SEVEN DAYS AGO They never saw it coming, Despite all the attacks - TopicsExpress


SEVEN DAYS AGO They never saw it coming, Despite all the attacks around them, They never thought it possible, That anyone will go so low. But they never knew the enemy, Whose hearts & souls were seared with iron, To whom bloodshed meant absolutely nothing, Whether man,woman or child. They were at home cooking, When the news came, That the children that were home on midterm break, Few weeks ago,had been killed. First,it was unbelievable, Then,it was shock,some delayed, Oh,then the wailing,the crying,the anguish, When reality hits her. The trauma of an unconsolable mother, She remembers with pain,his pregnancy, The discomfort,the swollen feet, The labour and the cute little baby boy that came out. She remembers his first smile,his first words &his first steps, She remembers his first day at school, His lunch box & brand new school bag, Her little boy was leaving home for the first time. The memories just wont stop coming, His first report card,primary school graduation, His admission into a Federal Government College, His helpful nature,obedient & hardworking. She remembers his dreams which he shared with her, Mama,Im going to be a doctor,he said, So that I will take care of you when you are old, Dreams told by a son to his mother. Dreams that are all gone now, Cut short at dawn,before his sun even arose, No more will she see him on this planet, No more will she send on an errand, No more will he tell her of his future plans, He had gone with his dreams,gone forever. The tears just wont stop flowing, Because she sees him everywhere, The dam bursts when she enters his room, His clothes,shoes,belt bring back fresh memories, Adieu son,it never should have been like this, A child should bury his parent and not the other way round, She leaves the room quietly as a fresh tear drops.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 10:17:13 +0000

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