SHADOWS CREED Chapter 13: Of campaigns and histories “Valary, I - TopicsExpress


SHADOWS CREED Chapter 13: Of campaigns and histories “Valary, I think we need to add some more passion to the campaign.” Elliott and Val were sitting in her small office, pouring over the pages of notes she had written up for the election run. They’d been there since Zacky and Matthew had left the council building. Her mind was a mess, though, which was kind of obvious when the Mayor repeated his statement about the campaign. Val shook her head, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose, and forcing her attention back to the elder man. “Sorry, sir. More passion?” Elliott frowned putting his pen down, and tilting his head to one side, peering at her. “Do you have something on your mind, Val? We can take a break if you wish.” Val licked her lips, realising they had become quite dry over the period of time they’d been sitting there. However, she shook her head again. She didn’t want to stop now. If she did, she knew that her mind would just become full with anxiety for her husband and she’d never get back into it. “No, it’s fine. Let’s just finish this bit. We’re so close.” “Well, if you insist.” “I do.” Val pointed out, “You were the one who said we needed to get this part done before the end of today.” Elliott smiled, “Indeed I did.” He picked up his pen again. “Right, so how does this sound so far?” He began to read the outline of the campaign, highlighting key points as he did. Val listened and wrote notes on her copy interjecting when she felt the need to. After about ten minutes, when Elliot finished going through the outline he commented, “I think we should get some banners made…” Val smiled as she closed her notepad. “Already onto that, sir. My friend, Gena, her parents own a flag slash banner company, and I contacted them earlier about doing some up for a discounted rate.” “Well, thank you, that’s one less thing I need to worry about.” Elliott looked at his watch. “I think I’m done here for now. Time for a coffee break.” Val stood up glancing over to her purse that hung on a hook on the wall. “And, I’m going to give Matt a call…” “Oh, yes, speaking of your husband. If you do manage to get onto him, could you ask him what it was that he ordered through my private account?” Val blinked at the question, but nodded in response. “Of course…I can ask him.” “But whether he tells you or not, is another thing altogether, right?” the Mayor quipped in a gentle tone. She flushed at that, shaking her head. Val didn’t want to talk about her husband to the Mayor. Not about the way he was or the things he did or said. That wasn’t anyone’s business but hers and Matt’s. It also wasn’t her place to question the whys or wherefores about her husband’s working relationship with the Mayor or any of the town’s other authority figures. She shook her head some more, then she moved toward her purse. Elliott took the subtle hint she was giving out, and stood as well. With a slight nod, he let himself out of the office, leaving Val alone to ponder his request. * * * * * Meanwhile, on the other side of town things had quietened down after the riot at the Astor. It always took at least a day to settle completely, but once it did, the place seemed to run as if nothing had ever happened. At any rate, the force were back at the barracks, Dan busy going through some drills with the rookies. Usually that was Matthew’s job, but as he was off duty the younger man was running them instead. Jason Berry would have taken on the task, but he was at headquarters chasing up a summons that had been shoved at him as soon as they arrived back at the barracks. As he strode down the hallway of the redbrick, and stopped at the door to the General’s office, Jason’s mind was racing a million miles an hour, wondering what it was Eskino wanted. Clearing his throat several times, he then knocked on the door sharply, before he opened it, stepping through the doorway. “Sir? You wanted to see me?” The General turned from a stack of paperwork piled in front of him. His brow was furrowed, eyes shrewd. “Captain Berry. Come in, have a seat.” Jason did as commanded, sitting down and shifting on the hard surface of the single chair positioned in front of the desk. Comfort was not the purpose of the seat; the General was not interested in making his men comfortable, at least not whilst attending an audience with him. The General took several moments as he tidied his things away, leaving one closed file on the desk in front of him. Then he leaned back against his chair, his gaze settling on Jason. “I suppose you’re curious to know why I have called you here.” Jason hesitated before tilting his head in acknowledgement. “Yes, sir?” He formed his response as a question, not