SERVING AND STANDING FOR THE LORD IN A FAR AWAY COUNTRY: Gen.39:23-28, 36. Gen.39:1-2. In this special programme we are going to look at the life of Joseph because we have a lot to learn from his life. First God gave him a vision and a promise that He will make him great person. But his brethren hated and were against him and against the dream. They fought against him and wanted to kill him and to hinder the dream from coming true but were not able. They later sold him into slavery thinking with that they will stop the dream but God used every situation to lead him to the fulfillment of the dream. Whatever the enemy may do they will not succeed to cancel God’s plan for your life. Jeremiah.29:11-13. As God has great plan for Joseph so God has great plans for you and no enemy will hinder that plan of God for your life. Isaiah.49:13-16; Isaiah.43:1-2; Rom.8:31. There is nothing to fear or to worry about the Lord is with us and victory is sure. One thing that really helped Joseph is his commitment to serving and standing for the Lord even in far away country. Whether you are in your country or other country it is important to make a commitment to serve and stand for the Lord without compromise. PARTNERSHIP WITH THE LORD IN A FAR AWAY COUNTRY: Gen.39:1-6, 21. Daniel.1:8. Daniel3:13-18. The Lord was in partnership with Joseph, Daniel and his friends though they found themselves in far away countries but they stood for the Lord and served him sincerely and they were successful in life. No enemy could overcome them. Everywhere they went they got victory and success. As you come into partnership with the Lord today the same experience will be yours. How can someone come into partnership with God? All you need to do is to take the following steps. (1) Repent of your sins. Pro.28:13. James.4:7-8. (2) Receive Christ into your heart by faith as your Lord and Saviour. John.1:12. (3) Be a real child of God. Job.22:21-27. (4) Remove all the properties of Satan in your possession. Acts.19:18-19. (5) Continue in fellowship with true children of God. Hebrews.10:23-25. (6) Read and obey the word of God. John.8:30-32. (7) Set your affections on the things of heaven. Col.3:1-3. PERSISTENT TEMPTATION IN A FAR AWAY COUNTRY: Gen.39:1-12, 20-23. Daniel.1:8. Daniel.3:1-18. Daniel.6:2-10. There are different types of temptations that come to children of God in this world and also there are peculiar temptations that come to the people far away from home. (1) Gen.39:5-6. These temptations include the temptation to become dishonest and make ungodly gain. (2) Gen.39:7-12. Daniel.1:8. Also another temptation is the temptation to defile yourself and get involve in dubious behavior. (3) Gen.39:13-20. Daniel.6:1-5; the temptation to fight and quarrel. (4) Gen.39:21-23. the temptation to become unfaithful, resentful and bitter. (5) Gen.40:5-12. Daniel.6:20-25. the temptation to become reserved, self pity and selfish. (6) Gen.40:13-14, 23. the temptation to regret helping people and to have unforgiving spirit. (7) Gen.41:38-41. the temptation to revenge and punish all your enemies. But thank God for Joseph he overcame in all the temptations and the Lord was with him all through and the same grace of God that helped him to overcome will help us we will overcome too and the Lord will be with us. PROMOTION AND PROTECTION IN A FAR AWAY COUNTRY: Gen.41:38-41. Ps.75:6-7. Daniel.3:25-30. Daniel.6:1-23, 28. The Lord was with Joseph, Daniel and his friends and protected them all through and because the Lord was with them they received promotion from the Lord. The Lord will be with you; He will prosper, promote and protect you in all your ways. Make up your mind to serve the Lord and stand for righteousness in whatever country you find yourself. Avoid the attitude of when in Rome do as Romans no when in Rome do the right thing.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 10:38:50 +0000

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