SEVEN The story of humans Part 3 – Adams knowledge 2:33 - - TopicsExpress


SEVEN The story of humans Part 3 – Adams knowledge 2:33 - Said He: O Adam, convey unto them the names of these [things]. And as soon as [Adam] had conveyed unto them their names, [God] said: Did I not say unto you, `Verily, I alone know the hidden reality of the heavens and the earth, and know all that you bring into the open and all that you would conceal? God said to Adam to demonstrate to the angels his knowledge and his intellectual prowess, so Adam did as God asked him. Now the question is what did Adam exactly do? Did he read out a script, a long list of the names of all creation or did he demonstrate his logical and independent thinking capacity? Or did he do a combination of things? Whatever Adam did, his intellectual superiority over the angels were unequivocally demonstrated and established. The angels were told by God in no uncertain terms, Did I not say unto you, `Verily, I alone know the hidden reality of the heavens and the earth, and know all that you bring into the open and all that you would conceal? God uses rhetorical language here when he says “did I not say unto you” and does not expect a response from the angels. What can the angels to their Master? What justification could they put forward to God to reaffirm their original prediction of mischief and blood? Nothing! God takes the whole event to a different at this stage, He certifies Adam’s intellectual capacity and places him and the entire human race on high pedestal. It confirms for me a few undeniable facts: 1. Adam, thus the entire human species did not begin their journey steeped in ignorance. They were given the innate capacity to gain deep knowledge, to retain and recall information, think independently, use rational processes and determine right from wrong. 2. Adam, thus the entire human race did not begin their journey as cavemen and women, they began in the heavens as civilised and sophisticated intelligent creation of God. 3. When Adam was sent on this earth he was given sufficient knowledge and skills to be able to sustain life without much troubles. There were no risks of self-destruction or total mess with Adam and his children. God gave them optimum knowledge and perfect environment for the continuity of human species. 4. Adam was tested for his knowledge and he passed that test in front of the angels thus setting the highest standard for the entire human race based on knowledge, independent thinking and rationale. 5. Adam was not a prototype; he was God’s intended creation, chosen over others to become his vicegerent on this earth. The custodianship of this earth was not a small matter so it had to be given to a species that would have the right temperament and capacity to both cope with it and deliver on this momentous task. Adam and his progeny are the true heir of this earth. 6. Knowledge is what made them different and deserving of such an accolade - Khalifa. No other creation has ever been given that title and responsibility. As I read more and more into the verse the deeper I delve in search for the true meaning. What could God mean by His statement - “Verily, I alone know the hidden reality of the heavens and the earth, and know all that you bring into the open and all that you would conceal”. These were the words of God to the angels. I hear these words as the ultimate declaration and every creature in this universe must accept the reality that God alone knows all that is in the heavens and the earth, open or concealed. Angels had no idea about the future and humans certainly do not have any knowledge of the future either. In fact the knowledge of the world that is beyond human perceptions is everyday knowledge of God. There is nothing secret for God! In this verse God addresses two distinct realities, one is his knowledge and reach of everything that is in this universe and the second is his knowledge of what His creations reveal or conceal. In the context of the angels who were merely recalling their experience and stating how mischief and bloodshed was caused by previous species on this earth, God was confirming for them that God alone knows what human beings are capable of doing. He has full knowledge of what the future of human species holds for the earth. He was more than content that His creation with such a powerful attribute would not become immersed in mischief making or shedding blood. God placed every possible confidence in human beings! When I read this verse I feel God is talking to me directly. I cannot hide anything from God’s knowledge. I cannot escape God’s reach. I cannot prolong or delay my life and death by one nanosecond. I cannot inflict harm or benefit on anyone without God knowing about it. When I think deeply on this verse and try to imagine the state of angels as God was speaking to them, I can only imagine how deeply overwhelming such words must have been. It overpowers my conscience as I read them now and I regain a degree of reality in my inner self. There is a possibility that I may become arrogant thinking I know it all, I have been created with intelligence and I am intellectually more superior to the angels. Surely I am invincible! This verse shatters all possibilities of such arrogance from raising its ugly head. I should know and accept that I am only one of God’s creation, even though I am the proud owner of intellect, gifted to me by God, I am still at the mercy of God entirely. I am God creation and I must be humble for arrogance destroyed everything Iblis has gained as stated in the next verse: 2:34 - And when We told the angels, Prostrate yourselves before Adam! - they all prostrated themselves, save Iblis, who refused and gloried in his arrogance: and thus he became one of those who deny the truth. To be continued…
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 22:53:35 +0000

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