wanting to sound like he was making an assumption. Eskino’s lips twitched at the cautiousness of his reply. “I wanted to ask you about your commander.” “Shadows?” Jason blinked in surprise not sure what the General wanted to say about his friend and leader. Aside from the usual comments on how Matthew needed a bit of a break he couldn’t think of any other questions Eskino could possibly want answered. Still, it wasn’t his place to question the General. All he could do was obey. “What would you like to know?” The General looked thoughtful, his brows coming down over his eyes. He didn’t say anything for several moments, only studied the man before him as if already coming to his own conclusions. Then when he spoke, his tone was almost curious. “How long have you known Shadows?” Jason blinked. That question was an odd one. Eskino never usually cared how long his men had known each other. As far as The General was normally concerned their knowledge of each other began as soon as they stepped within the walls of the barracks. Where to start with that question was the next thing that jumped into his mind, though. Jason had known Matthew the longest out of anyone in New Huntington. But he hadn’t really known him. Bumping into him in the middle of the street and getting into fights with him couldn’t really constitute as knowing him, could it? The General would probably think so. However, Jason decided to err on the side of caution and only said, in reply, “A long time.” But, Eskino didn’t seem to like that answer. “I want numbers, memories, Berry. This is important.” Jason frowned, realising he’d have to dig deep. It was not often he thought about any of the things regarding his long, convoluted friendship with the T-One. He finally found something, though. “The first time we met…he broke my arm.” Jason shifted his weight, the chair groaning a little. “I was nine. He was ten.” They’d known each other longer than that, by sight. But that was a moot point because he’d known the General by sight as well. Everyone knew everyone in New Huntington. But, that first time really seeing Matthew had been an eye-opener. Jason shook his head at the memory before looking at the General and continuing with the story. “We were down at Heirrison’s Field playing baseball. I don’t remember if it was some club or school thing, but all I know he was on the opposite team to me and he was looking at me like I was dirt on his shoe.” The General smirked. “So, I gather you weren’t friends at first?” Jason snorted. “That’s the funny thing, sir. After he lost it at me for catching him on second base, we became real tight.” He lifted his shoulders, bracing his palms against his knees. “The only thing that really showed me was that he had a temper.” “And, you’ve learned not to push him?” “Exactly. He’s pretty easy going. Really. Not that it’s all that evident, lately.” Jason sighed. “Is this what you wanted to hear?” “Yes, go on.” Eskino leaned back in his chair, folding his arms over his ample chest. Jason rubbed at his forehead, glancing down at the tattoos running along the length of his arms. “We got our first tatts together… I remember how my parents reacted, versus his… Shads…managed to convince mine it was okay.” Jason frowned, thinking more. “We did a lot of firsts together. First drink, first cars… first time out on the shooting range.” “You’re both the best in the Creed,” Eskino commented. “Shadows is better on points, sir.” “Of course.” The General decided to move the discussion along, asking, “So, when did he decide to join The Creed? And do you know why?” Beginning to get uncomfortable, Jason fought not to stretch his legs out, satisfying himself with wriggling his toes inside his steel capped boots. That was another tough one. Matthew rarely spoke about the decisions he had made that led to his recruitment into the elite force. He had hinted at a reason early on in their joint career, but it had been almost off the cuff and Jason wasn’t certain he’d heard him right. “I can tell you the first part. We were in senior year. He didn’t graduate, though.” “I heard he was kicked out?” “You know he was, sir. He’s known for killing the Headmaster.” “Not literally?” Jason allowed himself a little chuckle. “No. But, he vandalised some school property and caused a huge brawl on the greens at the front of the school. “His temper flaring up again?” Jason nodded slowly in affirmation. He knew his friend’s temper got the better of him sometimes. “Yeah, I guess maybe that’s why he joined up. A controlled channel for his aggression. Anyway, he got kicked out shortly after, and then the headmaster had a heart attack and basically died from that.” “Have there been many times in the past where he’s become aggressive over situations he’s been