SHABBAT SHALOM to ALL who celebrate His wonderful day! AND TO - TopicsExpress


SHABBAT SHALOM to ALL who celebrate His wonderful day! AND TO THOSE WHO DO NOT.....I AM PRAYING THAT YOU WILL SEE AND WILL ONE DAY SEEK TRUTH AND COME INTO HIS BLESSINGS! I have not been on in a while...I have been spending a lot of time studying...Torah and other Scriptures and also studying Omer Teshuvah. Much to think pray seek Him about. I have had a few bad days where I just didnt feel so good. Yesterday was one but after not feeling well all day and all evening....I realized I had not eaten anything except a little breakfast. So I ate and felt much better! Also school started here in my little part of the world. It began last week on August 41th. Aletha is a Senior this year with many activities to go to and duties to perform. This is the first year for our new high school. Arrin is in fifth grade and started going to the Upper Elementary School with all the other fifth and sixth graders in our town. We have had very good reports so far! I dont know what your weather is like where you live but we are having HEAT! We are not as bad as the other side of the state...St. Louis is really getting it but the humidity is high and is causing our heat index to be up near 100° The Doxies wont stay out long...too hot for them! I know other parts of the country are having severe drought..I pray that this breaks soon! And other parts are having floods! I pray that the rain stops soon and all goes back to normal! Many blessings be upon you. I pray that this day of rest is a wonderful one for you! Here is a TOV WORD......... When you fail to accomplish what you set out to do, refuse to see yourself as a failure. Rather, see failure as an opportunity to make a course correction instead of sinking in the mire of condemnation. You are Mine; you belong to Me. I am with you to show you the way to victory, says the Lord. Be strong and courageous. With love to ALL.....His servant, gloria.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 12:32:40 +0000

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