SERMON FOR THE WAVERING:HOW BIG ,HOW GREAT,HOW MARVELOUS IS OUR GOD! We have no idea!We have no clue!We understand not!Nor can we fathom enough!The greatness of this GOD who is so loving! Who has held the dust in a basket or weighed the mountains on the scales.....surely nations are like a drop in a bucket,they are regarded as dust on the scales.....To who will you compare GOD?ISAIAH 40:12-18. WHEN SCIENCE IS BUFFLED BY GODS GREATNESS! Dubbed HR 5171 A, the star is located in the constellation C entaurus around 12,000 light years from Earth. It was already known to be a hypergiant, the largest class of stars, but its exact size hadnt been well studied.1700000 bigger than the earth! Now a team led by Oliver Chesneau of the Côte dAzur Observatory in Nice, France, has taken a closer look with the Very Large Telescope in Atacama, Chile. They report that it is twice as large as expected. The two stars orbit each other, forming a binary system. However, though their centres are separated by more than the distance between our sun and Saturn, HR 5171 A is so large that the two are touching, forming a continuous peanut-shaped structure. Guess this star system aint big enough for two.(The sun one of the smallest stars at 93milion miles away from earth,its almost 900,000 times bigger than the earth and the heat is just enough for us!But it is literally a bowl of fire!It is raging!It is infernor!If accidentally it moves closer we could all burn in seconds!But the MIGHTY one has placed a limit!) Reference: faith faileth,just look up!When hope fadeth,just observe nature!When gripped with fear meditate on the tangible evidence of his greatness through nature!When overcome with grief,peruse through the Bible and find comfort!His greatness is on display!His evidence:On show.His proof:Glaring!We have it around us.David meditated and said:When I consider your heavens,the work of your fingers,the moon,the stars,which you have set in place,what is man that you are mindful of him?Job says:What is man that you make so much of him,that you give him so much attention?JOB 7:17.When Abraham doubted God,the L0RD challenged him to come out at night and look up!To count stars---IF HE COULD!0h!yes even today God is challenging us,to LOOK up when hope faileth!To look up when faith runs dry!He is great!Marvelous!A terrible God to his enemies!He is powerful!He is majestic!When Elijah was despondent,when he was he was overcome with faithlessness,The LORD,the great IAM,YHWH put him on a secured mountain cleft(HIS HAND).The terrible wind blew and tore the mountains apart,shattered the rocks ....but the Bible says God was not in these terrible forces.(Kings 19:11-13)He came in a still small voice!Yes!GOD does not want us to worship him out of fear but out of love!The HOLY SPIRIT speaks in a small soft voice everyday!His chosen medium is through persuasion!It is through entreatment!Through pleading!Through reasoning!Through negotiation!What a God, saints!What a father, fellow saints!What affection from heaven!But no!We complain!No ,we mourn!no,we are faithless!No, we are preoccupied with mediocrity and all sorts of nonsensicals!We are engrossed in the passing ,worldly pleasures!We seek help from sangomas,from magicians,from psychologists,doctors,friends,relatives and yet,and yet we pass by the THE GREAT physician!The awesome father.A Dad that spoils us with immeasurable adoration!Why?Why?Why do you say o jacob and complain o israel,my way is hidden from the Lord;my cause is disregarded by my God?Do you not know?,have you not heard?The Lord is the everlasting God?Isaiah 40:27-28.The sabbath is still days away,but we must praise him everyday!Hyms sang only on this holy convocation,must be sang today in our hearts!Study of the word at church?It must be done even today!FEAR not!Be still!If trust is far.If caurage is none existent!If faith faileth!If hope is not there!We ask:HOW GREAT IS YOUR GOD?
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 05:47:29 +0000

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