SHATTERING ASSUMPTIONS: RELIGION IS A SCIENTIFIC CONTROL FOR MEASURING INDIVIDUALITY. Αν θηλυκά μίλησε όταν είχαν κάτι να πουν, όχι όταν ήθελαν να πουν somehing, οι περισσότερες γυναίκες θα είναι ήσυχο. ONE: I do not use numerology. I use alternative mathematics. Like there is Lobachevskian geometry, which is an alternative to Euclidian, so there is Kamenskiste unified theory of mathematics. TWO: Mathematics is directly related to humanities. When we say initial assumption, we are saying axiom etc. I am saying I am a universalist. Languages are interchangeable, and a smile speaks them all. THREE: Education is not so much a method for succeeding at an objective, as it is passing on a set of religious traditions. Why did a new set of religious traditions have to be founded? I wanted to belong to a religious community, so I became a theologian and studied all faiths that PRESENTLY exist; I have discovered some that had up to 50% good aspects, but the other 50% was demagoguery. The etymology of the word demagoguery: Demos means crowd in Greek and Ago means manipulation in Greek. In a word I had found that all religions were wretched, so I had NO CHOICE, but to invent one that wasn’t, because I don’t want to belong to anything less than flawless. So it was not my choice to found Kamenskisme, I was FORCED to do it. FORENSIC theology is one of sciences that help make Kamenskisme aligned with reality. Science constantly evolves, so it is not a stable foundation for a culture. Common convictions do not evolve. It is not very important, what we believe. What IS important is that we have common beliefs which CAN’T BE DISPROVED BY SCIENCE. All OTHER religions CAN be disproved by science. The universe is elliptical with two centers – facts (Science) and ideas (Religion.) If a religion is not well informed by the sciences, it will not pass the test of time. If science does not serve the aspirations (Pillars or Certitudes) of a Religion, it has no purpose. Kamenskisme is well informed, because it is in tandem with the sciences. Saturn symbolizes facts. The sun symbolizes ideas. Together they form The Cause and The System of Kamenskisme, which is BOTH True Science and True Religion. This is why we have the solar x-axis and the Saturnal y-axis. The quasi-identity of the Sun and Saturn is not a new belief, but it has not been clearly explained until now. Quasi-identical means partly-identical. The Sun and Saturn are peers. Why do we need common traditions? The distinguishing characteristic of any language, whether it is Sanskrit or Ancient Greek, is that it is legible to more than one person. A language that is legible to two people is called intimacy. A language that is legible to more than two people is a system of measurement. People agreeing on a set of certitudes, whether grammatical, phonetic, OR dealing with what should be considered excusable, and what should be considered inexcusable, or what should be considered desirable, and what should be considered undesirable is a religion, as long as it is a unified system, where all the components complement one another and form a single whole. An unshakable belief in these certitudes holds up civilizations and cultures. As an example Francophone cultures are distinct from Anglophone; English is distinct from Womanese. Kamenskisme is distinct from other religions, but as with languages it could be considered a derivative of several. Certainly there are loanwords. FOUR: teaching is sharing a cultural tradition. That teaching can be non-dogmatic is a myth. For teaching to be non-dogmatic, we would have to be able to BE one another, so that we can have the Agenda unique to a single individual, which is not possible. What is possible is to offer dogma. If the other party accepts or is made to accept this dogma, then we are speaking a language intelligible to more than one person. The alternative is SOLITARY CONFINEMENT. Solitary Confinement is anti-individualistic. People who only exist in their own universes have no means of being DIFFERENT from others, because there is no way to measure the differences. Individualism is impossible when one man describes his height in terms of inches, and his weight in terms of pounds, as a simple example, and another man describes his height in terms of centimeters and his weight in terms of kilograms, if the two men cant translate one system to another, then they cant enjoy the differences between their anatomies, hence no individualism. Why did I invent Kamenskisme? I wanted to be a member of a community of people who share the same religious values. I discovered that all religions are flawed, so I had to invent one that wasnt flawed, and I explain why Kamenskisme is flawless in another article. But today I am not focusing on why Kamenskisme is superior to other creeds, because the important question is: why should we have creeds in the first place! A part of why we should have creed is, ss, so we can enjoy our differences by using our common creeds as scientific controls. Otherwise each of us is in SOLITARY CONFINEMENT. This means that we all have different temperaments and background, and our temperaments need controls in order to BE (POSITIVELY) COMPARED. A Religious or secular code is a set of controls for positive comparison between individuals. Individualism is impossible when one man describes his height in terms of inches, and his weight in terms of pounds, as a simple example, and another man describes his height in terms of centimeters and his weight in terms of kilograms, if the two men cant translate one system to another, then they cant enjoy the differences between their anatomies, hence no individualism. FIVE: Asking too many questions is impolite. Giving INDIVIDUAL lessons is too costly to the pimp-like professor, who has to instruct thousands of men and hundreds of females, EVEN FOR MONEY! So I prefer twins and triplets in order to have a Group Coaching. The bigger the band, the sweeter the music is. The first stage is for you to sit in the audience and learn through observation, and reach some level of proficiency in Kamenskisme and related sciences. The second stage is for you to be turned out in a group. Once you have earned your black belts, you would be ready to be individually coached. Why? We must develop a system of rapid communication which is legible to both the Pimp-like Guru and the understudy-apprentice. Developing this SHORTHAND between master and apprentice (male or female) is the fruit of LONG-TERM study. An intimate relationship between two or more people is like blossoms. YOU CANT FORCE A FLOWER TO BLOSSOM EARLY. In Karate, you have to earn your brown belts, before being transferred from a Group Class to Apprenticeship! Unless you are prepared to be tasked with DIFFICULT tasks, you do not deserve private coaching. People and Women Management is one of my areas of expertise, and I know that only DIFFICULT TASKS help a group to cohere. Be outrageous but make room for humility. Even twins and triplets should be various. What is the closest star to the sun? Proxima Centauri, which is a small star orbiting the Alpha Centauri binary system. She is the Cinderella of Alpha Centauri. Although Proxima Centauri is the closest star to the sun, we can’t see Proxima with the naked eye, because it is too small. Alpha Centauri and Beta Centauri form the third brightest star (they are seen as a single star) in the night sky, and they are the first brightest in the Centaurus constellation. Remember: for twins to be able to measure their slight differences in temperament and anatomy (shame on the twin who thinks ill of it) they need a scientific control, whether loving the same man, or following the same platinum religious or secular code. DEMI-DIEU LORD PROTECTEUR NINEHOPIMP DADDY _______________
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 15:27:59 +0000

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