brave, be enduring and be inventive. Invent the ways that will carry millions of people to a new level of consciousness. Do sound on the top note. Do set the pattern! I am calling you into the future! I AM Archangel Michael! © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina Translator Svetlana Nekrasova 2. May the Readings of My Rosaries become Your Immediate Task in the Near Future Mother Mary March 26, 2005 I AM Mother Mary, your Mother in Heaven. I have come to you through this messenger. Many times I came through many people who are incarnated on planet Earth today. The dispensation which was granted to me lets me appear in the physical world with the help of the energy people emanate while reading Rosaries. I come to many people and I will have this opportunity until the stream of energy flowing from your hearts into mine is full. I use every opportunity to appear before those who are ready to see and hear me. At present I come through Tatyana as the time has come to set you on the right path and to tell you the words which are necessary for you at this time. You may imagine me. I am standing right in front of you when you are reading these lines. I am standing in front of you with a bunch of roses in my hands. I have prepared this bunch for you, my beloved. For you, who aspires and spends so many hours reading my Rosaries. Do not give up this work, I ask you, my beloved. I understand that there are many temptations and seductions in your world that seem to you to be more important than the prayers which I ask you to read for me every day. However, if it were not necessary to ask for your service at this period of time I would not have bothered you. Beloved, it does not matter which Rosary you read and whether you read traditional Catholic Rosaries or Rosaries I have given through many messengers lately. I would like you to understand that only your hearts’ aspiration and purity, your wish to help the entire Life on this planet are of importance. I do not want to frighten you with any forthcoming calamities and cataclysms. It is not because they are not coming in the near future. Cataclysms are inevitable as people stubbornly do not want to keep their eyes on Heaven and go on persisting in their aspiration to get more and more pleasures of this world. That is why the energy of your prayers is so necessary for us. I assure Each of you who reads my Rosaries every day at this difficult time that within 100 kilometers around the place of your reading there will be no cataclysms or calamities. I especially appeal to the people of my favourite country, Russia. Due to the great space your country occupies and very low density of population in many regions, you are expected to give us your service with double and even triple efforts. Russia has been granted a great mission to transform mankind’s consciousness and to raise this consciousness onto a higher level. That is why I ask everyone who hears this message – may the reading of my Rosaries, independent of the messenger through whom these Rosaries come to you; become your intermediate task in the near future. You must give me one Rosary every day. I ask you. I beg you, my beloved. I will come myself and give one rose from my bunch as a sign of my love to each of you who pledges faith to read my Rosaries every day. And that is not everything, my beloved. I ask you to read my Rosaries with a feeling of the mightiest love you can feel towards your planet, towards all living creatures inhabiting this planet. And I ask you to descend into your heart and to feel its warmth before reading a Rosary. Think of me. I know how hard it is for you to be incarnated on earth at this difficult time. But remember how difficult it was for me when my son Jesus was crucified before my eyes. How could I watch his sufferings? Beloved, do you love me? Can you send me Love from your heart just for a few minutes before reading a Rosary every day? It is not difficult. Will you comply with my request? I love all of you and I will come to you while reading your Rosaries. You will feel, you will certainly feel my presence. You may stop reading and talk to me. I will lend my ear to all your requests and wishes. And I promise to render you any help which the Cosmic Law will let me render. I will do my best to help you. Can I also expect you to do what I ask you? Believe me, if I did not know what I know and what is hidden from your eyes, I would never ask you to do the work which only you can do. Least of all I want you to feel fear. Be afraid of nothing. I was among you, I was stepping on earth and I can assure you that each of you receives during his life as many trials as you can endure. The karma created by mankind is too heavy. Great sacrifices and sufferings are demanded for the redemption of it. But God is gracious and He grants you the means to soften your karma and relieve your burden. Do not scorn these means and the opportunity granted to you.I leave you. I was happy to use this opportunity to remind you again about the work you should fulfill. I will certainly meet with each of you while reading your everyday Rosaries. I AM Mother Mary and good-bye till we meet again. