SHADOWGRAM OFFICIAL ONLINE DARK SHADOWS NEWS: SHADOWGRAM NEWS UPDATE # 326 July 6, 2014 The Official Dark Shadows Published Newsletters The Official Dark Shadows Online News Updates Marcy Robins Cyberspace Dark Shadows News Updates An Official Internet Publication of SHADOWGRAM Each of these SG News Updates is initially posted through the ShadowGram Yahoo Group. Joining the Group is free. To receive a Yahoo Group invitation, or to learn more about the ShadowGram Official Dark Shadows Published Newsletters by postal mail subscription, or if you have any questions, please directly contact Marcy Robin at the following email address: ShadowGram@aol You also can join the SG Group directly at: ******************************************** Update Number 326 July 6, 2014 ******************************************** GUEST EDITORIAL: As Marcy told some of you at the recent Dark Shadows Festival in Tarrytown, NY, she was scheduled for surgery on July 2, 2014. She’s doing well, but is not able to do email at this time. So I’m “guest editor” for this ShadowGram Update. Kathleen Resch Hello, Dark Shadows Fan, ShadowGram (SG), The Official Newsletter & News Source for Dark Shadows (DS), announces the following key breaking news in this Official DS News Online Update bulletin. --ROBERT COSTELLO, ORIGINAL DARK SHADOWS PRODUCER PASSES --DARK SHADOWS WEEKEND 2014 REPORT & 2015 CRUISE UPDATE ROBERT COSTELLO, ORIGINAL DARK SHADOWS PRODUCER PASSES It is with great sadness that SG reports the death of ROBERT COSTELLO at age 93. Costello was hired by Dark Shadows creator/executive producer Dan Curtis in 1965 to serve as line producer on the daily Gothic series for ABC. Costello had worked with DS music composer Robert Cobert on earlier television productions and Cobert had recommended Costello to Curtis for the job. Costello remained with DS until mid-1969 when he departed to produce the short-lived Strange Paradise, another eerie daily serial which was shot in Canada and syndicated to stations in the U.S., lasting a total of 195 episodes over 9 months. Prior to DS, Costello had produced numerous live television dramas including the Armstrong Circle Theatre and the initial season of The Patty Duke Show. But Dark Shadows would ultimately be his most celebrated association as he helped develop the shows visual style by enlisting scenic designer Sy Tomashoff, with whom hed also worked on Armstrong and collaborating with the rest of the technical team to establish special effects as DS became more involved with the supernatural world of ghosts, vampires and other spooky elements. In the 1970s, Costello would go on to produce the acclaimed PBS mini-series The Adams Chronicles as well as episodes of the long-running soap operas Ryans Hope and Another World. During this period he also married Sybil Weinberger, who had served as the music supervisor on DS. Costello later taught a television course at New York University and appeared as a guest at Dark Shadows Festivals in the 1980s as well as taping a video interview for the MPI DS releases in the 1990s. DARK SHADOWS WEEKEND 2014 REPORT & 2015 CRUISE UPDATE Over two days in Tarrytown, New York, a thousand fans enjoyed meeting together with actors from the original Dark Shadows to celebrate its lasting appeal. On Saturday, June 28, activities began at noon on the grounds of the Lyndhurst Estate where the motion pictures House Of Dark Shadows (1970) and Night of Dark Shadows (1971) were filmed. Fan were able to tour the mansion, which features original furnishings dating back over a century as well as traverse the lushly landscaped, sprawling grounds over-looking the Hudson River. The Lyndhurst property features numerous structures including a massive greenhouse, bowling alley, laundry building, guest house, caretakers cottage, servants quarters, pool house and stables complex. Autographs with guests David Selby, Kathryn Leigh Scott, Lara Parker, Christopher Pennock, Marie Wallace, James Storm and Sharon Smyth were held in the carriage house with special screenings and performances taking place in the adjacent courtyard, which was covered with an air-conditioned tent for the occasion. Among the highlights were David Selby singing and reciting his songs Light & Shadows with guitar accompaniment by James Storm and Davids wife Chip on piano. All of the actors participated in a question-and-answer session and a charity auction of Dark Shadows collectibles was conducted to benefit Lyndhurst, a National Historic Trust site. Saturday evening finished with screenings of House of Dark Shadows and Night of Dark Shadows. Later, at the neighboring DoubleTree Hotel, Sharon Smyth hosted a large group of fans with after-hours ghost stories and fun under the stars. On Sunday, June 29, a Dark Shadows Luncheon began at 11:30 at the DoubleTree. Door prizes were awarded to lucky winners and following dessert, onstage appearances by the actors included a joyful musical trio song-and-dance by Lara Parker, Kathryn Leigh Scott and Marie Wallace. James Storm followed on guitar with a few country-folk selections, and Christopher Pennock offered a humorous rendition of one of his Dark Shadows comic book tales. David Selby gave a closing speech to the crowd before the afternoon autograph session began in the adjoining corridor. Late Sunday afternoon, many fans joined an optional Dark Shadows guided tour of the historic Sleepy Hollow Cemetery where portions of House of Dark Shadows had been shot. For 2015, the official Dark Shadows event will be a special Caribbean Cruise with the Stars to Martinique and other islands with Lara Parker, Kathryn Leigh Scott, Jerry Lacy, Kathleen Cody and Marie Wallace, taking place January 10-17. New lower fares are available with a refundable deposit. Details can be found at hartfordholidays/dsfmartinique2015 or by calling 1-800-828-4813 weekdays, Eastern Standard Time. **** The huge Double SG # 