SERVING GOD OR WORKING FOR YOUR POCKET?: Yes I know someone - TopicsExpress


SERVING GOD OR WORKING FOR YOUR POCKET?: Yes I know someone will say that I have started again talking about men of God, then my usual question will be Who is Man of Satan? But If your among those with honorable priest title like Pastor, Apostle, Prophets, Evangelist,Prophetess etc, Then this question is for you. Im I serving God or working for my pocket? The answer you get will be self-explanatory. Everyone that goes with the name Servant Of God need to meditate about this subject and should take the subject personal. From all indication, Time have gone when Servant Of God strives in hunger, preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ under rain and sun, talking about repentance, rapture and alerting sinners of the coming of Jesus christ as the Bible made christians believer to understand that there will be second coming of Jesus Christ. You will agree with me that, Evangelist of then used to go from house to house, hospital to prisons, preaching the gospel of jesus christ without having a church and with no intention of establishing any church. They preach the gospel and return back to the church were they worship and they were born and baptized in. Today, strive for self-satisfaction has change the way many servants of God work. As a servant of God, who are you giving account to, as a religion leader? 95% of Evangelist these days own one church or planning to open one. Too many competition in Christendom. Our streets is full of churches but still too many crime and atrocities every where. One question that kept on running through my mind is this Why is everyone opening church? Can we say is the fastest means to make money? Why this competition? Why is there narrower sense in which Christendom operates now? Why dont you join hand to make the existing ancient church providence, were the primary objective Is to achieve vision, foreseeing care and guidance of God and nature over the creatures of the earth? When you go to places like france etc, you will see ancient church in 50 kilometers and see another at a distance of 150 kilometer. Does it mean they dont serve God or dont worship God? I was thinking that the rate of Churches will help to reduce crimes, but the reverse is the case, more churches more crime. Infact there are much more crime in our churches than from any other organisation. Why will servant of God live with the mentality of growing more than next neighboring church, springing up with the Miracle and Crowd Pulling Mentality? I dont think George Foreman when he prophesied his agenda was wrong in saying Im working for the Lord, and even though the Lords pay is not very high, his retirement program is what a way of life? How many of us today called servants of God have this mindset? Yes I knew what some of us that have sold their brain is saying Judge Not and Ye Shall Not Be Judged Then why is there a Court System with Judges To JUDGE is to SEE And EVALUATE... When someone tells You NOT To JUDGE...They are telling You NOT to SEE Nor THINK about That which You SEE. To BLIND YOUR SELF... YOU Are GOD...God made me in his image, well I dont know of you, but a monkey cannot give bath to a dog. Not possible. I embrace Curtis Davis believe that. WE Are SUPPOSE To JUDGE ... I cant remember the last time someone approach me on the road with a church flyer with the theme about repentance or awareness of jesus. All we got now days is one prosperity program or another or fighting against satan which is ourselves. I thank God for Jehovahs Witnesses Church, which is a millenarian restorationist Christian denomination with nontrinitarian beliefs distinct from mainstream Christianity, that is still going around preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. Let us do the work of God to receive Gods pay not self-Pay.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 11:22:21 +0000

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