SHARE AND SPREAD THE WORD - SUPPORT DINÉ YOUTH! Lets support our youth and their efforts in honoring our ancestors, sacred elements, and sacred Mother Earth, who suffers from the abuse of resource colonization (oil and mining corporations). Their goal is to walk through Diné Bikéyah/ Navajo land and educate various communities on social and environmental issues that we continue to face as Diné. For The People organizers plan to join our youth in their walk for justice this weekend. Lets get involved by supporting them and by participating in the walk, assisting with monetary donations and supplies. Nizhoni! Check out their fb page https://facebook/walkforexistence Aside from monetary donations, they will need the following items: headlamps flashlights water bottles. (mine you this is for walk) a MAJOR first aid kit gas masks (the air quality is BAD there) walkie-talkies warm clothes base layers mess kits sunscreen sleeping mats good coffee :-) food --------------------- Via Nihígaal Béé Iiná Group Diné Declare Existence Through Prayer Walk (Huerfano, NM) At Sunrise on January 6th a collective of Diné will gather at Dził NáhodiłI Fire Department to embark on a 200 mile prayer walk to Tsoodzil (Mt. Taylor). The journey will honor the 150 years of existence as Dine since Hwééldii, The Long Walk of the Diné People to Ft. Sumner, NM. This will be the Inaugural walk of several to take place throughout the Navajo Nation in 2015. The group has set up a facebook page called “Nihígaal Béé Iiná” or Our Journey for Existence. The page states, “It is our intention to walk throughout the Traditional Diné Territory to document both the beauty of land and people and how this is being desecrated by resource extraction. We will do this through a social media campaign and a documentary films. Along our route, we will visit communities to listen to the issues our people are facing and share information about the state of water, air, land, and health, as our communities often have very little access to media or information about these issues. Our hope is that we can help to inspire our people to become engaged in the care of our land, air, and water, and culture so that we will have a future as Diné.” Eastern Agency Communities are being asked to receive and host The Walkers along their journey. All Diné People are being called on to participate in any stretch of the 200 mile trek from Huerfano to Mt. Taylor, by sharing knowledge, skills, and their prayers. Further Information can be found by contacting the Nihígaal Béé Iiná Group, - nihigaalbeeiina@gmail --------------------- Please keep our Diné youth in our thoughts and prayers as they make this beautiful journey of Hózhó, Ké, Iina doó Siihasin!
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 18:46:43 +0000

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