SGI Members Testmonial -It all Boils down to me-By Wang Ming Yue - TopicsExpress


SGI Members Testmonial -It all Boils down to me-By Wang Ming Yue -Soka Singapore I would first like to say I am indeed very thankful to the Gohonzon, for I have achieved my first actual proof in my life – that is, successfully obtaining a scholarship for myself in August 2011, after several unsuccessful attempts. Currently I am doing my third year at Singapore Management University (SMU), a double degree in Accountancy. Ever since I was offered a degree course at SMU, it had always been an earnest wish of mine to obtain a scholarship to help ease my family’s financial constraints. In my first year, I tried applying for a scholarship but I did not manage to pass the first round of interview. Nevertheless I did not give up this dream. In my second year, I submitted my application again. To my disappointment, there was not even news of me being shortlisted for the interview. As my third year approached in May 2011, the scholarship applications were again and I applied for various mid-term scholarships, hoping to receive food news in at least one of the several applications I’ve submitted. The months of May and June passed by, but there was still no news of the outcome of any of my applications. I was on the verge of resigning to this fate of unsuccessful applications that I experienced time and again every year. It just seemed impossible for me to secure any scholarship. Learning from My Seniors – To Chant “Fighting Daimoku”! The turning point came when I was appointed as a Campus in-charge (CIC) for SMU-Student Division (SMUSD) in June. During the school holidays in the months of July, I immersed myself in numerous SD activities, including SMUSD very own weekly Gosho study meeting. During this period, I had the opportunity to prepare one of the Gosho studies with my senior, who is also my Institutional in-charge (IIC), as well as another fellow CIC. While preparing for this Gosho study, my IIC shared with me his experiences of faith and emphasised the important of basing our prayers on a “Fighting spirit”. SGI President Ikeda explains this point in his lecture on “The opening of the eyes” in this manner. “For us to freely manifest these workings of the Law in our own lives, we need to chant with the same mind and attitude as the Daishonin. In other words, our daimoku must be based on faith, the spirit to battle darkness or illusion. The daimoku that the Daishonin spread could be described as “Fighting Daimoku”. Illusion manifests in various forms-as doubt, anxiety, earthly desires and so on. The power to break through illusion is none other than faith or belief. I was truly enlightened by these words what was most convincing was when he shared his victory on how he chanted wholeheartedly for a scholarship, and secured it! His strong fighting spirit and prayers based on absolute conviction inspired me greatly. It also made me reflected on my own attitude when I applied for scholarship. I must confess that when I applied a scholarship during the past two years I did not chant wholeheartedly to get the scholarship. On hindsight, I was half-hearted in my prayers and completely void of conviction. Just as what one of my other senior remarked, I might have already wasted the opportunity to obtain the scholarship two years ago. Another of President Ikeda’s encouragement also awakened me, “The crucial thing is whether we are really practitioners of the Lotus Sutra, of Nam myoho renge kyo – whether we really putting the teachings of Nichiren Buddhism into practice. Second Soka Gakkai president Kosei Today used to say, “Obviously, when you strike a bell, you’re going to get a vastly different sound depending on whether you use a toothpick, a chopstick or a bell striker. The bell is the same, but if you hit it weakly, it rings softly.” The same is true of the Gohonzon. The benefit we receive depends entirely on the power of our faith and practice.” This aroused me to chant with total conviction an unwavering determination based on earnest fighting spirit. Yes, I began chanting “Fighting Daimoku”. Very naturally, when I initiated this “revolution” in my prayers, I found myself settling concrete and specific prayers. I prayed that I must secure scholarship for my third year studies – “I will definitely get this scholarship and show actual proof of the wondrous Mystic Law!” And most importantly, “I must transform my family financial karma!” I chanted with enthusiasm and earnestness, and while chanting I felt my life being aligned with the rhythm of the universe. That feeling was wonderful! My first actual proof of Faith After two weeks of strong prayers actual proofs began manifesting, one at a time! In the beginning of August, I received an email from the school’s office informing me that I was shortlisted for an interview for a scholarship provided by a Chinese association. This scholarship will provide me with a cash reward of $5000. I was exhilarated, seeing that actual proof was manifesting right before my eyes! But the “catch” was the interview would be in conducted in Mandarin. As I am not fluent in speaking Mandarin, it was a struggle for me having to speak proper Chinese. As such, one week before the interview, I felt immensely stressed. Nonetheless, I continued to chant fervently and also told my family members about this actual proof of having been shortlisted for the interview and together we chanted for complete victory. As the days passed by and the interview nearing, I received an unexpected call from the school again. This time, I was told that the Professor in-charge wanted to see me regarding another scholarship – the Lee Kong Chian Scholarship Programme, which is an extremely prestigious scholarship which comes with a package that comprises many more benefits than the one that I was initially shortlisted for! I was asked to go to school within two hours. Throughout the journey on my way to school from home, I chanted quietly in my heart, feeling extremely nervous. As I sat before the professor, the first thing he asked was: “Tell me more about your family financial situation.” After listening to what I had to say, he handed me the “Letter of Offer” there and then! He had already prepared the letter before meeting me. He told me that his scholarship was only meant for freshman – ie first year students. However, because I had done well in school and participated in numerous activities, he felt that I deserved a better scholarship than just the $5000 cash award from the Chinese association. With this unexpected turn of events, I no longer needed to go for the Chinese interview. It was such a relief! I could feel myself literally glowing with happiness! What good fortune for me to meet such a “Buddhist god” (protective functions of the universe)! I was absolutely in awe of how mystic the workings of the Mystic Law can be! On top of this, the Lee Kong Chian Scholarship Programme would not only subsidize me in tuition fee for the remaining two years in SMU. It would also grant me a $10,000 overseas exchange programme in Finland in 2012. With this, my family’s financial burden would immensely be relieved, and I see this as the start of the transformation of the negative financial karma my family has been experiencing. Achieving this scholarship has been the greatest achievement of my life and I can proudly declare that if not for my practice of faith, I would not have achieved such a victory. I also realised that it all began with the change in mindset and determination with which I chanted daimoku. Half-hearted prayers would only produce half-hearted results. It is my conviction, my fighting spirit with which I based my daimoku on that manifested the actual proofs. It all boils down to me, and no one else. In his current guidance, SGI President Ikeda shared, “No matter what adversity may come our way, as practitioners of the Daishonin’s Buddhism we possess the power of the Mystic Law, the power of daimoku, or chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. We can have complete confidence in the guarantee of the Buddha of the latter day of the Law. Therefore, no matter what problems we may encounter in life, the important thing is to always chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo first. “Mr Toda said: “We have to attack our sufferings with the concentrated fore of our daimoku and break through them. Though chanting earnestly and persistently overcome the situation may seem the long way around, it’s actually the most direct and surest path to doing so.” In particular, nothing is more powerful than the daimoku of those who strive for kosen-rufu the same dedication as their mentor.” In 2012, the “Year of Developing a Youthful SGI”, I pledge to challenge myself to chant abundant daimoku with this important guidance in mind while wholeheartedly contributing my best for kosen-rufu activities, so as to win more victories and hence encourage my comrades to win together!
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 16:14:35 +0000

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