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina Translator Svetlana Nekrasova 3. May my Ray of Mercy and Compassion Touch your Hear Quan Yin December 23, 2009 I AM Quan Yin. I have come to you today, as I wish to talk. My talk will touch the topic which is relevant to you. I have come to you today as a member of the Karmic Board. Today I have to inform you of something important. I am not going to prepare you long for the talk. I hope that all of you understand the responsibility of the current moment. This deplorable fact that most part of humanity is not ready to perceive the truths they have been taught by the Ascended Masters for many millions of years remains. Now those representatives of humanity are in embodiment who have been repeatedly, incarnation after incarnation, staying in the same grade in the school of life, so to speak. Those are not the best representatives of mankind. And there are those among them who are ready to follow the further evolutionary path, and there are those who, to my deep regret, are no longer able to do it. That is why, this time is the time when the sorting of souls is taking place. You may have heard about it somehow. In various religious systems and teachings this truth is presented differently, yet it is traced in all true spiritual movements. Now I am not going to turn to a variety of new movements that present their own truth. So, humanity is at the point of its development when too many of its representatives are not ready for further evolution. As the Goddess of Mercy and Compassion, I am the one of those in the chain who make the final decision regarding those souls. And every time I try to catch up some quality or manifestation of good feelings which are inherent in the soul in relation to which the final decision is to be made. And how hard it is for me when I look at the Akashic Records and cannot see anything that is healthy and ready for development within that individual who is standing in front of me in his subtle bodies. It is a very sorrowful part of my mission when I have to stop the development of this or that human individual. I am guided by the principles of Mercy and Compassion in this case, but not so much to this individual as to those individuals who are karmically connected with him and cannot develop, since they fall into the same trap, consisting of intrigues, threats and even violence and murder from incarnation to incarnation. And in order to liberate these souls from the excessive burden, I make my decision. This is the most difficult part of my work. In essence, I take responsibility for the destiny decision of human individuals. Believe me, I make the unfavorable decision for an individual, standing in front of me, only in case the whole limit of my Mercy and Compassion is exhausted, and this is incommensurable with the mercy and compassion that any best representative of mankind can imagine. It is time when the representatives of a new race are to come into embodiment. They have been waiting for the opportunity for their embodiment for a long time. And in order for them to be able to come into embodiment, proper conditions must be created on the Earth. The Earth must be cleansed from all the dead and obsolete as much as possible. Otherwise, this Golden youth of the world, the best of humanity, will not be able to exist in the conditions that have formed on the Earth now. This space congestion must be removed. And I have a feeling that I will have to make many very difficult decisions during the session of the Karmic Board. Yet all my decisions will be made in the name of God and for the benefit of evolution. I must dwell on another important thing. There are very many of the best representatives of humanity in embodiment now, who had made a voluntary sacrifice of incarnation at this difficult time. They fully realized that there is a strong probability that their mission might be unsuccessful, and they will not be able to fulfill it. I would like to appeal to you, to those of you who have a chance to read this message of mine. Thanks to the great Divine mercy we have an opportunity of transmitting these messages through our messenger. Do not think that this will always be so. This is our helping hand. This is a rope of the Divine opportunity, given to you by your brothers and sisters who have already risen to the next evolutionary stage. Each time when we seek an opportunity to transmit these messages of ours, first and foremost, we cherish a hope to tear out from the grip of the matter those who have sacrificed themselves and come into embodiment at this difficult time. Many of you need just a small energy impulse to become awakened and to ascend to that level of your consciousness which will enable you to remember about your Divine mission. I am appealing to you now. May my ray of Mercy and Compassion touch your hearts May all the obstacles, separating you from your awakening to the Higher Reality disappear! To you I am appealing first of all. And you can also appeal to me personally with your letters until the end of this year and ask for help. I assume an obligation to help you, because I cannot help responding to your call for help. And it is my duty to help you get out of a difficult karmic situation into which you have gotten because of your innocence and the lack of experience, as your hearts do not see the evil around, they see only the good. Justice will triumph, and I will not leave you, whatever happens to you in this embodiment. I promise you that. I AM Quan Yin. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina Translators: Julia Zaytseva and Ekaterina E-katerina Reznichenko Proofreader Jane Quint
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 23:57:41 +0000

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