SHARED WITH PROFUSION FULL LCUL WITH THOSE WHICH VIENNA HERE AND WHICH ITS CONTENT STEP DLA MANNER QUON LIFE. , Pi TREATED ME OF RASCISE JMEN COLISSSSSSSSSSSS you leave your respective countries because the dictatorship, the war, violence, hatred and death that you installed have-you-even there reign. You come to be established here in our country, to be able to flee all that and to live happy, in health and safe from all that you left. And do you intend to import all your ideas on our premises? One gives you all which you need to help you to even integrate you here, in our country! One gives you a roof, food, money, one registers you at the school to learn the language, one helps you to acquire better knowledge of our country, your studies are paid, in order to facilitate your integration on the job market. But to hear you, it is not yet Enough! Me, it is with you that I say: IT IS ENOUGH!!! Enough to want to change our traditions and our habits, enough to persecute our rights and freedoms because it is contrary with your religion, enough to treat us racists because one does not like your way of making. Why do you come in our country if is to only try to change it with the image of the country that you fled? It is we who offer hospitality to you, then with you to conform you to our traditions and our habits. When a foreigner is established in your countries, it must respect your traditions, your habits and that which does not respect them can be liable to dead in some of your countries!!! And us, Quebec, should let all change without anything to say??? ENOUGH, IT IS ENOUGH!!! Turn over in your osti country, if our traditions and our habits displease to you as much as that! You make us shit to want all to change whereas you were not able to do it on your premise! Who are racist truths of after you? A racist is a person who does not love people of another nationality. Do not reverse the roles? INTEGRATED YOU OR DÉCOLISSÉ OF the MILLION MEN DIED TO ACQUIRE FREEDOM AND THIS ONE IS CALLED the Like DEMOCRACY · · Share · Click here to get help from professionals!
Posted on: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 19:04:25 +0000

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