SERVANTHOOD - Slavitude: Apostle Stephen Good morning family - TopicsExpress


SERVANTHOOD - Slavitude: Apostle Stephen Good morning family today I continue on Servanthood and hope to wrap up the topic next week be blessed. 6)TRUE SERVANTS MAINTAIN A LOW LIFE. True servants are not driven by the need to be seen but are humble working for the glory of their master. They dont promote or call attention to themselves instead of acting to impress or dressing for success, they put on the apron of humility to serve one another. The bible says in 1 Peter 5:5, God resists the proud but gives more grace to the humble. If somebody with a heart of a servant is recognised for their service, they humbly accept it but dont allow notoriety to distract them for their work. If we show off in doing good God says we will not receive a reward from our Father in heaven because we are working to be seen by men and not for God. Self promotion and servanthood dont mix. Paul says in Galatians 1:10, If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ. Real servants avoid limelight and fame but they work towards lifting up the name of Jesus Christ. True servants are content with quietly serving in the shadow. They are ok with working behind the scenes. You see the most vital organs of our bodies like our hearts, lungs and kidneys we dont see them but without them we die. But our faces that shine and are seen by the public are not so important because is we remove your eyes and cut off your lips you can still survive but the same can not be said with our hearts. So there are people in church who are not visible, who we dont see in front all the time but their being around is very crucial. Without them the chairs will be dusty, the toilets would be dirt and without their prayers ministries will not stand. Just seeing these people around encourages us and strengthens us. Dont start as a servant and end a celebrity. Celebrities are for the world not for the kingdom of God. Kingdom celebrities are people who serve others. Never let fame get in your head, dont lose focus that its not about us but about Jesus. Jesus at the centre of it all. Jesus usually escaped from the crowds to spend time with His disciples or to be alone because He knew that being always in the limelight blinds you. It shifts your purpose and gets you addicted to attention. 7) TRUE SERVANTS SUBMIT TO AUTHORITY Prideful, arrogant and stubborn people can never be servants, their service is always with a hidden agenda. Either they want to expose the leader or to topple him. They may physically bow down to a pastor but their spirit is standing up. People who are not submissive are always rebellious and fault finding. A house where the wife is not submissive there is always fighting. Also in 1 Peter 5:5 the Bible admonishes that younger people be submissive to elders and that all of us submit to one another and be clothed with humility. You see also that you can not submit to authority if you are not a humble person. And when Peter is saying submit to elders he is referring to people who are now mature in Christ so even if your pastor is younger than you, submit, even if he is not richer than you submit, even if he is not educated than you submit because in the kingdom of God your qualifications dont work but the anointing of God. The Bible says in Proverbs 16:5, Everyone proud in heart is an abomination to the Lord. Though they join forces, none will go unpunished. If you are proud, to God you are disgusting. A true servant should be a person who is approachable no matter your status. Be sociable, teachable, dependable, reliable, respectable and available. Humility is not a weakness, rather it is a strength in submission. It takes maturity to submit. Child of God no matter where you are serving in church stay there, God has put you there for a purpose and He sees everything. Stay right where you are because your clouds are gathering rain and when the clouds are full of rain, they empty themselves upon the earth. In due time we will hear the roaring of a lion and see the soaring of an eagle. Everything you do in the house of God, you do not labour in vain. God is watching not from a distance but right there with you. Do not be discouraged you are next in line for a miracle and God is preparing you for another level and when you get to that level what was your roof becomes your floor and dont forget to start learning about your new environment, your next level. (To be continued)
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 03:41:12 +0000

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