SHE BLAMED POVERTY TO HAVE RUINED HER FROM HAVING HER DREAM MARRIAGE SERIES 8! Prepared by Pastor Charles Chanda: Pretoria, South Africa. HOW HER LIE CAME BACK TO HAUNT HER AND THE CONSEQUENCE THAT FOLLOWED! Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? After sending a message to the person who had put up a status that had captured her attention, she received the following response “I hope you are someone I can trust and share my heart with”. She pause for a while and responded “hope so”. They had a chat which lasted for about thirty minutes till her data bundles finished. She had learnt her lesson and was taking things a bit slower now. She did not open up herself to the new friend but the fact remained that she had developed some interest but she told herself that she will not chat everyday with him. On the following Monday she got the news from one of the lecturers that the department needed every student to buy a certain gadget which was needed for the exams. This is exactly the lie she had told her parent which unfortunately turned into reality. Be careful with the words you speak as they have the potential to become what you say. The challenge she had was how she was going to inform her parents over the request as she had been given money which she used to buy the cell phone that was now proving to be a thief for study time and source of heartache. She was so disturbed and did not know what to do. Whilst having these endless thoughts, the friend came and requested her company to town to buy the same gadget that had been requested by the department. She thought it was a good idea so that she can also know the price. She knew that her friend would not borrow her money because as she was aware of the financial challenges she was facing and also because she had been assisted several times. They went outside the campus and found that the big man, sugar daddy of the friend was packed outside. They jumped into the car and he drove off. When in town the big man brought out money and gave her. The two of them went into the stationery shop and bought the required gadget. They went back to the car and once there the friend realized that she had forgotten to buy pads. She told the friend to wait in the car with the big man as she was not going to be long. As soon as she had closed the door the big man looked at the back seat where our sister was sitting and greeted her with a cheerful look. He told her that since he saw last time he was hoping to see her again but did not know how. He told her that he cannot explain how he felt when his eyes met with her eyes for the first tme. He opened one compartment of the car and brought out a business card and quickly gave it to her and told her that she must feel free to phone him and if there was anything she needed he will gladly assist her. He further told her that she must not let the friend know about any communication they will have but must keep it confidential. He then gave her a bunch of new bank notes and told her to quickly hide and the friend should not know about it. She did as requested and immediately she had put the money away, the friend came. She found silence and did not suspect that any conversation had taken place. In fact man told her that why did she leave the friend behind as he did not like it and that next time she must not do that. The friend was heard saying I am sorry babe! They drove off to the campus where the girl and her friend were dropped off and the man went his way. When the girl got to her room, she opened her purse so that she could count the money that she was given. She had a shock of her life as she had never handled such money since her birth. She went and bought air time so that she could say thank you. She sent the following sms to the big man “I am puzzled at your kindness sir and wish to extend my gratitude to your gesture. You just don’t know how you have done as the money you gave me came at a right time. If I possessed the world, I would gladly give it to you. Thank you sir” The man responded immediately and this was what he said “ It is a pleasure babe. Address me as Rikkie. Will chat with you tomorrow. Love you” This response was too much for her and made her thinking the whole night. Her heart was torn apart because she was given money which she so much needed and this man was the boy friend to her friend. Proverbs 15:27 He that is greedy of gain troubleth his own house; but he that hateth gifts shall live. TO BE CONTINUED Don’t miss the next series as we get on a journey to see what happened between our sister and the gig man. Add more people to the page if you have found the series exciting. THOSE WHO WISH TO ACCESS THE WHOLE SERIES MUST INVITE ME AS FRIEND. I WILL STOP POSTING TO GROUPS SOON AND WILL ONLY POST ON MY TIMELINE.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 17:43:35 +0000

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