SEVEN ABOMINATIONS AND ERRORS OF THIS PRESENT CHURCH The following abominations starred us to our faces as Christians in this age, generation and time! We may explain them up and off but that doesnt change our situation and appalling state as a church! This present church of ours is presently guilty of the following present abominations and severe errors under the sun and under our noses. We are all guilty because the offence of one is the offence of all unless the heavens show mercy and send a devouring and sweep outburst of revival . I write not as one who have attended but as a burdened brother who has been grossly affected just as any one of us should be and not be silent. The expected revival is only a genuine one if only if it is able to uproot and redirect this errors and deal with these abominations squarely! 1. THE ABOMINATION OF HERO AND SHERO WORSHIP! Correct statistical analysis and mere examinations and cross examinations would show a high and unparalleled hero worship in our age and time! Men of God have suddenly become larger than life arrogating to themselves more spiritual authority than the bible has ever conferred on them! Some are honoured and revered more than the lord Jesus inside his own church!! On large billed boards, posters and handbills we see their pictures as demigods with their supported and accomplice in this crime, their SHERO Mamas ...who ought to have corrected and trim their excesses but themselves took up titles like mothers in Israel but leaving in Nigeria and elsewhere! Big names, big pictures, big and fat pot bellied on the same board as men of God fast becoming God of men but Jesus name in the same board but in italics and last line!!! In some and most places where the divine line is not drawn and the simplicity of the life of Christ not followed, we see these men receiving worship and even more than worship from members who are not taught the truth and themselves as guilty as their object of worship their heroes and sheroes!!! See what genuine servants do when attempted to be worship.. Revelation 19:10 AMP Then I fell prostrate at his feet to worship (to pay divine honors) to him, but he [restrained me] and said, Refrain! [You must not do that!] I am [only] another servant with you and your brethren who have [accepted and hold] the testimony borne by Jesus. Worship God! For the substance (essence) of the truth revealed by Jesus is the spirit of all prophecy [the vital breath, the inspiration of all inspired preaching and interpretation of the divine will and purpose, including both mine and yours]. Mercy on us lord Jesus!!! 2. ABOMINATION OF ANOTHER GOSPEL There is another gospel on our TV and radios. Another brand of gospel is in the air just as another demonic gospel music rules the airwaves today! This another gospel exalt not the Lord Christ and offend no man and hurts no feelings! Hear Paul solemn warning of another gospel and another Jesus Galatians 1:6-9 KJV I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed. And permit me to ask you your brand of gospel. What do you preach? What is your emphasis in your face book page and when you handle the mic? What are you living for and singing for when you sang? What do you dress and showcase in your dressing as a child of God? Do you know your lifestyle is a message and yourself a gospel brand? It is no LONGER you that live but Christ in you? What is your gospel? Do you Comfort sinners and polish the devil in the centre of the church? This is another gospel! It marries the church and the world together! Herods and Herodians now sit on her pulpit! Politicians and poli-tricians are comfortable to use her microphone! The real bible gospel draw a sharp line thick enough to warn Herods for collecting his brother Philips wife outside Johns synagogue but ours bless and fellowship with these Sons of Belial! This new age gospel break biblical principles of marriage and feel safe and secured! Is another gospel recently and indecently introduced to maintain people in their evil and wrong doing..once they pay heavy tithes and support the ministry is just okay! Repentance from sin and dead works is old school...dress as you like and show Some flesh is pampered and prosperous! We seems bewitched! We emphasised miracles and the miraculous in place of character and godliness! And many people will see nothing and absolutely nothing wrong with not teaching people about the key doctrines of the bible! An average christian today is very poor in the knowledge of both his God and his holy bible. They feed from complete sport but dont care to complete their bible cover to cover! Error!!! 3. THE ERROR OF QUICK SUCCESS AND FASTEST GROWING WORK Success; break through and break away are all we hear today! The keys to divine things are not taught to get Gods provisions so we have been taught to breakThrough as armed robbers and sure we breakthrough to marry, buy cars and own things and yet share big and fat testimonies in the holy place!!! Prosperity, propensity, progress, power , properties and prosperity are the latest arrays of ps. Largest sitting capacity church and large attendance are celebrated as if Satan fears power less crowds! We shout and scream,lowered the standard to attract large number rather than preparing quality people both for living and heaven! The tree of Jonah in Jonah chapter 4 got planted same day and grew and produced leaves and fruits that same day....this is the fastest success and growth I ever seen but it died that same day! All growth therefore are not good growth just in case you need to be reminded that cancer is a growth a fast one in that matter. It is not how far but how well in the race to heaven .The book require us to run with Patience. 