SHATTERED Chapter 3 Hi. Im Dr. Greenbaum... and you must be Mr. - TopicsExpress


SHATTERED Chapter 3 Hi. Im Dr. Greenbaum... and you must be Mr. Ratner. Yes was all Rick could find to say in response. Ok, Mr. Ratner. Well, were a bit congested and understaffed tonight, but I promise to get to you as soon as I possibly can. Hang tight. Rick barely understood the words the doctor had just spoken. He was in a daze from all the pain, from what he felt was mistreatment by the paramedics and Dr. Televeres, and from the overall panic and confusion of recent events. Rick glanced around and saw many other patients waiting to be seen. One woman had blood all over her head, making Rick wonder what had happened. He thought perhaps her boyfriend or husband had beaten her. Hed seen a lot of such cases when he worked for the District Attorneys office years prior. He saw a man holding his abdomen, appearing to have been shot, gasping constantly. Rick was afraid to look anymore. He knew that his physical circumstances could not compare to those of the other patients. All he could hope for was to be in this hospital for quite some time so he would not have to go back to Sunnydale. He realized why he had never liked hospitals before, seeing so much blood, so much agony, and feeling like most patients were generally ignored, yet tonight, he felt so blessed to be in different surroundings. Rick waited for what seemed like an eternity, though from the faint sight he had of the nearby clock, only forty minutes had passed. A nurse came by to check on him and get his vitals, but once again, he was left on his own, except for the two police officers standing guard over him. He could hear them talking to one another but had no interest at all in their conversation, even if they might be discussing him. Ricks mind was so befuddled that after a while, he began to wonder if this whole situation he had found himself in might not just be some sick practical joke. He wondered who could play such a joke, not only having the means to do so but having the weird, twisted mental faculties to do so. Rick finally thought he was just being crazy, thinking such things, but then he thought, Wait. If it really is Morlowe behind all of this, it really could be his idea of a joke... getting revenge on me by toying with me like this. Maybe he wants me to suffer, really really suffer. Losing my livelihood, my only family, my freedom, putting me on trial like I did to him. Maybe hes really trying to cause me as much pain as possible. Maybe hes got the cops, the doctors, everybody on his payroll. He did tell me he was going to make me pay. Rick even started to imagine ways he might be able to escape. He knew that it would hurt his chances to win a trial, but he thought that if he could get some kind of evidence against Morlowe, maybe that in itself could turn things around from him to the person really responsible for this mess. Rick barely finished this thought when Dr. Greenbaum showed up to ask him some questions. Mr. Ratner, what exactly happened? Somebody twisted my hand, responded Rick. Ok. And how would you rate the intensity of the pain on a scale from one to ten, asked the doctor. When it happened, Id say about nine, but now, more like a five, Rick managed to say, as a new surge of intense pain began. Wait! No, its coming back! Ok. Ok. Definitely nine again! Ok, Mr. Ratner. Well, Im sorry to do this to you, but Im going to have to make you wait again, but as soon as I can get someone down here to take you to get x-rays and then an MRI, I will. Ok? The smile Dr. Greenbaum made when he said this actually seemed to be one of genuine concern, unlike those of everyone else Rick had met tonight. It didnt seem to be nearly as long of a wait this time before someone came to take Rick away. One of the officers accompanied Rick to station himself outside while Rick got his hand examined. After it was all done, Rick was taken back to the diagnosis area and left to wait. Rick noticed that the bloody woman and the gunshot man were gone. Hopefully, they were being treated and would be alright. Rick felt selfish that he had been seen already, yet there were others with truly horrible injuries who might not have received full treatment. At long last, Dr. Greenbaum appeared again. Well, Mr. Ratner, Ive looked over the x-rays and MRI. Theres nothing broken. Thats the good part. The bad news is that you have a severely torn blood vessel and some torn muscles. You are going to need surgery, so Im going to have you admitted and see what I can do about getting you into surgery ASAP. We should have you in a room very soon. A nurse is going to come by and bandage your hand and give you something fort he pain and something to stop the internal bleeding, said Dr. Greenbaum, exhibiting a kind smile that made Rick feel more at ease. Everything after seeing Dr. Greenbaum was a blur for Rick. He woke up hours later when a nurse brought him breakfast and medication. He noticed that his hand was bandaged and that his other hand was handcuffed to the bed. Rick knew it was standard procedure but wished that he could, at least, have his one good hand free. After eating breakfast and taking his pills, Rick fell back asleep and did not wake up again until afternoon. Soon, Rick heard someone outside his room arguing with the police officer stationed to watch him. The argument ended, and in walked Denise, as beautiful as ever. Rick felt so overjoyed that a friendly face was there. I called Sunnydale to schedule a meeting with you, and they said you were brought in here last night. You ok, asked Denise as she placed a hand on Ricks, running a finger along the handcuffs. Yeah. Theyre giving me some good stuff in here. Not too much pain anymore, Rick said, smiling intently. So, what happened? They didnt tell me anything, said Denise. I was outside, and this woman was talking to me. She walked away, and I went up to her to try to talk to her some more, and I guess I really surprised her because she grabbed my hand and twisted it hard. Rick felt so embarrassed at having to tell Denise that he was assaulted by a woman and to a part, embarrassed about speaking of another woman. Oh, Denise fired back, not realizing she was