SG Tankies / SRTD Games Day #01 2015 Video Captures Despite - TopicsExpress


SG Tankies / SRTD Games Day #01 2015 Video Captures Despite only being able to reach at around 3pm instead of 1pm, I still had an awesome time today! I believe that we all did had a blast! From new tanks, new paint jobs and even new ways to battle, instead of the usual team battle where its just survival, now we have flag tank battles, which are plenty of fun with more emphasis on team communications and tactics. It has been a year since I got into RC tank battling, and its been quite a learning journey, from seeing how Jeffrey drove my first own tank smoothly like a real tank during my first games day with the group, that totally got me wanting to drive like one too, and from Kelvin Goh, who advised me that I can try to brush up my own driving skills during my own spare time at void decks nearby or grassy areas where available, both Alfred Goh and Jimmy Feng, on their invaluable advice on different tank characteristics to look out for, and not forgetting Mark Ong, in the Art of being a Sniper. Thanks,Guys! And without further ado, heres the videos of the 1st games day in 2015, WAHOOOOOOO! Games Day #01 - 01 Battle 01 7 vs 7. Started off with HEATS, and after the warm up, its the first battle of the day with the newly painted PZ IV. Games Day #01 - 02 Battle 02 7 vs 8. The PZ IV got more ambitious and led all 3 tigers to break through the stand off. Games Day #01 - 03 Battle 03 7 vs 8. The PZ IV manages to take potshots(lucky ones), whilst the PZ III(after losing its mobility) manages to pin down and took out the M41 Bulldog(Light tank settings). And it was down to the last tank, another PZ IV, where it got took out by 6 other tanks. Games Day #01 - 04 Battle 04 7 vs 8. Last battle before a quick break for water parade due to the hot weather. Games Day #01 - 05 Battle 05 7 vs 8. After the break, its swapping out of tanks and re-shufflement, and game on! Games Day #01 - 06 Battle 06 7 vs 8. Games Day #01 - 07 Flag Tank Battle 01 7 vs 8. Flag Tank Game ON! PZ IV was assigned to guard the Flag Tank(King Tiger) in this round. Managed to distract the other enemy tanks that managed to break through, and gain enough time for my team mates to take out the enemys flag tank. Games Day #01 - 08 Flag Tank Battle 02 7 vs 8. PZ IV was assigned to guard the Flag Tank(King Tiger) in this round. Managed to chase the enemy flag tank before being killed, and our flag tank managed to stay alive despite being outnumber 4 is to 2. Games Day #01 - 09 Photo Line Up Part 1 Tanks and players of the day. And battery ran out during the take, thus the necessity for part 2, my apologies. Games Day #01 - 10 Photo Line Up Part 2 Tanks and players of the day.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 15:49:14 +0000

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