4. THE ABOMINATION OF MAMMON, FAME AND THE WEALTH The quest for wealth is the bane of our errors and series of abominations. A brother in choir today that wax an album brethren appreciate is already out of that church ...he is now mega and bigger nigger just because that is what he too saw on ground. our big shops and bishops and senior pastors taught us that greed is better.. Where do you DWELL Lekki or VI? What is your bank DEPOSIT? And what do you DRIVE are the 3Ds of our pursuit today!! Saul was driving a horse to Damascus but when Jesus Knocked him down and started driving and riding on him we never read of what Paul drove again! A young man hungry and passionate for God and his power today is simple and easy going...very approachable and touchable but he turns a hotcake and very corky at the arrival of the oil of grace. He becomes larger than all the brethren who must fill form and queue if at all he is available!!! He appears invisible and invincible! God is not opposed to wealth...he made them for us but we must be mature spiritually to handle wealth Gods for example is used to make the streets of heaven our home just to walk on but down here is up on our neck, head and ... Going to heaven I believe is first learning to start walking on gold and wealth by putting them under our feet here! Where is wealth in your life dear saint? 5. THE ABOMINATION OF ANOTHER JESUS It is very obvious from the foregoing that another Jesus has emanated on our pulpits so different from the Jesus we read from the pages of holy bible! Preachers with sealed consciences have invented a new Jesus ...another Jesus..this their Jesus has no standards and offend no one. Tolerate every excesses and rebuke no peter! He does not use coboko and turn the tables of the money changers out of the temple! This new and other Jesus is cold and calm and calculated! This Jesus even collects a high fie He understands your sin and one can sin once is in a man is perfect Jesus. Come to him as you are and stay as you are is the new age movement Jesus.. Jesus finished it all and you dont need to strive to attain perfection. No man is perfect . No man can live above sin and live sin free and Jesus was tempted just as we are and so he wont judge any man again. This must be a new Jesus colored for members to remain in their sins. Another gospel has actually knowingly or unknowingly brought in another Jesus! Which Jesus do you serve: this same Jesus or another Jesus? 6. ERROR OF ANOTHER HEAVEN or no HEAVEN AT ALL This is most hard and sad to know and to note! Our churches stop preaching about heaven and the second coming of Christ long time ago! This earth and the world is fast becoming our home! Yet preaching and teachings ...conferences and retreats are on going what are they teaching us? You can be in a church for one full year of 52 sundays and you will not hear about heaven! Heaven has been deleted from many pastors bible because it is not their expected home ...dont follow them . read yours and find out about your everlasting abode for eternity! A preacher that doesnt constantly preach about heaven is lost himself! He has no hope for another home beyond the sky. Many on the pulpit are thus unfortunately! These are the oil sellers that sold oil to the foolish virgins but the sellers themselves were never interested in using the oil to make heaven. The money from the oil was their greatest consolation price for heaven? Are you such a child of God? Do you just market the gospel and gain from it? Who are you raising with your oil wise or foolish virgins? Rain mercy lord!!! 7. THE ABOMINATION OF EASY AND CHEAP BELIEVISM Many people just believe whatsoever is said in church Nobody care to check and cross check. Once pastor said it that settles it is the motto of millions .they dont care whether it is there in the bible. So the bible is deserted for life! I always ask do pastor remove peoples brain not to think once they get to church? Carry up your Bible and say after me this is my bible. Must I say that? Dont I know my own bible I brought from home? People just believe every and anything! But not the Bearan Christians. As powerful as Paul was when he preached,they went back check third bibles and come back to say amen next Sunday! But in our age people shout and jump and yell even when nothing has been said! Lord deliver us! May there arise a new species without greed...whose aim is to glorify and only exalt her Christ the king...whose purpose and vision is the son of God whose only blood was spilt and shared for us all. May you view, review and even have an over view of what you truly believe and do the right thing. Dont go to hell because of a denomination. We shall never appear in heaven in colors of denomination but as single individuals to meet God and give him account. May we all be sure of what the bible says because God started the church the way he wanted it and insist to have it the way he want it. Dont be misled by a missing leader! Amen. SELAH! Ashikabe Hilary ashikabe@yahoo
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 05:46:38 +0000

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