upset. She did not understand what it was she was feeling but knew something bothered her. Rick, I have to tell you something, stated Denise, seeming afraid. What is it? I... I knew your daughter, responded Denise, even more afraid, afraid of what Rick might think, afraid that he might want another lawyer, afraid she might not see Rick again. You knew Nataly? How, exclaimed Rick. I really have followed your career. That was no lie. But I was actually a member of an animal rights advocacy group with Nataly. I didnt know her well, but I did know her, and we spoke a few times about you. I guess thats part of why I wanted to defend you. When I saw on t.v. what was going on, I immediately started asking around, and when I found out you were in Sunnydale, I contacted Dr. Selis about representing you, said Denise sheepishly. Oh, Rick retorted, not knowing what else to say. I... It... wasnt a lie, Rick. I mean, I just left some details out. I was afraid to tell you. I thought it might change things. And Nataly told me about some things she did. I didnt really want to tell you. I dont know exactly why Im telling you now. Denise couldnt hide her overwhelming look of fear. Rick looked so puzzled and upset but finally brought himself to respond. Like what? What stuff did she do? She broke into a research facility to free some animals and almost broke into another facility at her school, Denise replied. I dont think it had anything to do with what happened. If anybody was actually out to get her, they wouldnt have targeted you, I dont think. But there is one more thing. What, asked Rick, totally bewildered. Im not sure yet, but I think the lab she broke into was one of Morlowes. I cant prove it, but it has definite ties to his company. I thought it was strange when Nataly was telling me about it and said that the company that owned the lab never pressed any charges against her. I meant to tell you this yesterday, but I didnt know how to bring it up to you. Ive felt so bad about it. When I heard what happened to you, I rushed right over here. I figured I needed to see how you were doing and also needed to tell you these things. As she finished, Denise wiped her forehead, feeling so much relief at having these things off of her chest. So, Morlowe found his way to get revenge on me and on my daughter, Rick replied, his tone leaving Denise wondering if he was making a statement or asking a question. Were gonna get him, Rick. I dont know how exactly, but were gonna get him, Denise almost screamed. She felt so much fire now that she found herself wanting to find Morlowe and strangle him. Youre not mad at me, are you, Rick? No. Yes. I dont know. This is all a lot to take, you know? Rick had already closed his eyes before he finished speaking. Denise was unsure if she should stay or if she should leave. She thought perhaps Rick was wanting some rest or that he was so confused he needed to be alone. Denise began to walk out, but she heard, Wait! Dont go! As Denise turned around, she saw the saddest look she had ever seen on another human being. Rick looked as if hed once again entered into a tempest of grief. Look, Rick... I dont know what to say anymore. I dont really know what to do. I do know that there has to be something to get the ball rolling like it should be. What scares me is that we might not be moving as quickly as the prosecution. I have this feeling, this gut-wrenching feeling, that theyve got some dirty tricks up their sleeve. Ive always thought that the D.A. was crooked. Thats why Ive always steered clear of him when Im not facing him or one of his assistants in court. Has the D.A. tried offering any kind of deal, Rick asked, skeptical of anything that might be offered. No. Thats just it. They havent offered a damn thing, which means that they must have a lot against you. I told you about the knife, the prints, and the witness, but theres got to be more. You know, and I know, that all their evidence so far is bullshit. Anything else they come up with is going to be fabricated as well. Their whole case is a fabrication. If it werent, theyd be offering something substantial to get you to cop a plea. By the time of finishing this statement, Denise was shouting, unable to control the rage she felt at the whole thing. Denise, Denise, calm down. Ok? If you dont, that cops gonna come in here, and that wouldnt be good for either of us, Rick said, almost laughing. He didnt want to laugh, but Denise made him feel passionately again. He found himself unable to control his emotions around Denise, even though he had only met her the day before this. Ok. I promise Im gonna get right on this as soon as I get out of here. Im going to see if I can speak to the witness and see if I can speak to people from the animal rights group and see if they heard Nataly say anything recently that might help. Maybe she told somebody something, maybe about someone following her, threatening her, something. Denise had calmed down, almost to a whisper. Good. Hey, dont you have another case youre working on, asked Rick, concerned that Denise might be neglecting other clients for him. Yeah, but like I said, that ones about done. Its all ready for court, and Im turning it over to a colleague, replied Denise, not wanting to talk about anything but Ricks defense. Ok. Well, too bad we cant fabricate some stuff in our favor, huh? Rick let out a belly laugh as he said this. Right. Maybe we could fabricate somebody elses prints on the knife and pay some fake witnesses, Denise responded, fighting to keep from laughing as hard as Rick. Hey. Thats exactly what our enemies are doing, isnt it, Rick responded casually. True, but you have principles. Denise grinned, thinking of how true this statement was. To hell with principles. I just need to win! Being the only one with principles obviously gets you dick, said Rick, starting to get upset. Now, who needs to calm down? Anyway, youre right, but still... not much we can do about that. They have the cops on their side. Whoevers doing this, assumingly Morlowe, they have everybody paid off, right? We cant pay off the D.A. and the cops because we dont have more money to offer them than Morlowe does, and we cant keep paying them. Morlowe can. So, that