******SHADOWS FROM THE PAST***** EPISODE 37 Tina drove in at - TopicsExpress


******SHADOWS FROM THE PAST***** EPISODE 37 Tina drove in at exactly 7:30pm in the evening when everywhere was already going dark except for the street lights that lit up everywhere around the Douglas estate By the time she drove into their mansion, Raymond’s Range rover sports was already parked in the garage. “Welcome madam.” Haruna greeted. “Haruna, how are you?” She replied. “Am fine ma.” “Is my husband back?” Tina asked. “Yes he came back a few minutes ago but he he left again and he say make I give you this letter.” Haruna said. Tina was suprised Haruna could construct his sentence without taking the letter ‘P’ for ‘F’ and vice versa. The only thing is his Hausa intonation which sometimes make him switch from english to pidgen. “Okay Haruna. Have you eaten?” “Yes madam. The cook from the big house brought me rice and I don finish am.” Haruan replied. “Okay.” Tina replied and walked in. On getting into the house, Tina opened the letter and read it. Raymond explained why he couldn’t call her and why he needed to run on an errand for his father. His father(Chief Douglas) called him (Raymond) ordering his immediate presence. So Raymond had to jet down to the United state that same evening and he extensively explained that he was going to America strictly for business and nothing else. Raymond assured that he’ll call her as soon as he landed in the United state. “Safe journey baby.” Tina said as she picked her shopping bag which she dropped on the table and walked into their room where she started checking the clothes she bought on herself. All the clothes she bought fitted her perfectly, save for one which was a bit tight in the chest region and she decided she’ll give it to Atinuke who is not as bursty as she is. Just then there was a nock on the door. “Am coming.” She said as she hurriedly walked to the front door. On opening the door she saw a teary Atinuke standing at the door. Tina urshered her sister in law into the living room. “So tell me, what’s the matter?” Tina asked. “Akin slapped me.” Atinuke said with a shaky voice. “What! why? what happened?” “We had a misunderstanding about him going out with a certain girl he introduced to me as his cousin then he slapped me because I confronted him.” Tina explained. “That’s cruel. Maybe your approach is too rude. You ought to ask him with total calmness and avoid raising your voice.” Tina lectured. Atinuke intensified her cries. “So are you putting the blames on me?” Atinuke asked. “No. Not at all but this is how it should be.” Tina wrapped her arms around Atinuke’s shoulder as she consoled her. “Sorry and please stop crying.” Tina consoled. Atinuke stopped crying and laid her head on Tina’s laps. “What will you like to eat?” Tina asked. “Am okay for now but I will take golden morn later.” –to be continued–
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 06:16:34 +0000

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