SHAME as RAILA’s goons disrupt viewing of KAJWANG’s body & - TopicsExpress


SHAME as RAILA’s goons disrupt viewing of KAJWANG’s body & heckle UHURU/ RUTO men. Thursday November 27, 2014 - It seems arrogance and rowdiness is part of Coalition for Reforms and Democracy’s manifesto if what happened yesterday is anything to go by. This is after youths hired by former Prime Minister, Raila Odinga, tried to disrupt Kajwang’s burial ceremony on Wednesday at Uhuru Park. The stone throwing rowdy mob behaved in a manner that even surprised many mourners who had come from across Kenya to mourn the death of the veracious Senator who died one week ago after suffering a heart attack. The whole ceremony was characterized by a charged crowd of mourners ,who jeered at the Speaker of the National Assembly, Justin Muturi, and Kiambu Senator Kimani Wamatangi while they spoke, necessitating Raila Odinga’s intervention. The goons wanted everyone to address them in dholuo language saying it is an international language. They also caused a commotion when they said they must be given a chance to view Kajwang’s lifeless body. However, the hearse’s driver was forced to speed off as the goons threatened to open the casket by force. One Jubilee MP who witnessed the whole incident said this… “ Why parade a corpse in the hot Nairobi sun to a crowd made up of idle louts? Oh I forgot, it is Railas chance to get back a bit of the limelight. Cheering terrorists isnt working well,”
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 10:29:06 +0000

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