part screws us. But we have to outthink the bastards that are doing this. We have to stay one step ahead. The bad thing is that I can barely think of a step before theyve thought of four or five. But I promise you, Rick, were gonna give this thing all weve got and give those assholes hell! Denise realized she had raised her voice so loudly that Rick gave her a dirty look. That wasnt all it brought, however, because the officer stationed outside stepped into the room. Whats goin on in here?! The officer dangled his fingers over the handle of his gun as he demanded an answer. Nothing, officer. I swear. We were just discussing Mr. Ratners case, and I got a little too excited. Thats all, officer. I promise, responded Denise, terrified she might be ordered to leave or might be questioned further. You know, lady, Im guarding a murder suspect in a hospital. If theres a lot of noise coming from this room, Im gonna think that somethin is up. Just try to keep it down from now on, ok? As the officer ended his tirade and walked away, Denise raised her hand and gave the officer the finger. That wasnt very nice, now was it, asked Rick, laughing all the while. I dont really care right now, ya know? Denise laughed so hard after saying this that the officer poked his head through the doorway to see what was the matter. Denise smiled at the officer to let him know everything was fine. I guess we cant do anything at all or the Gestapo will be in here again. Hes just doing his job, Denise, Rick smirked back. I know. Just a little on edge with everything thats going on. Youre the one thats the suspect, and Im the one bent out of shape. Odd, isnt it, Denise replied, turning to look out the window. Im on edge, too. Ive got a lot going on, way more than I want to even have to process. Im just trying to keep as calm as I can. I dont know what to do, so if I stress out about it all the time, Ill completely lose it. Im close enough to that as it is. Saying those words made Rick feel even more upset, and he wished so badly that he could turn over, but being handcuffed to the bed didnt allow that. Denise turned back to face Rick but couldnt stand the tension in the room any longer. Hey. Ive got to go, Rick. I think I can be of more use back at the office. Maybe I can put something together so you maybe have some chance of beating this thing. Im not being a very good attorney or friend by putting it off. Let me give you my number, and if you need anything at all, just call, Denise said, knowing already that she hoped Rick would call her but also hoping some of the recent tension would cease by then. Ummm... Im kind of unable to call anybody. I dont have the use of either of my hands, Rick said, a little sarcastically yet still so serious that he couldnt find the desire to laugh about it. Ok. Well, I guess you could have a nurse dial for you or something. Ill be back, though. I promise. This isnt goodbye. Its just see ya later. Denise tried so hard to crack a smile, but the room still seemed so tense that it was as if someone had died. Denise hated to imagine how much more tense things would be if Nataly were discussed again. Denise removed a business card from her purse and wrote her cell phone number on the back. She laid the card on Ricks nightstand, next to his phone. As Denise turned to her right to walk away, she tripped and landed on top of Rick. Rick wasnt sure if she had actually tripped or intended to have an intimate moment with him. As Denise tried to get up, she moved across Ricks injured hand, causing Rick to scream in excruciating pain. Im so sorry, Rick! Are you ok?! The look on Denises face was so sad yet cute that Rick almost forgot the pain he was in and began to laugh. What, Denise asked, confused that someone could go from screaming at the top of their lungs to laughing like they had just heard the funniest joke ever. You. The face youre making. Its kind of cute. Cute? Wow. Didnt see that one coming, Denise replied, still utterly confused. Denise began to move again to remove herself from Rick, but before he could, Rick leaned in and kissed her. Denise was caught so off guard that she didnt kiss back. She again tried to get up but found herself unable to make her body move. Oh, what the hell, Denise said, and kissed Rick back so hard that his eyes bugged out, looking like they would burst. As Denise took her lips off of Ricks, she smiled and said, How many people do THAT with their lawyer? More than youd think, Rick replied, smiling just as big as Denise. That might not have been a good idea, but we dont even have time to talk about it. I really do need to get back to the office and see what I can get started. Denise finally found the strength to get off of Rick. She got almost to the door but turned back for one last look at Rick and blew him a kiss. Then, she was gone. Rick spent nearly an hour trying to manage the t.v. remote with his left hand, barely able to push buttons because of the handcuffs. He got stuck on so many shows that either reminded him of his daughter or bored him horribly and decided to turn the t.v. off, not to mention that changing the channel once took at least three attempts. Alone with his thoughts, Rick kept turning his attention to Nataly. Every time that happened, he cried or nearly cried. He tried to think of other things but couldnt. He thought about how much he missed her, how he couldnt believe she was really gone, how shed let herself get caught up in radical activism, how much different she had become since she was a little girl, and how depressing it was that the rest of his family was either dead or had moved far away. Nataly was everything he had left. The closest thing Rick had to family now within three states was an ex wife that hated his guts. Once Rick realized that, he was amazed that his ex wife had not tried to contact him to scream accusations at him. Maybe the hospitals were keeping her away. If so, it was the one good thing they had done so far. Rick decided that any thoughts at all were going to end badly. Whether he thought about his case, his daughter, his ex wife, or his injuries, everything was too depressing to handle. He wished there were anyone, anyone at all, that he could talk