SHE BLAMED POVERTY TO HAVE RUINED HER FROM HAVING HER DREAM MARRIAGE SERIES 32! Prepared by Pastor Charles Chanda: Pretoria, South Africa. DECISIONS THAT BRING PEACE AND BLESSINGS ARE COSTLY! Recap from last episode- Series 31! She called her daughter to find out how the youth service was and her daughter told her that their youth pastor was not there and they were told that he was working late. Bear in mind that this parent was not the member at that church and had been trying to discourage her daughter from attending churches where young unmarried people are made pastors. She told her daughter that your pastor is busy sleeping with a woman here in the hotel and in fact he has just finished and left. Her daughter could not believe that because she in fact had been praying for him to marry her. The daughter of this parent who worked at the hotel told her mother that she can’t believe what her mother was saying. They agreed that the daughter should come to the hotel in the morning the following day and see for herself. TODAYS EPISODE The daughter of the woman who worked at the hotel decided not to go as agreed with the mother and her mother also abandoned her project as she had targeted her daughter. That morning, the youth pastor came early after spending a sleepless night as a result of the message he got from our sister that he was responsible for the pregnancy. He had pondered on various options of how he was going to handle the whole situation to avoid embarrassment and shame from those who respected him. He was really confused and was at a loss. The greatest challenge he had was that our sister was not interested in the things of God and it never crossed his mind that our sister could be a culprit of cheating. As things stood, he could not marry our sister in the church because she was not a member not to talk about being a Christian. The other challenge was that the parents of the youth pastor where strong members of the church and very well respected. Another big challenge was that the pastor of the church had a lot of confidence in him and on numerous occasions he had been left in charge of the main church. The congregation also love him because he was vibrant in ministering. He came to a decision that he was going to report himself to the pastor and he also made up his mind not to marry our sister. He was going to let our sister know of his decision in the morning. He realized that as long as he kept this a secret, he would never be at peace and that the judgment of God may follow him. As soon as he came to this realization, peace dawned into his heart. There is power in doing the will of God. It is better to face the shame for what we have done than hide our evil and appear as saints to people when in reality we are a small devil. He found our sister already dressed for the day as she had made up her mind to go to the flat which the big man had rented for her. They ordered food which was brought to the room and they eat together. The youth pastor then decided to break the news to our sister. He apologized for all that had happened between the two of them which led to the alleged pregnancy. He promised to give her all the needed support during the period of the pregnancy and also take full responsibility of the baby. He told her that he was not going to consider marriage on spiritual basis.He told our sister that he had confessed his sin and asked God to forgive him. He told her that after obtaining forgiveness from God, it was going to be very a problem to go ahead and marry as she was not interested in the things of God. She told her that marriage will be impossible as they may not be able to do things in unity, a thing that will render marriage useless. Our sister did not seem to care because she knew that in fact he was not responsible for the pregnancy but what she just wanted was money. Our sister just told the youth pastor that its okay she was going to move on with life without him. Our sister requested that the youth pastor drop her in town at the station and she never revealed her destination. The youth pastor gave our sister some money and went straight to the church office to meet his pastor as he had made an appointment with him. Upon reaching the office, he told the senior pastor everything that had happened and that he was very sorry. He also explained his decision to support the lady during pregnancy and also support the child. The senior pastor could not believe the story as he had trusted him so much. The senior pastor decided to relieve the youth pastor of his duties and give him time to pray. Our sister phoned the big man as agreed and he told her that he would send her money. The big made had forgotten his Identity document at home and so he drove back home. When he got at home he found that there was a flood due to a pipe that had burst. He got into the house and told the wife that he came to get the Identity document. The wife told him that he must phone the plumber to come and fix up the pipe and a terrible mistake was done by the big man. He phoned using his phone and gave the wife to talk to them as he had to rush to the bathroom. The wife spoke to the plumber and explained the problem and as soon as they finished, there came an sms from our sister asking why it was taking lone for him to send the money as she was already at the bank waiting. She deleted this message and quickly changed the simcard. She put her own simcard in the husband’s phone and put his simcard in her phone. Drama followed. TO BE CONTINUED
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 17:57:44 +0000

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