SHARING AN INBOX SCAM---- I LET IT GO TO SEE HOW FAR THEY WOULD TAKE IT! Conversation started September 17 Angela Robert 9/17, 6:25am Angela Robert Hello Wanda Wanda WaabiskaMigizikwe Boomhower 9/17, 7:40am Wanda WaabiskaMigizikwe Boomhower Good day Angela. Tell me how you found me to add as a friend. Angela Robert 9/17, 7:40am Angela Robert i am representative of Facebook office 9/17, 7:41am Wanda WaabiskaMigizikwe Boomhower Yes, well I was wondering since you do not have many friends on your FB profile and none that I know. 9/17, 7:45am Angela Robert okay i have a vital information for you 9/17, 7:46am Wanda WaabiskaMigizikwe Boomhower ok 9/17, 7:47am Angela Robert have you been inform about Facebook online promo? 9/17, 7:47am Wanda WaabiskaMigizikwe Boomhower Not sure.. 9/17, 7:48am Angela Robert well am pleased to inform you about the online Facebook promo that was organized by the C.E.O of Facebook and all Facebook officials,The online draw was conducted by a random selection of Facebook Profiles by an automated machine, then your name was selected for the draw 9/17, 7:48am Wanda WaabiskaMigizikwe Boomhower What is it? 9/17, 7:48am Angela Robert well am pleased to inform you that after the draw, your profile has won the total sum of$350,000.00 USD CONGRATULATIONS!!! 9/17, 7:51am Wanda WaabiskaMigizikwe Boomhower I do not fall for scams, thanks very much! I will not take part of this so-called win because I see it as having to open a separate bank account to put this money in. Then problems do arise..if its all legal you can send me the check in the mail. 9/17, 7:54am Angela Robert oh Wanda this is real and legitimate take look at the past winners photo Wanda WaabiskaMigizikwe Boomhower Okay, then tell me the details please. I see they are holding cheques. 9/17, 7:55am Angela Robert are you ready to claim your prize? 9/17, 7:56am Wanda WaabiskaMigizikwe Boomhower Depends, what must I do? Angela Robert 9/17, 7:58am Angela Robert WITH THE INFORMATION BELOW IN-ORDER FOR US TO COMPLETE YOUR WINNING CERTIFICATE FULL NAME: FULL CONTACT ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS: PHONE NUMBER: OCCUPATION: 9/17, 8:13am Angela Robert okay am going to forward your information to Facebook Headquarter September 17 9/17, 11:53am Angela Robert Hello Wanda 9/17, 11:57am Wanda WaabiskaMigizikwe Boomhower Hello Angela 9/17, 12:01pm Angela Robert have you heard from Facebook headquarter? 9/17, 12:02pm Wanda WaabiskaMigizikwe Boomhower No, not yet. 9/17, 12:03pm Angela Robert is that your cell phone number or landline 9/17, 12:08pm Wanda WaabiskaMigizikwe Boomhower landline Cell phone is just emergency only use 9/17, 12:10pm Angela Robert okay can i have your cell phone? 9/17, 12:12pm Wanda WaabiskaMigizikwe Boomhower No, I said its for emergencies only.. There is nothing wrong with my land line. 9/17, 12:17pm Angela Robert okay they can reach you with the phone number September 17 9/17, 3:54pm Wanda WaabiskaMigizikwe Boomhower Alright, thank you 9/17, 4:50pm Angela Robert it is going going yet have do you want to receive your winnings 1 Check 2 Bank to Bank transfer 9/17, 4:52pm Wanda WaabiskaMigizikwe Boomhower 1 check 9/17, 4:52pm Angela Robert hold on for awhile the CEO of Facebook is going to sign your Check 9/17, 4:53pm Wanda WaabiskaMigizikwe Boomhower who is the CEO? 9/17, 4:53pm Angela Robert Mr Mark Zuckerberg 9/17, 5:05pm Angela Robert your Check has been signed by the CEO 9/17, 7:16pm Wanda WaabiskaMigizikwe Boomhower I will be watching the mail for it. September 19 9/19, 9:06am Angela Robert they said you are going to pay for delivery fees September 19 9/19, 9:13pm Wanda WaabiskaMigizikwe Boomhower What does that mean? September 20 9/20, 9:06pm Angela Robert you will pay before they will deliver your Check 9/20, 10:53pm Wanda WaabiskaMigizikwe Boomhower Pardon me for not understanding but what will I pay? Please explain your statement, Angela. September 29 9/29, 10:17pm Wanda WaabiskaMigizikwe Boomhower Hello? 10/10, 2:28pm Angela Robert Attention is needed 10/10, 4:02pm Wanda WaabiskaMigizikwe Boomhower For? 10/10, 4:07pm Angela Robert you havent received your winnings yet? 10/10, 4:08pm Wanda WaabiskaMigizikwe Boomhower Not one cent. 10/10, 4:12pm Angela Robert so they want you to pay for delivery fees? 10/10, 4:12pm Wanda WaabiskaMigizikwe Boomhower Angela, I have no idea what is happening. 10/10, 4:13pm Angela Robert they asked you to pay for delivery fees 10/10, 4:14pm Wanda WaabiskaMigizikwe Boomhower They did not ask me anything. The only correspondence I have had is with you. How much can it cost to send a cheque in the mail other than registered mail? 10/10, 4:24pm Angela Robert it is going to cost you,$115 Insurance : $100 Tax : $65 Value.Added.Tax : $80 Total : $360, But we are going to return Value Added Tax back to you 10/10, 4:25pm Wanda WaabiskaMigizikwe Boomhower Forget about it then, thanks but no thanks! 10/10, 4:30pm Angela Robert so you are not interested? 10/10, 4:30pm Wanda WaabiskaMigizikwe Boomhower Correct. 10/10, 4:38pm Angela Robert alright Wanda we are going to cancel your winnings 9:12am Wanda WaabiskaMigizikwe Boomhower What kind of a sham is this anyhow? I am going to warn people about this (LOL!!! Using Zuckerbergs name no less!)
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 13:27:44 +0000

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