SHALOM SHALOM! WOW what a week! Sorry this took a while but - TopicsExpress


SHALOM SHALOM! WOW what a week! Sorry this took a while but things have been out of control! So im here in Zofar, woke up this morning to snow on the Jordanian mountains and I can see it from my container-its amazing to see rain and snow in a desert at the same time! The past 4 days have been like an orgasm that just wont end, leaving me exhausted, elated and mildly disorientate! The vibe here is pure Ubuntu, and the diversity of people truly astounding. Met an Eco-environmentalist and fighter against global ecocide(as in suicide of the environment) and is working through global organisations such as the UN and EPAC etc.. to have global legislation passed to combat this. - WOW! My bussom buddy since I got here is, well I forget his name lets cal him chaveer (friend) and vachi(and brother).-lol He is Persian, like the cat - here I must stop and ask you, if you havent yet seen the axis of evil comedy tour. to please go and see it. Interestingly enough Achi loves cats and the Persians are a lot more gentle and Persian cat like than the ARAB`s-lol, watch the comedy tour. By Persian I mean Iranian, Aliyahu, who runs the farm is also Iranian in heritage-good people! Zofar was one of the stops in ancient times along the spice trade route to Petra in Jordan, as a matter of interest. Another fact that is interesting is that The Negev, the Sinai and the Red sea are like the intersection of the African and Arabian tectonic plates that are grinding past each other in opposite directions. This occurrence starts by the Great Lakes in Africa and in a few thousand years this region(horn of Africa) will tear away from mainland Africa and become a separate continent or Island.( not sure what that will do to real estate in the area-big LOL) The moshav caters for the hikers or walkers that I mentioned in my previous post, of which another 25 came through here since Tuesday morning. It also caters as a sanctuary for, and I quote: people with problems What I have noticed is that most of these problem people are just normal youth who have broken up with their boyfriends or girlfriends, or had a fight with their parents, or suffer from depression, or just need a friendly place to contemplate their place in the world and possibly trying to find some direction to their lives.(normal) I am so grateful to be here and to be in a position where I can talk to these people and give them 1st hand experience of these matters from my colourful perspective. Its the most blessed and amazing feeling in this world for me when I am able to influence and impact other peoples lives in a way that will help them to become the best them that they can be, to see people smile for the 1st time in 24 or 48 hours and knowing that it was I who made a difference in that life, for good and forever! Someone told me that I touched their heart and until that time, they were not sure they had one.-made me cry right there and then! This weeks movie of the week is Patch Adams, if you havent seen this movie with Robin Williams and one of the 1st movies with the late Philip Seymour Hoffman, do yourself a flavour! The reason is Excessive Happiness, Something I have mastered, thanks to my teachers back in SA. (you know who you are) Coming from a place of happiness regardless of the reality is important for me as I too have been known to play fight club with depression. I go a bit out of my way everyday in all that I do. As we like to say Give it Horns- boet! (soos die blou bulle!!) So I run with my strengths, which are; The right attitude, my sense of duty, my life experience and a burning passion to uplift and motivate individuals and humankind to take their own action. This helps get me through the 12 hour working day. Oh yes. There are a large number of Thai workers here that are paid for their work. Here are some of my observations in this regard; When Israelis finish school and the army they do an an extended holiday to Thailand or India (12-24 months-as its cheap) and the Thailanders finish school and come work in Israel to send money back to their families. One Thailander I spoke to said that the money is good here, the working conditions are the best they have ever had and the people are friendly. Another observation is that Israelis really do not like Karaoke and a sense of fear comes over them at the mere mention of the word. However the Thai have a hard-core fetish with Karaoke. So heres the observation; The Thai do not sing at all when they work or are in public The Israeli`s sing all day long with or without music. I mean everyone with no exceptions. The Thai sing because it makes them happy and its a national sport-lol the Israeli`s dont sing because eeeeer, we have not good voice LOL-it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever! Watching Israelis move to thai disco -Priceless! I have been taking over the music played in the hangar we work in from time to time(still early days:) It is wonderful to finally cater to a multi cultural audience. The Israelis love their music, this week we paid tribute to FLOYD, Hendrix, PEARL JAM, Janice Joplin, LED ZEP, NIRVANA, THE Beatles, BOB MARLEY and The PEPPERS. The Thai LOVE the Red Hot Chilli Peppers for some reason and they asked me to sing song disco karaoke to the peppers on Saturday-lol Thoughts I`ve had while picking tomatoes; Music exists as communication or language and is universal, It does so through its different genres-We all talk music, so why is there so much miscommunication in the world? Depression is addictive and a form of procrastination-in the end. It is (in my humble opinion-this time) rooted in our Human rejection of circumstances and lifestyle that force us not to behave as a Humans truly should. Dont replay the mistakes of yesterday, in action or mind. Identity for most people is who they see themselves as or more truthfully, who they want to be or have become as Individuals. I think Individuality and independence for that matter is a myth as we can never be independent! We need the Sun, so we can grow food to eat as just one example, but im not going to bore you with the philosophies of Ryan. What I am trying to say is that people need each other and relationships to become all that they are destined to become, we are one with this world, but also with each other. Through acts of Goodness and Kindness to others we are in fact performing acts of goodness and kindness upon ourselves, the world and the Universe. The entire cosmos is made up of the same stuff as what we are made up of, so we are really just star stuff harvesting star light For me this unites me with everything I can perceive with my 5 senses. When I think in this way there is no fear as everything or everyone is really just me, so how scary can this life truly be? LOL- Seriously though im just posting these post for my own experience and enjoyment it has truly touched my heart to see that there are people out there(YOU) that enjoy my ramblings. THANK YOU and THANK YOU for sharing this adventure of a lifetime with me, it inspires me to continue! I have loaded some pics but have much more in video footage which I will upload in time. Have an awesome and meaningful Shabbat & Joyous Purim or just an awesome weekend. Remember to do more things that make you happy! Do more good for yourself, for others and our home, planet earth - Life is short, make yours count in any way you can dream and imagine! I will leave you with a Chinese proverb that says; If you want to be happy for an hour - take a nap. If you want to be happy for a day - go fishing. If you want to be happy for a month - get married. If you want to be happy for a year - Inherit a fortune. BUT, if you want to be happy for a lifetime -Help others. Shabbat Shalom - keep it honest-keep it real- and dont forget your sunscreen! R.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 14:01:32 +0000

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