SHAPIRO: No Safer Place for a Criminal Than Inside the Obama - TopicsExpress


SHAPIRO: No Safer Place for a Criminal Than Inside the Obama Administration Congress should throw it to the people -- they should allow us to sue members of the Obama administration. On Wednesday, TruthRevolt founder Ben Shapiro appeared on Fox Business Network and spoke with Lou Dobbs about his new book The People vs. Barack Obama: The Criminal Case Against the Obama Administration and made the case that American citizens are the best defense against a corrupt president. Shapiro plainly stated that Congress should transfer the power back to the people, allowing citizens to bring lawsuits against specific members of a corrupt administration, especially in light of the fact that the Supreme Court does not typically involve itself in disputes between the different branches of government. He stated: “ What Congress ought to do, and the case that I make in The People vs. Barack Obama, is that essentially, Congress should throw it to the people -- they should allow us to sue members of the Obama administration. They should expand the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act of 1970 and they should allow us to seek liability from members of the Obama administration for actions that they take that damage us. Using the recent success in the lawsuit where the National Organization for Marriage sued a gay rights group and won, Shapiro insisted that private lawsuits are the only vehicles to achieve results. I dont think that Congress is going to be able to get anywhere unless they were to actually use their impeachment power which, of course, they wont, he said. Dobbs asked, How would a private court be able to compel this president to actually do his job with honor and with duty? Shapiro responded: “ No one is going to be able to compel President Obama to do his job with honor and duty. Hes incapable of that. But I do think that what you could see is private lawsuits directed at particular members of the administration and those people being punished for the actions that they take. For example, President Clinton was forced to go in and testify in the Paula Jones lawsuit. You can see that happen with the president of the United States depending on whether the courts would allow that sort of thing and whether the legislation would broaden the scope of such lawsuits. So the big question is, do we want the president to get dragged into court on a fairly regular basis? Do we want his officers to be dragged into court on a fairly regular basis? Now that were living in what amounts to an elected dictatorship, I think the answer is probably yes. Shapiro helped Dobbs realize the Mafia-esque business model of the Obama administration, explaining that the currency of this presidency is bribery: “ Theres no question that bribery is endemic to the administration -- everything from the Solyndra case, to the distribution of funding under the stimulus package -- all of that falls under the rubric of bribery. But the real case that I make against this administration in large scale in the book, is that this is basically a mafia-like organization. This is an organization where the president of the United States can sit up top, he can issue vague commands and somebody low down on the chain will pick those up and run with them. Thats exactly what weve seen, for example, with the IRS. I dont believe that every conspiracy needs a smoking gun. I think that what you will have much more commonly is the president issuing blanket kind of statements about the way the world should be in and magically -- the people who work for him take up the cause and proceed to make the world conform to what he wishes it were. Dobbs ran with the idea that if President Obama is essentially the head of a so-called criminal enterprise. Why would impeachment not be the correct course? Dobbs asked. Shapiro explained exactly why impeachment would not work, even though it is a great idea: “ Impeachment would not be a terrible idea except that its not going to go anywhere in the Senate. The real reason impeachment wouldnt do anything is because you have an Executive Branch that has consistently grown for the last seven years and now has three million employees. Lets say President Obama went away tomorrow and Joe Biden suddenly took up the reins. That wouldnt solve the problem of corruption within the EPA, within the VA, within the IRS. It wouldnt solve the general problem you have within a massive Executive Branch that they can do whatever they want and nobody can stop them. The only way that youre going to be able to stop them is, number one, by slicing the tremendous size and scope of the Executive Branch and number two, by forcing people in the Executive Branch to be held responsible for their criminality. There is no safer place to be on the planet right now, if you are a criminal, than inside the Obama administration.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 19:46:15 +0000

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