SETTING THE RECORDS STRAIGHT ABOUT THE PERSONALITY OF ABDUL-MUMIN ABDUL-KARIM (LORD KANDI) #ToWhomItMayConcern Abdul-Mumin Abdul-Karim was a very close friend during our days in Ghanasco. He was affectionately called Lord Kandi (hereafter will be referred to as such). He was the Dakpemah House Prefect (Democratically elected) and a student in the Science class. During our stay in school sometime in the final year, the Tourism Club of Ghanasco was invited for a programme in another school (cannot readily remember the name of the school). He, Lord Kandi as a member of the club and was the representative, delivered a speech which was so powerful that after the event, he was approached with some friendship requests from some ladies (usual of great people). On one Saturday on campus (Ghanasco), there was a usual school programme (Variety show). It was a night of music dedication to loved ones on campus. So it was on this programme that it was announced that some ladies were on campus and seeking to meet Lord Kandi (Dakpemah House Prefect). Yes he was a very popular person not only on campus but the Kukuo community nearby (where the school is located). As at then, he was at his cubicle in the house. So his attention was drawn by his colleagues to come and meet the said ladies. He initially wanted to turn down the idea of receiving the visitors but his colleagues did not buy it. In his wisdom he requested that the colleagues be present as he entertains his visitors. These colleagues of his were also prefects. Sulemana M. Najimudeen was the Agric Prefect as at then, Mustapha Abdul-Latif was also a house prefect for Cabral. They all marched to the Sports field to sit under the pavilion (Not cubicle). There they met Simon, the then Assistant House Prefect for Purser house, training. Few minutes later, the ladies felt uncomfortable so Najimudeen realised that so he asked that they (he with Latif) excuse Lord Kandi for a while. Shortly after they left, I repeat shortly after they left, the GMSA president and Imam of the school who also doubled as the School Prefect (Imam Abubakar) came to the pavilion to meet Kandi with his visitors (little did Kandi know that information was circulating round campus that He was having an intimate affair with a lady in his cubicle (meanwhile he was at the field)). So the Imam registered his displeasure about what he saw and left. As soon as the Imam left, Lord Kandi asked the ladies to leave because he had fallen into trouble. So they left. An emergency meeting was held at the Mosque and Kandi was relieved of his position as a GMSA executive (it must however be noted that the decision was not agreed by the full house. Some thought it was a hasty decision and should have been investigated). The issue was forwarded to the administration. And let me make this clear here as well. Lord Kandi was not deposed as the Dakpemah House Prefect. He was asked not to wear his Blue Shirt (Blue Shirt was a uniform for school prefects) for investigations to be carried out. It can still be confirmed in the books of the school whether he was relieved off his post or not. Of course you should expect that in every institution because it’s an allegation leveled against a leader. It will be worthy to note that the then Headmaster M. S. Shani (known as Mani Shani) met Kandi in private and told him he trusts that he did not do it but he should just allow the investigations to be carried out. So things to Note here; 1. Kandi completed Ghanasco (2004) as the Dakpemah house prefect (one can easily check that out even today) 2. Kandi was deposed as an executive member of GMSA based on the fact that he entertained visitors at an odd hour (which he himself admitted) BUT NOT on the basis that he had intimate affairs with them. Though some GMSA executive members were not in support of the decision but it was a measure to discourage others from entertaining visitors at odd hours. 3. Kandi did not receive the said visitors in his cubicle. He entertained them at the Football field under the pavilion. 4. As at the time the two colleagues left Kandi with the ladies at the field, Simon (then Assistant Purser House Prefect) was training in the field. So it is not true that there was nobody there. 5. Kandi did not have any intimate affair with the said ladies at the field. 6. Kandi did not RAPE anybody in Ghanasco. Now to his University days and his stay in Upper East region. Lord Kandi won three elections at the University for Development Studies, Navrongo Campus and as well in the Upper East region. He started with thefollowing; 1. TEIN PROPAGANDA SECRETARY FROM 2005 – 2006 2. TEIN PROPAGANDA SECRETARY FROM 2006 – 2007 3. TEIN PRESIDENT 2007 – 2008 (THE CAMPAIGN SEASON which he still holds the record of organising the entire UDS-Navrongo campus to meet Prof. Mills at a short notice - Can also be checked to confirm) He was also the VICE CHAIRMAN OF THE ELECTORAL COMMISSION of the Savanna Hall. And also AUDIT COMMITTEE Member for the Savanna Hall of the University. 4. Upper East Regional Deputy Youth Organiser for NDC (winning with 83.5% of the total votes) It must however be noted that throughout his political life in the university, all these concerns of his morality to be a leader was being mentioned but a lady was able to answer the critics. This was when he was seeking to be elected to be the President of TEIN-Navrongo. She said (am paraphrasing) that the candidate should be judged on his performance and not his private life. Let me also emphasise that if not for his credibility and results oriented ability, he would not have been able to win with 83.5% of total votes to be a Deputy Youth Organiser in the Upper East region where everybody knows he does not hail from there. He would not have also been given the chance to hold positions at the University if he was not a results oriented person. Fine! Granted that he did what people accused him of doing, what has it got to do with the position he is seeking? Am sure the delegates and his party only care about how he can gunner more youth to vote for his party to victory because that is what matter to him and his party. So let’s forget all this “gutter” politics and focus on issue based politics. Well I would not have written this but for the fact that he was and still is a close friend, I deem it fit to set the records straight. Good Morning Insert: Lord Kandi with some of the Big shots during his Islamic Wedding in Tamale - Hon. Mark Woyongo, Moses B. Mabingba, Chairman Sofo Azorka
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 10:54:21 +0000

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