*****SHADOWS FROM THE PAST***** EPISODE 41 (SEMI - TopicsExpress


*****SHADOWS FROM THE PAST***** EPISODE 41 (SEMI FINAL) Tina was seated in her Uncle’s sitting room with her two friends, Tonye and Tonia. “Seriously babes, am feeling high ahead of tomorrow.” Tina announced to the two ladies who were checking out her expensive sewn white native attire. “High bawo? See this little bride. You smoke? so why are you feeling high?” Tonia asked laughing. “Don’t mind her. Anxiety is worrying her. She is now saying rubbish. Eyah!” Tonye said sympathetically. “You two are not serious.” Tina said jokingly. “Show me your friend and…..” Tonia said and paused. “I will tell you who you are.” Tonye completed emphatically. “And that means we are?” Tina asked. “Un_serious.” The three ladies discussed at length how the following day which was Tina’s introduction ceremony will look like. Later, Gloria, Tina’s kid sister came to join the three ladies and they all made jest of Tina while they taught her how to behave when the occasion gets underway the following day. Just then Tina’s phone rang. She motioned them to keep quiet. “I want to speak with my heartrob so no noise.” She warned while the three ladies including her sister giggled. “Hello sweety.” She greeted. They continued talking for the next ten minutes about different things but everything is in one way or the other related to their introduction ceremony. “Those women have gone to the market to get foodstuff.” Tina said. Raymond said something which no one could hear. “The money is enough don’t worry. Talk to you later sweetheart.” She hung up after fifteen minutes conversation with her fiance. “Newest couple in town.” Gloria said. “Naughty girl.” Tina said playfully. “Just like you.” Gloria replied laughing. Matilda walked into the living room smiling. “Glo network. You have a visitor outside.” Matilda said to Gloria. “Maltina. Who is it?” “Etisalat. Your green boyfriend.” Matilda replied. Everyone busted into laughter at the funny revelation. “Shut up jor. No be heineken you dey date?” “Wait! wait. You guys are already having boyfriends?” Tina asked. “They can’t be like you who choose to be single until you went for service.” “Mind you am in 200level already. No time to waste.” Gloria added. “And me am in…..” Matilda was about saying when she kept quiet and ran out of the living room. “Bloody secondary school graduate.” Gloria said to her retreating figure. Gloria excused herself and went to the backyard to meet her boyfriend Danjuma, a guy for Niger state whom she met during her hostel’s end of the session party and they hit it up instantly. Danjuma is rich to say the least, for he cruise around in a volkswage, golf 3 and sometimes his mother’s toyota camry. Tina and her friends gisted till later in the evening when they took their leave. Even though Tina volunteered to drop them off at home but they refused with the excuse that she is a queen who must not be bothered. Tina slept very early and woke up very early the next morning. Early to bed they say is early to rise. She woke up and switched on her phone to see loads of messages from friends and well wishers. The one that got her attention was the message sent by the first lady of the state. She said her prayers and got prepared for the day. Watch out for the final episode.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 09:27:10 +0000

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