SERMON: A DICSIPLINED CHRISTIAN LIFE BY: PASTOR E.O OYEDEJI (DCC Chairman) TEXT:I CORINTHIANS 9:16-27 INTRODUCTION: We will never get anywhere in life without discipline, be it in business, athletics, academics, civil service, politics or even in spiritual matters. As children of grace born without any spiritual advantage (Ephe. 2:8-10), so our spiritual discipline is everything. In today’s church, disciplined Christian lives are not very common. And if we are to be true disciples of Christ, we have to live a disciplined life. WHAT DISCIPLINE MEANS: A person who believes in and follows the teachings of a religious or political leaders. The word disciple has its root word from discipline. No discipline No discipleship. No discipline No maturity. No sweat No sainthood (I Corin. 9:27). THE WORD “ DISCIPLINE”: Means to control the way you behave and make yourself do things that you believe you should do (OALD). THE WAY TO LIVE A DISCIPLINED LIFE Being privilege of sonship-1 John 3:2 Being a peculiar generation- 1 Peter 2:9 To this it has been characterized as: Generation of those who seek God- Psalm 24:6 Generation of those who have obtained mercy and through it have become solution providers and barrier breakers- 2 Cor. 4:1 EXAMPLES OF A DISCIPLINED LIFE Joseph, who will not compromise godliness and perfect loyalty to God- Gen. 39:7-9 Daniel and his friends- Daniel 2:17-19; 1:6-16. CONCLUSIVELY, to live a disciplined Christian life, you must be ready to discipline yourself in the midst of godly and ungodly people- 2 Cor.6: 14-18; 1 Tim. 4:12-16. So, being disciplined is to the purpose of godliness. The life of a disciple is a life of discipline, separate yourself today and join the army of disciples that Jesus is raising in the land especially in CAC Oniyo as an assembly. 1 Timothy 4:7; 2 Cor. 4:2-5.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 09:18:17 +0000

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