SHAPE: USING YOUR PERSONALITY We dont realize how truly unique - TopicsExpress


SHAPE: USING YOUR PERSONALITY We dont realize how truly unique each of us is DNA molecule can unite in an infinite number of ways. The number is 10 to the 2,400,000,000th power. That number is the likelihood that youd ever find somebody just like you. If you were to write out that number with each zero being one inch wide, youd need a strip of paper 37,000 miles long! To put this in perspective, some scientists have guessed that all the particles in the universe are probably less than 10 with 76 zero behind it, far less than the possibilities of your DNA. your uniqueness is a scientists fact of life. When God made you, he broke the mold. There never has been, and never will be, anybody exactly like you. It is obvious that God loves variety---just look around! He created each of us with a unique combination of personality traits. God made introverts and extroverts. He made people who love routine and those who love variety. He made some people thinkers and others feelers. some people work best when given an individual assignment while other work better with team.The Bible says, God work though different people in different ways, but it is the same God who achieves his purpose through them all. The Bible gives us plenty of proof that God uses all types of personalities. Peter was sanguine. Paul was a choleric. Jeremiah was a melancholy. When you look at the personality differences in the twelve disciples, its easy to see why they sometimes had interpersonal conflict. There is no right or wrong temperament for ministry. We need all kinds of personalities to balance the church and give it flavor. The world would be a very boring place if we were all plain vanilla. fortunately, people come in more than thirty-one flavors. Your personality will affect how and where you use your spiritual gifts and abilities. For instance, two people may have the same gift of evangelism, but if one is introverted and the other is extroverted, that gift will be express in different ways. Woodworkers know that its easier to work with the gain rather than against it. In the same way, when you are forced to minister in manner that is out of character for your temperament, it creates tension and discomfort, requires extra effort and energy, and produces less than the best results. This is why mimicking somone elses ministry never works. You dont have their personality. Besides, God made you to be you! You can learn from the examples of others, but you must filter what you learn through your own shape. Today there are many books and tools that can determine how to use it for God. Like stained glass, our different personalities reflect Gods light in many light in many colors and patterns. This blesses the family of God with depth and variety It also blesses us personally. It feels good to do what God made you to do. When you minister in a manner consistent with the personality God gave you, you experience fulfillment, satisfaction, and fruitfulness.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Apr 2014 02:02:18 +0000

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