SERVE PEOPLE WHO GENUINELY NEED HELP AMONGST YOU. MATTHEW 25:31-46 ........................v37 Then the people who had done what is right will answer him. “*Lord, when did we give food to you because you were hungry? When did we give you something to drink because you were *thirsty? v38 When did we see you as a stranger and invite you in? When did we give you clothes because you needed them? v39 When did we visit you because you were ill or in prison?” v40 The King will reply to them. “I tell you the truth”, he will say. “You did it for these least important people who belong to me. Therefore, you also did it for me.”..................v45 He will reply to them. “I tell you the truth”, he will say. “You did not do it for any of these least important people who belong to me. Therefore, you did not do it for me.” The first verses of our text give us the state in Israel. Sheep and goats mixed together. They looked very similar. The man who looked after them sometimes needed to separate them. And the following vs 34-40 The ‘Son of Man’ is the King. So Jesus Christ is the King. At the end of time, Jesus Christ will be the judge. He knows the way that people have behaved here on earth. Some people may not seem very important. But everyone should be willing to help such people, even in small ways. If you want to help the King himself, then you should help poor people. Some people had acted in the right way. They did not realize that they were helping the King. And another group of vs 40 and 45 ‘These least important people that belong to me’. Jesus Christ was probably referring to the people who were present. In vs 41-45 we see that the people by his left side were astonished when the king blamed them. They had not noticed the people who needed help. So they had failed to help the king himself. And our last v46 refers to the future age. So ‘punishment that will never end’ means that people cannot share that life with God. The ‘fire that burns for ever’ (verse 41) probably refers to Gehenna. I see the story increasing the Christians’ sense of responsibility. They should serve people who genuinely need help. But it also shows that it is good to serve other people. But I am not meaning that a person’s good works will save them. God saves a person who believes him. Because of his great kindness, he saves people who trust him. We cannot earn a place in heaven by what we do. But we must show that we really believe him by what the Holy Spirit enables us to do. If we love people, then we are obeying God (James 2:14-26). Have a blessed Sunday you all people of GOD. AMEN
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 04:07:21 +0000

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