SETTING UP FOR A SUCCESSFUL AUTUMN SALE Even as the leaves begin - TopicsExpress


SETTING UP FOR A SUCCESSFUL AUTUMN SALE Even as the leaves begin to fall, there is no reason not to put your house on the market this autumn, according to First National Real Estate. Traditionally, spring and summer were seen as the peak seasons for real estate activity First National Real Estate. However the strong momentum seen throughout spring and summer is anticipated to continue well into autumn, if not right through winter this year. Strong market conditions don’t mean that attention to presentation is any less important when selling in autumn though. If you’re planning to sell this autumn, the key is taking some extra measures to make your house stand out above others on the market, taking into account how cooler weather conditions and the changes in your garden will impact the way your home is viewed. These should include: • Curb appeal. Rotting leaves strewn around the front garden and the entrance to the home can decrease its visual appeal during the all-important first impression. Keep your garden and paths swept and tidy, the garden beds well mulched, and add a splash of potted colour from your local nursery. Stay on top of weeds and keep any lawn area mown and edged. • Let the light in. Schedule inspections for when your home captures the most sun. A dark house is a turn-off at any time of year and in autumn can make a home seem colder and unwelcoming. Let as much natural light in as possible, turn on lights during the day and have plenty of accent lights and lamps. • Atmosphere. Most people keep doors and windows closed during the cooler months, but it’s important to keep a house that is on the market well aired. Fresh, brightly coloured flowers always increase appeal and room scents such as vanilla can really make people feel at home. • Celebrate autumn. A large bowl of fresh autumn fruit can both celebrate the season and add colour to the kitchen and dining areas. • Heating. If you have a working fireplace or a gas fire, they will seem very attractive to a potential buyer on a cool autumn day. If you do strike a cold, damp day during your sale, have them turned on or at least have some logs ready in a clean fireplace. You want potential buyers to have a thorough look at the home and feel comfortable. They won’t do this unless it’s warm and inviting. First National Real Estate acknowledges that some people worry about selling in autumn in case they have difficulty finding a replacement home in winter. While there was a marginal decrease in the number of homes for sale nationally in February, low interest rates are keeping the market active and we anticipate a good supply of housing stock as we head into winter.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 01:34:17 +0000

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