in?” Eskino asked. Jason rubbed at his chin, thinking, memories floating around his mind, but none solid enough for him to latch on to. He shook his head slowly. “I can’t remember anything specific. After we left school he started working out and I think that settled him down a little. No one would want to mess with him…he got pretty tanked. The tatts’ helped as well.” General Eskino nodded, then leaned forward against the desk, propping his elbows against the surface. “Would you say Shadows’ moods have gotten worse of late?” Jason frowned. “I wouldn’t say I’ve noticed, sir. He seems a little more tense than usual…but I would assume that’s why you’ve given him this time off?” The General didn’t answer for a long while just gazed thoughtfully at the younger man. Jason shifted nervously beneath his superior’s stern eyes. He wasn’t being entirely honest with either himself or the General. Matthew’s temper had surfaced quite a few more times than normal over the past season at the barracks. Luckily, only Jason and Dan had felt the brunt of it and neither of them felt inclined to mention the incidences to higher authority. Jason always felt bad if Matthew took it out on anyone else in the corps, particularly if it were a rookie. But, it still didn’t mean he wanted to talk about it to the General. In-house was the way he liked to deal with it. “You know it has, Berry,” Eskino finally spoke again, his voice hardening. “I know what goes on at the barracks, do not mistake me.” Jason flinched, but managed not to show his discomfit. “I thought it best not to bother you with that. Matthew can manage…we can manage.” “Really?” The General almost allowed a disbelieving expression on his face. “Considering I’ve given him this whole week off, which is unheard of for a TaskerOne, I find that hard to believe.” He crossed his arms and glared at Jason. “How about we try that again? Have they gotten worse?” Jason closed his eyes for a moment before giving a barely perceptible nod. He couldn’t bring himself to speak out the words, though. Obviously, the General didn’t need to hear them because he said, “Thank you. You can go now.” He looked up a little surprised by the abrupt ending to the audience. “That’s it, sir?” General Eskino narrowed his eyes at the younger man, giving a curt nod of dismissal. Jason’s brow furrowed in consternation. He felt as if there were more that needed to be said. He didn’t want to leave without knowing why they had even been talking about Matthew. It was almost a disservice to his friend, or so he believed. They were tight, and he didn’t really approve of talking about people behind their backs. “I am sure you have duties you need to attend to.” Jason breathed out steadily before deciding he was going to risk the General’s ire. “Yes, sir. But, may I ask something?” The General nodded. “Of course, Berry.” Jason paused to pull all the threads of his thoughts together, clenching his hands on his knees. He wasn’t exactly sure how to put the question without making it sound like he was making an explicit enquiry of the General. “Berry?” “Is there a reason we were talking about Shadows?” Jason braced for Eskino’s response. For several minutes it didn’t seem the General would answer, but then he said in a low voice, “In confidence: I’m beginning to worry about his capability to lead the corps. And I just wanted to find out if there were anything I hadn’t figured on, before taking any action.” Jason had to swallow back a surprised grunt at that statement. He hadn’t expected such a blunt explanation. However, he had his answer now, and he didn’t like it. It smacked of disloyalty, and the fact that he was now party to the General’s thoughts… There was nothing he could say, particularly since he didn’t agree with Eskino’s views. But, all he could do was nod and accept what his boss was saying. “I see…” he licked his lips. Then said quietly, “I should go now.” The General nodded. “See yourself out, Captain.” Without preamble, Jason stood, walking out of the room into the corridor. He paused for a moment, glancing back at the door which he’d shut behind him. He was not sure what had just happened in there, but whatever it was it gave him an uneasy feeling. Part of him wanted to call his friend and tell him everything that had been said, but another was conscious that what he was told was not for Matthew’s ears. It hurt him to know that he had information that he couldn’t pass on. Shaking his head, Jason forced those thoughts right to the back of his mind. He had to get back to work. There was no room for sentimentality. Turning on his heel, and forcing himself away from the office, he strode away, back to his duties.
Posted on: Sat, 14 Sep 2013 06:18:00 +0000

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