to, about anything. He would have been happy talking about paint if it meant keeping himself from being depressed, thinking about all the things that had gone wrong lately. Finally, a nurse came in and asked Rick what he wanted for dinner. Being unable to read a menu because of not being able to use his hands, Rick had to have the nurse read the menu to him, making him feel like a child. He thought perhaps he should order only liquids so that maybe he could feed himself using a straw but settled on a bacon cheeseburger. He felt like treating himself but wondered how he was going to feed himself. He knew if Denise hadnt left, she would feed him. He wouldnt have minded that so much. He knew that he liked Denise, liked her so much that if he could get his case won, he would love to take Denise out for a real date. Rick felt so strange that he was so into someone he had just met, but Denise had so many amazing qualities about her. These thoughts occupied Ricks mind so much that he didnt hear the nurse asking if he wanted fries and what he wanted to drink. The nurse had to repeat herself over and over, raising her voice each time before Rick finally looked her in the eyes and came to the realization that his food order was not complete. What? Oh, sorry. Yeah, fries. And a soda... doesnt really matter what kind, as long as its not diet, Rick responded, allowing the nurse to feel satisfied and lower her voice. Ok, sweetie. It shouldnt be long. You gonna need somebody to feed you, asked the nurse, concerned yet hoping that either Rick could feed himself or that she, at least, would not be stuck with the job. Probably, replied Rick. Ok. Ill get this order in right away, said the nurse. As the nurse walked away, Rick couldnt help but stare at her and think, Damn. Nice ass! Rick decided to try the t.v. one more time but was determined to flip through every single channel if that was what it took to find something decent. Before Rick could get very far, he was captivated by a headline on the news that read, Eldona Pharmaceuticals wonder drug, Zarciphrozan, under investigation by the F.D.A., and decided to turn it up, only to hear the reporter commenting, You may remember Eldona Pharmaceuticals from a class-action lawsuit several years ago. Their anti-depressant, Citroden, caused the deaths of numerous consumers. Though this was previously reported, in a shockingly related story, the attorney representing the victims against Eldona Pharmaceuticals in that case, Richard Ratner, was arrested last week for murdering his daughter, Nataly Ratner. Mr. Ratner has been hospitalized at the Sunnydale Behavioral Hospital, pending his trial. The recent tragedy has put the community of Glenn Oak in an uproar. The reality of such a brutal murder of someone so young and in such an affluent neighborhood has sent shockwaves not only through Glenn Oak, but through the rest of the city. Mr. Ratner, the victims father, is only a suspect in the murder, but eyewitnesses reported hearing shouting and numerous screams coming from the Ratner home. Channel Seventeen News attempted to contact the police department regarding Mr. Ratner, but no one would comment. It was only today that Mr. Ratners name was released to the press. Mr. Ratners arraignment and trial dates have not been set as of yet as Mr. Ratner has been under psychiatric evaluation and has not been stable enough to be brought to court. Well keep you updated on this story as we get new information. Now to Jeff at the Sports Desk. Rick was so angry after hearing the report that he turned the t.v. off, or at least, tried to, becoming more and more frustrated as he could not hit the right button. Come on, you damn thing! Turn off! Turn off! Rick still could not get the t.v. to turn off, but he did manage to attract the attention of the police officer outside his room. It was a different officer this time, this one seeming to be three times the size of the previous officer, making Rick wonder if they had to pay cops by the pound. Hey, buddy. Whats goin on? I heard you shouting, said the police officer, through bites of a sandwich. Its this damn t.v. With my hand cuffed like this, I cant work the remote, and I want the t.v. off, replied Rick, almost screaming. Ok. No need to shout, man. Here you go, said the officer, grabbing the remote from across Ricks bed and turning off the t.v. Thanks, said Rick. No prob, man. If you need me, Ill be you know where, said the officer, cramming the last bits of his sandwich in his mouth. Rick was unhappy that he had to be left with his thoughts again but even more unhappy that the news ran such an insulting story. He knew they had to report whatever shocked people in order to make a buck, but it still got to him. This meant that even if Rick beat the charges, he probably couldnt practice law again, especially in this city. Sure, he had lots of money stashed away from winning some very substantial lawsuits, but the money didnt matter so much as the job. Besides Nataly, his career was all Rick really had anymore. With a failed marriage, dead parents, a brother that hardly spoke to him, and no real hobbies, Rick knew hed have nothing left without his law practice. This is really pissing me off! Man, Ive got to get out of here, Rick exclaimed, hoping the officer outside wouldnt hear him but needing to say the words out loud for his own good. If he did try to escape, how would he be able to do it? He had a messed up hand, cuffs on the other, nowhere to go, and no real way to prove his innocence on the outside. Running would only make him look more guilty. Rick realized all of this well but felt like a caged animal. He felt as if he were some kind of exotic specimen brought back from Africa or the Pacific Islands, poked and prodded for everyones amusement. It was no wonder that animals at the zoo seemed unhappy. They had had everything they knew stripped from them only to be locked up and confined for the rest of their lives. They couldnt escape, and neither could Rick for that matter. Rick could smell food in the hall and hoped it was his. A nurse brought in his tray and opened the lid to reveal what actually looked quite good for hospital food. Rick knew he could not feed himself but really