SGI-USA STUDY EXAMS STUDYING THE PRINCIPLES FOR VICTORY FAITH IN THE MYSTIC LAW , is like a mighty sword that can sever even the heaviest chains of karma. For that reason, SGI President Ikeda has likened the study of Nichiren Daishonin writings to training swordship. For SGI members the study exam is a fundamental aspect of that training. In preparing for exams, we deepen our our convictions in the empowering principles of Nichiren Buddhism and gain the courage to challenge and win over even the most daunting obstacles. On the deepest level, we confirm the spirit of the oneness of mentor and disciple to enable each person to awaken to his or her inherent dignity and to establish an indomitable self.thereby securing the foundations for lasting peace.. President Ikeda attends the inagural meeting of Hawaii Chapter on January 8,1963. He conducted the first study exam outside of Japan . The purpose of knowkedge Why do we study the teachings of Nichiren Buddhism? We do so to cultivate our humanity and reach out to those who are suffering tovgain the trust of the people around us, to create value out of every situation, and to live with a fighting spirit ... . President Ikeda writes of the SGI study movement: Buddhism is a teaching for helping all living beings, and especially the people who are suffering the most.Therefore, study needs to be rooted in daily life and serve as a guide for action. Study becomes a revitalizing force when it provides assurance and self-confidence in the power to overcome lifes difficulties and tribulations. (The New Human Revolution, vol.24, pp.137-38). President Ikeda stresses that the fundamental objective of study in the SGI is to help us win in our daily lives and to help others become happy. The important question is For what purpose do we acquire knowkedge?.Herein lies the Soka Gakkais tradition ~~~Buddhist study for the sake of practice. ... Sensei always told us Buddhist study is crucial!!!! I never knew the importance of study..I have so much appreciation for Sensei for teaching us the significance of study in Nichiren Buddhism. .. I especially love this passageWINTER ALWAYS TURN TO SPRINGTHE WRITINGS OF NICHIREN DAISHONIN, VOL.1, P.535) Buddhist study has given me conviction that I can absolutely win in life by continuing to chant NAM~MYOHO~RENGE~KYO with faith in the Gohonzon. BUDDHISM 101... MASTER YOUR MIND■■■■ Developed more confidence in the power of chanting to the Gohonzon I , Appreciate everything in my life including my struggles.. I, Have seen that when I can take responsibility for every aspect of my life. . I, Many of my questions I had about life were answered. One concept that strikes me is the TEN WORLDS. Before learning this concept, I thought of heaven and hell as polar opposites. I, Realized ; however , that both heaven and hell are within us, they equally contain the state of Buddhahood and that we can bring it out by chanting NAM-MYOHO-RENGE-KYO EXPERTS IN THE ART OF HAPPINESS!!! NICHIREN WRITES, IF VOTARIES OF THE LOTUS SUTRA .......PRACTICE AS THE SUTRA DIRECTS, THEN EVERY ONE OF THEM WITHOUT EXCEPTION WILL SURELY ATTAIN BUDDHAHOOD WITHIN HIS OR HER PRESENT LIFETIME (THE DOCTRINE OF THREE THOUSAND REALMS IN A SINGLE MOMENT OF LIFE, WND~2, 88) ■■■■■■■■STUDENTS OF NICHIREN BUDDHISM■■ ■ BE GREAT PHILOSOPHERS WHO UNDERSTAND THE PRINCIPLES OF VICTORY IN LIFE! ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■PRACTIONERS OF THE MYSTIC LAW■■■■■, ■ BE UNSURPASSED EXPERTS IN THE ART OF HAPPINESS !! ■■■■■■■ (November 15,2013 World Tribune p.12) THANK-YOU ....
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 11:25:01 +0000

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