SHARE THIS EVERYWHERE. SOULLESS POWER TRIPPING THUG WITH A BADGE. MAKES ME FUMING MAD. PLEASE, SHARE THIS, STOP THIS. WE HAVE POWER IN NUMBERS, USE YOUR INDIVIDUAL VOICE, SPEAK WITH YOUR HEART, KNOW YOUR RIGHTS, AND ABOVE ALL BE Human. Purely Human, with peace and care and love for others no matter what. Please. I ask anyone and everyone to be the best they can be so that this whole place will be that way. If you see something wrong like this and it makes you angry, speak up, use your words, let how you feel loose to the world around you. Let it be known that you have more power than the man in the suit leading our country ever has, if you only speak up, stand up, and be heard. And Im not trying to say Im any better than ANYONE else, because I am not, but I want to stress how much of a difference of exploring not just humanity itself as a whole, but your own individual humanity. Call it spirituality if you like, its not a big difference if you do it right. So I ask this of not just all of you, but of myself as well, and everyday forward. Not just once in your lifetime because of these current events, but because in order to change this horrible situation, we all have to change some things in our lives for good. You have the power, I have the power, we have the power to spark a never ending inferno of better human standards for all walks of life. We need only realize this power, and not allow yourself to be blind to whats really happening. Anyway.. Thats my hope for the world, and people may give me some negative attention for speaking my mind like this, but I feel it needs to be done, and I hope more of you will agree after reading this and speak just a bit louder. I love all you guys, take care of yourselves and eachother.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 10:23:15 +0000

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