did not want anyone else to do it for him. Rick told the nurse that he could manage on his own, not really believing he could but not wanting to be treated like an invalid. Rick grabbed the burger with his injured hand and attempted to take a bite. It sent unbelievable amounts of pain radiating through his hand, but he was determined to eat without any assistance. He tried to maintain only a loose hold on the food and chew off as big of portions as he could, causing himself to almost choke in the process. The pain became too much for him, and Rick had to put the burger down, only half of it eaten. He picked up some fries and put them to his lips, realizing that this did not cause pain. In no time, he had finished all of the fries and looked down to see the half eaten burger, wanting it, desiring it, salivating for it, knowing it might as well be made of metal because he couldnt eat it. Rick was satisfied enough, not hungry yet not full. The other half of the burger was not worth the pain it would cause him. It had been several minutes since he put the burger down, and his hand still throbbed and ached deeply, forcing Rick to press the call button so a nurse could give him painkillers. A heavyset nurse with huge glasses came stomping into the room. What do you need? My hand is killing me. I couldnt eat all of my burger because of it. I need painkillers, Rick said sharply. Honey, youre hooked up to morphine. You can push a button to give yourself a shot of it when the pain gets to be too much. Here, the nurse said, handing Rick the button for the morphine. Oh, Rick said, surprised and very relieved. But it only works so many times and then stops so you dont get too much, the nurse replied calmly. Ok. Thats fine. Probably wont need it all the time anyway, said Rick, not really paying attention to the nurse because he was now fixated on the morphine, pressing the button as hard as he could. You dont have to hit it that hard. It should kick in real soon, sugar. If you need anything else, call. By the way, Im Nadine. Im Rick, Rick said back, still not listening much to the the nurse. The nurse walked out of the room, and Rick didnt even notice. He had hit the morphine button but wondered why his hand still hurt. He thought maybe it hurt because he had pushed the button so hard with his bad hand or maybe it took longer than the nurse made it sound like it would. In either case, all he could do was hope that it kicked in soon and maybe even kicked in so well that he could go to sleep and not wake up until the next day. Sleeping a good fourteen or more hours would be great, Rick thought. Rick got his wish. In a few minutes, the pain completely subsided, and Rick felt his eyelids drooping. He tried to keep them open, wanting to sleep yet paranoid something might happen in his sleep. Something horrible had happened while he was knocked out the night of the murder. Someone found a way to frame him for killing his own daughter while he was completely unconscious. The more Rick tried to fight sleep, however, the more his eyelids closed. Each time they closed, it felt like he was trying to lift a car. No amount of effort seemed to budge the eyelids. Rick could hear faint voices but couldnt tell whose they were or from where they were coming. He heard someone say, Hes in here, but that was the last of anything Rick would remember. He awoke the next morning as an orderly was changing his catheter. Rick hoped he was only dreaming. He felt a pinch in a place he never wanted to feel such a feeling. He realized he was still handcuffed to a bed and still had his other hand bandaged. He still felt incredibly sleepy and wondered if morphine was really supposed to make you so tired. He remembered that his ex wife had been on morphine once when she was in the hospital, and it made her sleep a lot, but it was so long ago. All done, said the orderly, smiling up at Rick. It seemed extremely strange that a man could touch that part of another man and still smile afterward. Rick looked at the clock on the wall and sighed as he realized it was only nine a.m. Everything was very humdrum for a while: breakfast, a sponge bath (with no enjoyment because it was given by a male orderly), boring t.v. programs, lots of questions from nurses and a doctor, nothing in particular that was exciting. Rick felt abandoned, alone, totally forgotten, but his exasperation turned to absolute joy when he looked to his right and saw Denise coming through the door. How great she looked. She had done something with her hair, and the sun found the perfect way to shine on her beautiful face. She was in some ways way better looking than Becky, yet she was not in a mental hospital like Becky and didnt injure people for putting their hand on her. Hey, Sunshine, said Denise, smiling intently. Hey... You! Id call you something, but I dont know what, Rick muttered back, unable to speak in a fully audible voice yet. So, I was able to schedule a meeting for tomorrow with the judge to try to postpone your arraignment given your current situation. Ive been trying like mad to contact the witness for the prosecution. If I can talk to him, there might be a chance to get him to recant his statement. Im also trying to get a hold of some of Natalys friends from the animal rights group to see what they know of her activities, especially involving Eldona. Denises smile had turned to a deep frown as she said all of this, thinking it might upset Rick. Hey. Youre doing a great job. I believe in you like you believe in me. Were gonna win this. I know it. And even if we dont, Ill probably get sentenced to the nuthouse, right? As Rick saw no change in Denises expression, he asked again, Right? Hopefully. But like I said before, the D.A. is offering nothing. Who knows what youll get if we dont pull this off. They must feel like they have an airtight case if theyre not prepared to offer you some kind of deal. Usually, they want you to cop a plea so they dont have to go to court or if they dont have strong enough evidence, huffed Denise, not meaning to sound angry but unable to hide it. Hey. Dont worry so much. Theres gotta be a good shot for this. And I know how the D.A. works. I started out working for the D.A. a long