SHADOWS FROM THE PAST EPISODE 5 Tina got to the top floor - TopicsExpress


SHADOWS FROM THE PAST EPISODE 5 Tina got to the top floor where her office was located. She got to the front door, her secretary, Lola was already on seat working on her computer. She raised her head up immediately she saw Tina walk in. “Good morning ma.” She greeted. “Good morning Lola.” Tina replied smiling. Lola handed a key to Tina as she walked towards her door which has a tag on it Assistant Valuation manager. She unlocked the door and walked into what she called paradise on earth. Her office was designed to taste, not too big just the normal size. A big mahogany table stood in front of a cushion studded chair and two chairs stood before the table. A laptop stood atop the table and some paper files were neatly arranged on her table beside the intercom. “Thank You Jesus.” she said to herself as she dropped her handbag and sat down to begin the day’s work after saying a quick prayer. She worked for the next three hours non-stop reviewing some contracts that are halfway completed by the contract team before she came. She made some changes and forwarded the corrected figures to the Contract Valuation manager. She kept on recieving calls from the workers in the construction firm all of them congratulating her on her appointment. “I can’t wait to meet you during lunch break.” They all said before ending the call. 11:50am: Lunch break The lunch break is scheduled for 12noon but 11:50am is when everyone is expected to round up things and tidy their tables before heading for the restaurant on the ground floor. There was a knock on her door. Lola walked in a few seconds later. “I want to ask if you’ll be going for lunch downstairs or you want you food in here?” Lola asked. Tina thought for a while before she replied. “I’ll like to have it downstairs.” She repled. “Okay. Lets go together.” Lola said. Tina stood up picked up her phone and headed for the company’s canteen with her secretary. ———————— Everything about the canteen showed class. The setting of the tables, the counter, even the dishes were world class and except you walk out of the big canteen you won’t believe you are still in Nigeria. Tina got downstairs and sat down on a chair among the four chairs that rounded the table. Everyone in the hall was staring at her and this made her uncomfortable. She sat down and buried her head into her phone. She could hear Lola exchanging greetings with everybody in the room. Just then Mr Clement a thirty year old Contract Valuation Manager walked into the canteen and everybody hailed him. He waved at them all as he proceeded to Tina’s table. “Any problem?” he asked. “None sir.” Tina replied. Clement sat down without being invited. “You don’t have all the day. Call for something now or you end up wasting your time without eating a thing.” Clement said as he stood up and stretched his hand forth. She took his hand in hers and stood up as they headed for the counter. As they approached the counter where about five workers dressed in uniform were taking orders and serving the foods she was stopped by a lady who introduced herself as Amaka and every other person in the canteen followed suit introducing themselves to her and wishing her a nice time. By the time the luch hour ended she discovered that she was still hungry but she exited the canteen like a fufilled woman. On getting to her office she went to the small refrigerator which stood at the far end of the office. She took two sausage rolls and a bottle of Coke as she sat down and unwrapped the snacks.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 06:57:48 +0000

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