SHAKE, RATTLE, AND ROLL!!! Have you ever stood outside before a - TopicsExpress


SHAKE, RATTLE, AND ROLL!!! Have you ever stood outside before a spring thunderstorm and felt the shifting in the atmosphere? It almost feels tangible, like electricity in the air that you can reach out and touch doesnt it? Most believers and even some non believers are sensing a shifting in the world around us. My second question is; do you feel it, are you sensing the shifting that is all around us? It is almost tangible isnt it, as if you could reach out and touch it? Omitting the current political events and happenings, and just looking at the things concerning nature one can see and feel change, a shifting. Winter storms in places that have never seen snow, temperatures well below zero all throughout the United States, massive sink holes have emerged, there are famines and droughts all over. Dead fish and whales are floating up on shores for no apparent reason. Just in the last year and continuing today there have been fireballs and strange lights appearing in the skies, volcanoes erupting, and powerful tidal surges and storms. Indeed all of creation is crying out for its Creator! These are all signs of Christs returning for His Church. Todays blog is going to be on some things that the Lord has begun to show me regarding the times that we are now living. Please know that I am by no means a dooms day crier, but I will and must be obedient to what the Lord directs me to do. Just as you can feel shifting and shaking in the atmosphere before a thunderstorm, many are feeling a shifting and shaking in the spiritual realm. Last Saturday as I was praying the Lord began to show me a spiritual shaking that is coming to His people. He also began to speak to me about His people, His Bride. In last weeks blog I wrote about the Bride of Christ having a stain on her gown. Rev. 19:7 speaks of the marriage of the Lamb saying; “Let us rejoice and be glad and give the glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come and His bride has made herself ready.” Notice the scripture says “HIS BRIDE HAS MADE HERSELF READY”. Meaning, the bride has prepared herself. A bride spends much time making herself ready for her wedding; days, weeks, months, and sometimes years are spent in preparation for that big day. Should not we, as the Bride of Christ be diligent in preparing ourselves for our wedding to the King of Kings? It was regarding the preparation of the Bride that the Lord began to show me as I prayed. The word of God says; “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” (Hosea 4:6a) God desires His children to know of the things that are ahead. If He had not He would not have led so many of His prophets and the writers of His word to reveal the mysteries of the end times. Therefore we should desire and be eager to seek the knowledge that is needed to prepare for the days ahead. God revealed six instructions that are pertinent to the believers life in these last days. Without them one will be easily swayed by the spirit of deceit and the twisting and corrupting of Gods word that will come, part of the spiritual shaking. We must be firmly rooted and grounded in Him and in His word. Remember the parable of the seed that Jesus spoke of in Mark 4, each seed that was not rooted and grounded in good soil did not produce fruit. Some seeds were eaten by the birds, some withered and died, while some were choked to death. When the word of God is sown into our lives it is our choice as to what type of soil we are providing for it. In other words, if we have provided good soil by heeding Gods word we will flourish, growing strong, and unshakeable. But, if we choose to ignore Gods word the shaking and blowing of a strong wind will bend and break us, thus we are destroyed. God desires His bride to be strong, unshakeable, and secure in Him. If we will follow, yield, and submit to the six instructions that the Lord has revealed we will be strong and unshakeable. Our Bridegroom is waiting, all He is asking is that we: Repent and worship Live holy, sanctified lives unto Him Feast upon His word Learn to walk in and be led by the Holy Spirit Learn to walk in faith Enter into the Holy of Holies in worship and praise Each of these feed into the other. For example; without repentance you cannot truly worship. Without repentance and worship of Him our lives cannot truly be holy and set apart unto Him. Living holy and set apart unto the Lord stirs up a hunger for His word, and the more of His word you consume the more you will desire to live holy and sanctified unto Him. As we feast and consume His word we not only learn how to walk and be led by the Holy Spirit but our spirit man is stirred to walk closer and closer. Remember Enoch; he walked so close to God that he walked right into glory!!!!! (Gen 5:24) As we learn to follow the leading and direction of the Holy Spirit we learn more and more how to walk in faith. Walking not in the things that are seen but in what is not seen. As the end times get darker and darker, the world gets more corrupt, and the spirit of the anti-christ (not the Anti-Christ) becomes more prevalent I believe that Christians are going to have to lean upon their faith more and more. This is why God is warning His people to get ready. In the weeks to come, as the Lord leads I will be digging deeper into each of these six instructions from the Lord. Until then, I beg of you to ask yourself this question: “ Am I willing to make the necessary changes I need to be a “prepared” bride?”
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 01:50:43 +0000

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