time ago. Not the same guy as it is now, but still the same system. Thats exactly why I do what I do now or what I did, anyway. I got sick of all the shit prosecutors pull. Just then, Denises cell phone rang. Hello. Oh, hi, Emily. Yeah. Im here at the hospital visiting Rick, discussing the case. You did? Thats great! Ok. Ill be there soon. Rick hoped the conversation meant there was good news about his case. The anticipation was killing him, though he only had to wait a few seconds. That was Emily from my office. She got a hold of the witness. Hes agreed to meet with me in an hour. This is great, isnt it, Denise asked. Yeah. Incredible. Now, if you can just get him to either recant or give some kind of useful information you can use to build something, well be set, Rick replied, doubting there would be much luck with the witness considering he was obviously in the D.A.s pocket or Morlowes pocket. Well, Im gonna go, Denise said, not really wanting to leave but knowing she had to if anything was going to turn around for her and Rick. Ok. Keep me posted. Rick was saddened to know that his only real friend was leaving, which meant he would be left to miserable solitude again, but it also meant the witness would finally be crossed off the list of possible avenues. Denise stared at Rick, yearning to give him a kiss again, but she knew it might create more problems that it would solve. She couldnt find the strength to leave just yet, somewhat hoping Rick might say something that would allow her to stay for just a minute longer. I will be back here after its done if theres time. If not, I will definitely be here tomorrow. This would all be a hell of a lot easier if you werent chained up in here, if we could do this at the office. But I guess its better than in the County Jail, right? Denises smile let Rick know everything was going to be ok, even if he wasnt so sure of it deep inside himself. Bye, Rick. Bye, Denise, Rick responded. As Denise left the room and began to walk down the hall, she could hear a walkie talkie transmission. She didnt think anything of it at first until she heard, Yes. Shes leaving now. Either someone was keeping very close tabs on her or on Rick. Maybe it was both. It only served to confirm the suspicions she and Rick had that the whole thing was a set up. Denise walked faster and faster to reach the elevators and wished they were a lot closer to Ricks room. Why did they have to put him so far away? Were they trying to ensure a lack of access to and from his room by an increased distance? When Denise finally reached the elevators and pushed the button, all she could think was that the elevator better open soon or she was going to lose her mind. She felt as if someone was definitely watching her. She had felt this before but not as much as it now hit her. The elevator opened, and Denise almost jumped inside. She couldnt wait for the elevator to reach the groun level. It seemed like it was taking forever. How long could it really take an elevator to drop eight floors? The elevator hid the ground floor, and Denise hurried out, almost making it to the front doors when she heard, Maam! Maam! She turned around slowly, afraid someone might detain her or kidnap her or do whatever else they wanted to do to mess with her. To her relief, it was a janitor who was holding up Denises purse. In all the confusion and paranoia, Denise had not realized that she had dropped her purse. The janitor had hurried behind her from the ninth floor just to bring it to her. As the janitor handed Denise her purse, Denise tried to mutter, Thank you, but she was barely able to open her mouth at all. The janitor quickly headed back to the elevator, and Denise turned to head back to the front doors. Denise felt a tremendous amount of relief and felt almost safe again. However, walking across the hospital parking lot to her car, she still felt like there were eyes everywhere. Why did it have to be dark at only six oclock? Denise felt afraid to even turn the key in the ignition. For all she knew, someone could be wanting her out of the way and could have rigged her car with explosives. Finally, she found the determination to just turn the key. The car started, the same as always, no explosion. After another quick look around to make sure no one was following her, Denise backed out of her parking spot and got onto the road. Good. Things were fine once again. No real problems. But as Denise turned onto the next street, she noticed what looked like an unmarked police car following her. She hoped that it was just her imagination and that it was just someone with a similar car to what they always showed police using in movies. She decided to maintain the speed limit and not pay any attention to the car two lengths behind her. As Denise got stopped at a light, she let curiosity get the better of her and looked in her rearview mirror at the unmarked sedan. The two guys in the car certainly looked like cops. If they werent cops, they were some kind of security for someone very rich... Morlowe perhaps? As the light changed to green, Denise wanted so badly to lose the two guys following her, but then she thought that if they really were cops, and she sped, they would stop her for sure and do who knows what. As Denise pulled up at her office building, she sighed a deep sigh of assurance that she was safe. She got out of the car and headed toward the door and saw the sedan drive past. As she looked more closely at the car, she noticed the guy in the passenger seat look at her. He looked so familiar, despite there not being much light to get a good look. As Denise entered the office, her secretary, Emily, stopped her. Miss Hunter, the gentleman is already in your office. Thank you, Emily, Denise said, a little shocked that the witness had beat her to her office. She entered the office and noticed a very fidgety little man sitting in a chair by the wall, biting his nails. Are you Mr. Gaden? Yes, Maam, replied the little man. Im Miss Hunter. Im so glad you agreed to meet with me. Please, if you would, take a seat here, Denise replied, her hand held toward the chairs near the desk. Now, I hope you dont mind if I tape record this proceeding. Its just a precaution. The fidgety