SEVEN DAY WEATHER FORECAST FROM 26th SEPT. TO 2nd OCT. 2013 GENERAL SITUATION: A weak stationary frontal boundary north of The Bahamas will begin to slowly drift southwards and approach the islands tonight while helping to trigger some showers and thunderstorms mainly across the northern Bahamas. Thursday 26th – A mixture of clouds, hot, humid, with isolated showers, and thunderstorms today through tonight in the Northwest Bahamas and partly sunny and hot with a slight chance of isolated showers and thunderstorms for the remainder of the islands. Maximum Temperature 91°F and Minimum Temperature 78°F. Winds SW – W at 15 knots. Seas 3-5 feet over the ocean. Friday 27th – Partly sunny and mild with isolated showers or thunderstorms during the day; fair tonight. Maximum Temperature 88°F and Minimum Temperature 73°F. Winds NW at 15 knots in the Northwest Bahamas and S-SW at 10 knots elsewhere. Seas 3 - 5 feet over the ocean in the Northwest Bahamas and 1-3 feet over the ocean elsewhere. Saturday 28th – Partly sunny and mild turning fair tonight. Maximum Temperature 88°F and Minimum Temperature 74°F. Winds NW-N 10 – 15 knots for the Northwest Bahamas and S-SW 10-15 knots for the remainder of the islands. Seas 2 – 4 feet over the ocean in the Northwest Bahamas and 1-3 feet elsewhere. Sunday 29th – Cloudy with scattered showers and thunderstorms with some clearing by late afternoon in the Central Bahamas. Maximum Temperature 89°F and Minimum Temperature 76°F. Winds NE at 10 knots in the Northwest & Central Bahamas and SW at 10 knots in the Southeast Bahamas. Seas 1 - 3 feet over the ocean. Monday 30th – Partly sunny with scattered showers and thunderstorms more intense in the southeast and central islands. Maximum Temperature 87°F and Minimum Temperature 75°F. Winds light & variable. Seas 3 feet or less over the ocean. October, 2013 Tuesday 1st – Cloudy with scattered showers and thunderstorms more intense in the Central Bahamas and portions of the Northwest Bahamas (Andros, New Providence and Eleuthera). Maximum Temperature 88°F and Minimum Temperature 75°F. Winds NE-E at 10 knots in the Northwest Bahamas and SE at 10 knots in the Central & Southeast Bahamas. Seas 3 feet or less over the ocean. Wednesday 2nd – Cloudy with scattered showers and thunderstorms more intense in the Central Bahamas and portions of the Northwest Bahamas (Andros, New Providence and Eleuthera); improvement in weather is expected by late evening. Maximum Temperature 88°F and Minimum Temperature 75°F. Winds NE-E at 10 knots in the Northwest Bahamas and SE at 10 knots in the Central & Southeast Bahamas. Seas 3 feet or less over the ocean.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 15:22:17 +0000

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