SHAME, SHAME ON CIITY OF COLUMBIA POLICE DEPARTMENT AND CVS JAMES CAMPBELL MANAGER: As I sat tonight waiting on my wife to get off work, I was just sitting in my car minding my own business when not one, not two, not three, but four city cop cars pull up behind my car and behind me. Some lady was pointing at me saying, thats him. Im looking around me to see what was going on, these two rookie policeman come to my car to ask me what was going on. I was completely dumbfounded. My wife is coming out of her job and ask what was going on. I might add I was in a t shirt and pants. This cop, looked to be maybe 5th grader, ask me what I did with the beer. The lady was standing there and said I went in CVS and stole a can of beer, and I was telling the cop I had not even been in CVS. He was standing, about to ask me to get out of my car shaking his head like I was lying. Supposedly I had put the beer in my shirt pocket. Remember now, he could see I had on a t shirt without pockets. Lol The lady, manager of CVS got close and realized I was not the one. They proceed to another area of the parking lot and there sat a man at the pool drinking a beer. The cops searched him and treated him as if he had robbed a bank. It gets better. The man did get a beer from CVS , and had a receipt. He even filled out a CVS card as the clerk put his beer in a sack. Because the man had his receipt the manager was upset and told the cops to ban him from the store. I guess because he had a receipt he made her look stupid. This man was a very neat, well dressed man. Obviously the manager at CVS had a bad day. I was not offered an apology from the rookie cops, but was offered an apology from the CVS manager, but Im still upset over the entire episode. People were outside looking at this drama and I was embarrassed for myself, but also my wifes place of employment. I will be calling the CVS corporate office tomorrow and the Chief of Police will be meeting with me. I understand policeman have a tough job, but come on now, apology was suppose to follow. How many folks have been wrongfully accused in this city? My respect level just dropped many points for the City of Columbia police. There was no excuse for the drama I had to deal with tonight or the fine young gentleman purchasing his beer. Episodes like this happen way too much in this city. As for CVS, you may want to evaluate who you select as your managers in the future. I forgot to mention, it took 8 cops to respond to this call. The late night tv shows would have a field day with this one!
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 04:45:37 +0000

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