little man took a seat but seemed so nervous that it was no surprise when he could barely grab the chair and sit but manage to reply, No, go ahead. Do what you gotta do. Please state your name for the record and how you know Richard Ratner, requested Denise. Thomas James Gaden, next door neighbor of Mr. Ratner. Mr. Gaden, what can you tell me about last Sunday night, asked Denise patiently. Hey. Ive got people watching me. Theyre watching my house. Theyre following me when I go to the store or go anywhere really... a black sedan. I know its the cops. Theyve been actin funny every time they talk to me. Whats going on here? I really dont wanna be involved in something like this, stated the fidgety little man so quickly that his words were almost unintelligible. Mr. Gaden, unfortunately, theres not much I can tell you. I know about as much as you do. Im trying to help my client prove his innocence, and right now, youre the best shot Ive got. What can you tell me about your neighbor and the night in question? He was a good guy. He didnt make trouble. Thats what I dont understand. Ratner would never kill somebody. The guy was a lawyer for cryin out loud. The guy was hardly ever home, but when he was, he kept to himself. The only person I ever noticed over there was his daughter. I lived next to the guy for fourteen years. Ive probably talked to him no more than fifty times in all these years, but he was always nice as could be. His daughter, on the other hand, I talked to all the time when she lived there and plenty of times since she went to college. She was a real sweetheart. You could tell they were a happy family. Denise had had some inklings of doubt on occasion about the whole situation. Deep down, she wondered if there wasnt some truth to Dr. Selis diagnosis of Rick. Ricks ideas about corporate conspiracy involving the D.A. and the police seemed so far fetched. Denise had spent years defending people for heinous crimes, often exacerbated by the police, but even this case seemed too much. Now hearing Gadens words and having been followed, Denise realized there was absolutely no reason to doubt Ricks ideas. What about that night, Mr. Gaden? Last Sunday, what did you hear? I saw Nataly come over to see her dad. Im not a snoop. I just happened to be outside. So, Nataly goes inside, and everythings fine for a while. Finally, I went back inside to get a drink, and after I came out, I heard lots of shouting. But the guys voice didnt sound like Rick to me. You live next to a guy for fourteen years, and youre gonna recognize his voice, you know? I dont know if there was somebody else already in the house or somebody came into the house while I was inside or if Ricks got one of them split personalities or what, said the fidgety little man, still as fidgety as he had been when Denise walked in, still biting his nails as he spoke. Did you hear what was said, Denise asked. No really. It was just really heated. It did sound like maybe there were two male voices. Im not real sure. It was so muffled. It sounded like it could have been Nataly arguing with one guy and then Rick stepping in. I thought about callin the cops, but I didnt wanna get involved. I thought maybe it was just some kind of family thing, but the last I knew, they didnt have any family around here, except for Ricks ex, Natalys mother. Do you think an intruder could have come into Mr. Ratners home, causing an altercation to ensue? Did you happen to see anyone leave the house, Denise asked, hoping this would blow the case wide open. No. I mean, yes to the person coming in part. Who really knows? But to the part about seein anybody leave, I didnt see anybody. Maybe the guy left out the back. Ricks house has a back door and a gate in the back yard. A guy could easily get out that way or could have gotten in that way, too, replied the fidgety man, Mr. Gaden. Why did you even agree to meet with me, Mr. Gaden? I mean, it seems a little strange since youre the prosecutions star witness, responded Denise, hoping not to offend Mr. Gaden but also hoping he might shed some light on what the D.A. was trying to pull. Look, lady, all I know is... Rick is too good of a guy to do something like this, and when you got cops twisting your words around when you make a statement and a D.A. callin you into his office and tellin you what he needs you to say on the witness stand, you know somethins up! This aint right. I was raised in a religious household. Not all of it stuck, but some things did. You dont bear false witness against your neighbor. I worked hard and moved my family to a nice neighborhood, thinkin this sort of thing didnt happen there. When it finally does, youre never ready. But I gotta do whats right. I was afraid to talk to you cuz who knows what it might mean for me, but I gotta tell the truth to somebody. That D.A. doesnt want the truth. Hes makin up his own truth. As Gaden finished this statement, he was nearly out of breath and sweating. Wiping his brow, he let out a loud, Whew! Thank you, Mr. Gaden. It takes a lot of courage to do what youre doing. Believe me, were gonna get this settled. If you have anything else you can think of to tell me, dont hesitate to call. Thanks. I just wanna do whats right. And if you see Rick, tell him Tom from next door says hi, and I know he didnt do it, said Mr. Gaden enthusiastically. I will. Thanks again, Denise replied, smiling so hard that it made Mr. Gaden smile back. Denise leaned back in her chair, pondering everything that had happened and especially, Mr. Gadens statements. With Gaden on her side, she figured she could blow the case out of the water. Denise thought she had better make several copies of the tape to be safe. She was about to go to Emily and have her do it, but she realized it was a little after seven p.m. and also thought there could have been a chance that someone got to Emily. Denise couldnt take any chances. A mans life was at stake. Suddenly, she became worried that someone might try to steal the tape. She knew she had to get the copies made quickly. It had been such a long day, and so much had transpired that Denise felt like just going home and going to bed. She thought maybe she could just lock the tape up in her wall