SHARED FROM PAM LASALLE... I HAVE HEARD 3 DIFFERENT PROPHECIES BY 3 DIFFERENT PEOPLE ABOUT THIS VERY THING...AND THE SCRIPTURE THAT COMES TO MY MIND IS: AMOS 3:7 Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets. A COSMIC DISTURBANCE IS COMING AND THE LORD SAID WE WILL BE PROTECTED BUT BE GIVEN MORE OF HIS GLORY TO BRING IN THE GREATER HARVEST: THIS BLOG SPOT WAS JUST SENT TO ME BY A FRIEND AND IT DISCUSSES THE THREE DAYS OF DARKNESS COMING: EXCERPT: Cosmic Disturbance My daughter, keep trusting in Me to reveal Myself more fully to you in these dark times. The cosmic event is truly upon you now and you will receive more warning in the coming days to give you time to prepare for this event. There is more coming, My child, than you could possibly imagine, but there is to be no fear in your heart for I have fore-ordained everything that is to come to pass. My children will be infused with power from on high and through My Holy Spirit will be sent out as witnesses to bring in the last harvest before the door closes. Before this is to take place, you will experience a sudden cataclysmic event caused by a cosmic disturbance that will be seen and heard all over the world. When this event comes to pass you will know that the three days of darkness are upon you. You must go to your homes and stay indoors. My angels will protect you from harm. There will be time between the cosmic event and the darkness falling for you to go to your homes with your families and remain safely inside. I will be giving each one of you specific instructions through My Holy Spirit at that time. My angels will be surrounding your homes and properties and keeping you safe from the evil one and the coming darkness. This is all I am giving you now. I will give you more later as the time for this event comes closer. Your Jesus ~ Your Bridegroom
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 05:53:23 +0000

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