122-#123 is the current Official DS Published Newsletter. The late Jonathan Frid (Barnabas) is remembered with photos, biographical information, and career highlights. He also is fondly and gently saluted by MARIE WALLACE (DS’ Eve, Jenny, Megan). Her unique perspective extends outside DS, as they were longtime friends. Jonathan directed a 1993 college stage production of “The Lion in Winter” in Milledgeville, Georgia, in which Marie starred. He earned a Masters in Fine Art in directing from the Yale School of Drama The Double SG also features news and information direct from the DS cast / crew about their projects and activities, Dan Curtis Productions, the DS Festival, MPI, Big Finish Productions, Hermes Press, and others involved in DS today. There are photos, announcements, reports, publicity materials, media coverage, and updates for DS guest/fan gatherings, plus all the DS news and plans. To subscribe / renew to the complete ShadowGram Official Dark Shadows Newsletters: --- US & Canadian First Class subscriptions: $12.00 for 4 issues, $24.00 for 8 issues. ---Overseas Air Mail subscriptions: US $20.00 for 4 issues, US $40.00 for 8 issues. Please send your subscription / renewal payment by check or money order, payable to: Marcy Robin P.O. Box 1766 Temple City, CA 91780-7766 Email: ShadowGram@aol Subscription/renewal payments also can be made via PayPal to: ShadowGram@aol After your subscription/renewal arrives, I will send you SG #122-#123 and future SG issues as they are published. Fans attending the Fest Weekend or any personal appearances by the DS actors are invited and welcome to please share with SG their own reports, photos, video footage, program books, local publicity, articles, interviews, reviews, etc. Each experience and perspective is unique and helps let SG readers who can’t attend “be there with you.” As always, SG also encourages fans to please share any DS-related materials you find at any time: on-air, in print, and online, international, nationwide, or local, media publicity, articles, reviews, interviews, commentaries, etc. Please send hard copies (newspapers, magazines, program books, flyers) when possible. You can send all photos as high resolution. You also can send hard-copy pictures and items. Please always include your full name and the source name and date. Please send all material to share to the ABOVE postal- and e- mail addresses. You will be named as a Contributor in the published SG newsletter. You also may receive a complementary Contributors Copy for major donations of photos, information, funds, postage stamps, supplies, publicity, assistance, etc. Thank you in advance for your support and sharing. All such items are important to the ShadowGram Newsletters, the actual complete published Official DS Newsletter & News Source. Subscribers of all ages are across the US and worldwide. I send complimentary copies of every issue directly to many of the DS cast and crew. They share their news with me for SG, and they enjoy learning about their DS colleagues in SGs pages. Your materials help SG readers share with you and the DS cast/crew through SG. Thank you in advance! The release of each SG published newsletter is announced in a SG Online Update via the SG Yahoo Group. ---- These SG Online Updates briefly premiere-announce, report, and provide confirmed DS-related news, much of it provided directly to me by those involved with DS then to now. All the information is expanded and explained in the published SG Official Published DS Newsletters and through the SG Official Online News Updates via the SG Yahoo Group. Joining the SG Yahoo Group is free. You do not need to be a SG postal-mail subscriber to join the Group. To be a member of the ShadowGram YahooGroup, go to To receive an invitation – which makes it even easier to join the Group – please directly email Marcy Robin at ShadowGram@aol You can read past SG Online Updates once youre a member of the group by clicking on the Messages tab. If youd like more information on how to become a SG Yahoo Group member, orif you have any questions, please e-mail Marcy Robin at ShadowGram@aol **** PLEASE NOTE: The brief email Updates like this one are * NOT * the actual Official DS Newsletter. The published SG print issues provide and report in depth, with pictures, quotes, publicity and media materials, and more. These breaking-news Official DS Online News Update bulletins are officially posted through the ShadowGram Yahoo Group. This Update is posted to the ShadowGram Yahoo Group and is dispersed by interested people to various lists, boards, websites, groups, blogs, Facebook, Twitter, LiveJournal, Tumblr, in personal emails and other online / print communications. PLEASE include ShadowGrams complete e- and postal- mail addresses and subscription information in all of your online sharing. SHADOWGRAM (SG) is the * Official * Dark Shadows Newsletter. Much of its news is directly provided by the shows personnel and those involved in the 1966-71 TV series and the 1991 TV series. Established almost 35 years ago in April, 1979, SG works directly with the cast /crew and related individuals, companies, and others involved in DS creation, distribution, promotion, merchandise, etc. SG print issues usually are published 2-3 times during the year. These brief Update bulletins are posted through the ShadowGram Online Dark Shadows News Updates Yahoo Group. See subscription information and contact addresses above. For more newsletter information or if you have any questions, please send a SASE (Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope) to these postal- or e- mail addresses: Thank you. Marcy Robin ShadowGram Editor / Publisher P.O. Box 1766 Temple City, CA 91780-7766 E-mail: ShadowGram@aol Yahoo Group e-mail: ShadowGram1@yahoo
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 03:23:52 +0000

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