SET TO ENFORCE THE LAW ENFORCE THE LAW IN ORDER TO SAVE THE NATION-WHAT MAKES HOME OFFICE OFFICIAL (*****SPOILER ALERT*****: THOSE WHO ARE INTO THE WORSHIP OF LEADERSHIP (OR THEIR PERSONALITY) PLEASE DO NOT READ THIS POST BECAUSE THE TRUTH OF IT MAY STRIKE YOU AS OFFENSIVE.) Islam Trust Family, I recently got a call from a Moor who had touched down in Mecca and he had questions about handling some business and filing some documents in the Cook county Recorders office. My response to him was why didnt he contact his leadership for the information that he was seeking as this was proper protocol. His reply was that his leadership doesnt get into certain business (business he should know of if he is holding a National Grand Sheik post logic would dictate) pertaining to the Temple as a Trust, etc. So my next question to him was -Then why is he your leader? Like many other members this Brother is in denial about hs leadership (many of whom are good Moors but are ignorant of key essential elements required for Moorish Leadership. There is a part in the Malcolm X movie (One of my all time favorites) when Brother Malcolm was approached by a young, excited brother who was so moved by Malcolms influence that he wanted to join the Nation of Islam right on the spot. Then Malcolm asked the young brother-how much do you know about the NOI? Explaining further to the young brother that he should diligently research any organization before joining which is sound advice to anyone seeking the truth. I have been called everything from con man and crazy because I diligently follow the dictates of my soul educating my people about the Moorish Science Temple of America as a Trust. Clearing up the confusion logically will cause a backlash because the truth has the tendency to stir up the pot so to speak because as our lessons teach us standing up for the truth or what is true makes you an automatic foe of that which is false or falsehood. Which reminds me of a recent situation on a Moorish FB page with almost a thousand members advertising King Noble who promotes black supremacy which is diametrically opposed to nationality. So I put up a post to point out the error and only after about 50 or so post did it become clear that I was correct all along but not before 4 or 5 Moors (inclusive of one brother who stated that he was on of the administrators of the page) came on my post lecturing ne (one even shared my post referring to ME as a fool, smh) about the Prophet (basically preaching to the Temple) totally oblivious to what I was pointing out because they were perhaps still feeling the sting from a prior post that I put up. Although the Brother who was the Administrator did humbly (and in noble fashion) apologize to his credit which is a bright spot and part of what helps me to have hope in us as a people. While many of us are ranting about such frivolity (pertaining to grand body or temple banging) that it makes those who are still among us as angels unaware question the sanity of anyone wearing a turban or fez. They sit back and wonder to themselves how can we debate one another (oftentimes with many of us exhibiting the characteristics of mental slavery despite having an EL or Bey on our names) even though we all say Allah is God and Drew Ali is his Prophet. We debate nonsense daily feed ourselves with wind while the bread of our trust is gobbled up by all of the other nations-for shame! Sure other nations have extremities along the lines of conservative to liberal and debate each other until the cows come home but the Moors have a uniquely undebatable dilemma in the fact that our economic livelihood depends on us following the Prophet Instructions to have access to the Trust that he was guided by the Great God Allah to set up for us. Yes, The Prophet set up a trust and this is a fact that can be proven beyond doubt or contradiction. We as Moors were never intended to interact within the current 14th Amendment chattel property (negro, black, colored, African American, etc) which is the status quo in the current society that we dwell in. Keeping it real there has been an attempt by the foes of Allah and his Prophet to invalidate and even criminalize lawful business conducted by Moors pertaining to law, real estate, and the media. Add in a few Manchurian style COINTELPRO Moorish leaders who wouldnt understand civics to save their own lives creating a logjam much like a clogged pipe stopping up progress. The law represents the remedy. Imagine that each nation is a chess team so each nation is going to ensure that they are strong enough to compete on the world stage (global economy). So the teams are composed of the various governments (Ours being the Grand Body) who are seeking peace (the end game). A grandmaster in the game of chess can see several moves ahead with the Prophet (Our very own Grandmaster) setting several traps that have lie dormant over the years. You can see the chess move on the picture on the 101s with the Prophet holding the queen up which mirrors our Authority so why are there so many different versions of said Authority being circulated WITHOUT the Prophets signature? Who is it that stands to gain from this gross negligence and disrespect of the Prophet and his Temple? What ones need to truly realize is that if you are in fact knowingly and willingly partaking in fraud by circulating or accepting anything other than what the Prophet signature is on and this is where the true source of division comes from. Recognizing the Authority of our Prophet takes all of the grand body banging and division out of the equation bringing us to a situation where we can continue to build and add to the foundation by amending ourselves to the Prophets Trust. None of the loud professor can explain this one away as the use of a fraudulent document removes all of the naysayers from the rules and usages of such MOORISH SCIENCE TEMPLE OF AMERICA. When confronted with the truth it was determined by a corrupted leadership to carry on with business as usual (no jobs, homes, land, or economic opportunities for the members) continuing to hold themselves out as officials authorized to collect your dues and assessments (like some fraternity or club) with nothing to show for it save a few traditional Moorish holidays. When confronted about why we were not getting land even just from the perspective of the Religious Corporation Act (found by reference on our Authority via Illinois Smith Hurds Revised Statutes) deer in the headlight expressions were the response. Please realize that everyone that wears a turban and fez and says Islam and Peace is not necessarily aligned with Allah or his Prophet. To those whose hearts have been turned to stone having eyes to see (The Prophets Authority being usurped via fraud) but cannot see, ears to hear (the truth being spoken by those of a pure heart) but cannot hear. The real reason for hiding the signed Authority document was to hide any evidence of the existence of the Trust. On the original affidavit the word Trustees and replaced with the word SHEIKS. With regards to leadership only their actions (what they are circulating) will reveal the truth of their intentions every time so dont take Bro. Love ELs word for it! Your Royal and Humble Servant, Sheik Love EL
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 02:33:12 +0000

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