SETTING GOALS AND KEYS TO ACHIEVING THEM ALL (part 1) BY: IRIAEVHO PRECIOUS One of the greatest problem most of us are facing today is that of setting goals and achieving them all. We all want to get a lot of activities done, we want to achieve all, we basically want to get the best of all we set our mind and hands on, but in the end, nothing is ever done, none achieved and we are left with this shade of disappointment and utter confusion as to why nothing ever works out for us. But on careful observation, we can get the answers to this critical question that has arisen. Good news friend, you don’t have to hit your head on the wall no more, you are not a FAILURE! And contrary to what you might think, the problem is that you are yet to get the proper combination of all your available resources to get the best of all you set your hands on, so nothing good seems to come out of all your endeavors. Well take a glass of water and relax, while I take you on a trip, no tickets just board the vehicle, its FREE! Consider the following factors, which you and I very well know, in short this article is somewhat of a remembrance to those who forgot, and an epistle to those who never knew, that all you need to succeed is within grasp. Come with me … SPECIFICITY Most of us set goals like spawning frogs, we set our mind on so many things that in the end there is nothing to pick out from, and ultimately we get frustrated and give up on the entire goals. Not been specific can be likened to a marksman trying to shoot at a moving targets, while he can actually hit some targets, you will agree with me that he will do better if he was to be firing at a mounted, stationary and non-moving target. Reason with me, don’t you think there is reason why it is better to kill a bird with a stone than two birds with a stone? You have to be specific, put all your goals in your own level of preference, synonymy and attack from the root. A known fact to recall is that trying to be good at everything, will actually make you good at nothing. Choose to accomplish goals that have realistic factors first, and after you are soaked up in experience, you can then try to conquer more SET A TIME FRAME Time is the most expensive factor in life that we get ironically free on earth. So free that a lot of us do not have a better use of it no more. Now we spend it careless and aimlessly all because we think that it comes with no hidden charges. (WELL, IT DOES). Critical decisions can be made in just minutes, tables turn just in hours. In 24 hours, you can actually do and undo. So why not just stop saying… I WILL DO THIS… and instead put in a time factor and start to say I WILL DO THIS BY … (I hope you get my drift). Set a limit to all you productive acts, you have not got all the time on earth contrary to what you might believe in. Do this to every activity that you engage in and you will notice a significant change in your end result. Procrastination is the thief of time, and my friend, when you do not work with a time frame, you become an accomplice even to your own downfall and setback. CONSISTENCY Consistency is the reason why a blunt cutlass can be used to fell a tree with high girth size, the key is to keep cutting at the same spot (you feel me right?). When you start up anything new, you are just another fella, struggling and trying to make a mark in niche or sector that has been saturated by thousands of people who are doing something similar to that which you have been dreaming about. They have been working, you are just starting out. They are where the stand today because they kept on pushing, so you too pick up that trait and be consistent. You have got to keep working, just don’t stop. With time you will get the right formula, continue with its application. Depressingly, it will take time but if you are consistent in that which you do, you will be known, till you become a force to reckon with. BE DRIVEN BY PASSION Please do not embark on any project just because you want to make gains. (Okay, we all want to make gains, even me!). Thinking about money and all at first will make you defenseless to failure and criticism, and any setback at all, you will give up and implode, and in the long-run, you will pollute your purpose. But seriously, have you been in a position where doing something makes you so happy that you do not think of gains, all you are concerned about is the joy it brings you. That’s passion brother. You know the upside, you will succeed. Somehow now, am forced to start thinking about the well-to-do in the world today and now you will understand what it is to do that which you love doing best. Cut it … am not going to call names, well, you can list them yourself, but do not forget to add your name on that list too, and do that which makes you happy. (READ, my article on self-discovery, I just hopes it helps you discover what brings your joy click the link theyouinitiative/establishing-roots-wherever-you-find-yourself/ STAY TUNED IN FOR THE SEQUEL ... “ACHIEVEMENT IS NOT A MEASURE OF ALL THE GOALS YOU SET, IT IS I THE NUMBER OF THOSE YOU HAVE ACCOMPLISHED’ – PRECIOUS IRIAEVHO PRECIOUS IRIAEVHO YOU INITIATIVE theyouinitiative/
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 17:41:08 +0000

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