SEWAGE DRAWING BORDERS IN THE GUILD RESIDENCE. We remember and recall aqua uite well our assertions and position on the kind of leadership we want. Reliability? Not bureaucratic? Our ideals dwindle, they succumb to selfish interest. We wouldnt like this to be taken as negative criticism. The question simply is, who do we have to hold to account? Who is answerable? How do we get them answerable? We have been monitoring this situation for two weeks now and you should trust us. The leadership is crippled. Yt? Rust is betrayed. In this hall, the guild president and other 5 GRCS, distinguished members of the guild committee subscribe. This was one of the guild president stronghold during his quest for mandate. He garnered a horrific percentage of votes. Lumumba? Husbands to Marystuart. Sewage is creating a border around the hall. And we should agree that It is a nasty scene. It though continues to exist and endagers the health of the resident students who stay there. Is the network chain broken? Is the guild also being mashed up with inner fights? What happened to the communication linkage? Isnt bureaucracy feasting on the leadership convenience of the university? The cost of rectifying such an anomaly is not huge but e cost of e aftermath on community health is immense. Now somebody comes up and thinks... WE DO NOT NEED TO REUNITE? ORANGE FORUM will rectify these.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 11:32:41 +0000

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