safe. More paranoia set in as she thought that there were plenty of people skilled enough to crack the safe and steal the tape. But if she carried the tape with her, the guys following her could just take it from her and destroy it. Denise remembered that she had an old double tape deck in a storage closet down the hall. Denise stepped out of her office and told Emily she should go home, it being so late. Thank you so much for staying late, Emily. I really appreciate it. Im going soon, too. Ill see you in the morning. As Emily left the office, Denise quickly locked the front door and felt relief, knowing she was alone but also a little afraid. She hurried to the hall closet and grabbed the tape deck and headed back to her office but soon came to the realization she didnt have very many blank tapes. She hoped to make at least three copies so she could hide them in various places and always know she had a backup. She made the first copy, feeling a little more at ease and then quickly a second copy. She reached to get a third tape and found that there was none. Two would have to do. She taped a copy under her desk. Luckily, her desk slightly old-fashioned, and the sides of it nearly reached the floor. For anyone to look under the desk, they would have to remove the bottom drawer and look under it or lift the entire desk up and be able to inspect the whole underside. She decided to hide the original in the ceiling. The ceiling had some panels that were loose enough to jiggle free. Denise quickly replaced the panel she removed and secured it as best as she could. Now, she could find some place away from her office to hide the second copy of the tape. Even if someone did follow her and take the tape, she had the original and a copy hidden in places they were not likely to be found. Denise grabbed the other tape, her jacket, and her purse and headed out the door. She made it down the stairs and out of the building. Walking to her car once more, she couldnt help but feel like someone was there. She looked around but didnt see anyone. Walking at night, alone, made Denise question all of her surroundings. As she pulled out of the parking lo and onto the road, Denise looked everywhere to make sure no one was behind her. She didnt see anyone and reassured herself they werent spying on her twenty-four/seven. As she pulled into her drive and stopped the car, she felt like maybe she could finally rest. She stayed in the car for a while and dozed off behind the wheel. She was startled awake by a rap on her drivers side window, making her jump. She turned and realized it was just her neighbor, Mrs. Milford. Dear, are you alright, asked Mrs. Milford. Yes. Im fine. Its just been a very long day, Mrs. Milford. Ok. I was worried. Its nearly ten oclock, Dear. I dont try to be nosy, but youve been sitting here in your car for over an hour and a half, replied Mrs. Milford, smiling so politely that it could almost cause one to be nauseous. Thank you, Mrs. Milford. Youre welcome, Dear, said Mrs. Milford, walking away back toward her own house. Getting out of the car, Denise nearly fell, still not feeling fully awake. Just then, the same car that had been following her everywhere appeared at the end of the block. The headlights turned off when she looked, but she knew it was the same car. She hurried into the house and flipped the light switch, but to Denises consternation, nothing happened. She became worried that someone could be, again, messing with her, trying to scare her. She grabbed a flashlight from a kitchen drawer and headed to the basement to check the breaker box. Why the hell do these old houses have to have the breaker in the basement, Denise screamed, angry that this had to happen after such a tiresome day. She checked the breaker box, and every switch was off. She flipped all of the switches and ran back upstairs. The living room light that she had flipped on was shining as bright as ever. Thankfully, no one was messing with her power. That would be the last straw. So much had been running through Denises mind that she forgot she still had the other copy of the tape and needed to hide it. No one had mugged her for it. If she could hide it somewhere that no one else could ever find it, things would be alright, but she also knew she should buy some more tapes immediately and make even more copies and that she should definitely put one in her lock box at the bank. If there werent fears of reprisal from the D.A. and whoever he was connected to, Denise could even go so far as to confront the D.A. face to face and threaten to expose him. While in the basement, Denise passed by a brick wall that she remembered had some loose bricks, allowing small crevices to appear behind them, just large enough to fit a tape. She regretted having to trudge back down to the basement, but who would ever think to search in the basement of all places, and especially behind bricks in the wall, for the tape? If anyone did break in to search for the tape, they would be sure to never find it. Denise headed back down the basement steps, but as she neared the bottom, the step she was on gave way, sending her tumbling to the floor, the tape flying out of her hands and across the floor. After a minute, Denise was able to collect herself and get up, though she had twister her ankle. She searched high and low for the tape and could not find it. She looked everywhere she could think of that it could have slid, but to no avail. Finally, Denise found the tape, under the water heater. As hard as she tried, she could not reach it and had to get a wire hanger to fish out the tape. Once she had it in her possession again, she found the loose bricks, about half way across the wall, near the top, and removed one of them, revealing a perfect hiding spot. She set the tape firmly in place and replaced the brick. Unless one carefully analyzed the wall up close, they could never tell there was anything abnormal about the wall. Satisfied with her efforts, Denise headed back upstairs, wrapped her ankle, and went to bed, not even caring that she had not eaten anything since lunch.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 18:04:44 +0000

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