SHE BLAMED POVERTY TO HAVE RUINED HER FROM HAVING HER DREAM MARRIAGE SERIES PART 2 EPISODE 10 Prepared by Pastor Charles Chanda; Pretoria, South Africa HOW THE DEVIL CAN PUT US IN A CORNER BECAUSE OF OUR CARELESS WORDS Recap from Episode 9 Our sister decided to excuse herself and at that point the leader started crying. Instead of going, our sister decided to stay behind and comfort the leader. She said some words to the leader which later proved a challenge to her and source of the troubles that followed. TODAY’S EPISODE Our sister because of sympathizing with the leader uttered out the following words: “I know that you love me but you must understand that I need time. I don’t want what happened to me to happen again. Yes I may have some feelings towards you but it’s not yet time. I will definitely come back to you and you will be happy” At hearing these chocolate coated words, the leader smiled and wiped away his tears. Our sister quickly realized what she had said out of sympathy but it was too late to withdraw those words. How we should be careful with the words we speak. The leader picked up the following words: “I know that you love me” “Yes I may have some feelings towards you but it’s not yet time” “I will definitely come back to you and you will be happy” He knew that our sister had accepted the proposal and it was just a matter of time. Was this really the true picture of the state of affairs? The answer is certainly NO. The mistake the sister had made to go and meet the leader whose mind had been made up to win the heart of the sister is what led to this compromise. There was nothing wrong with the relationship as everyone has to be married but it compromised the principles of our sister. She knew her weakness and it now remains whether she will stay focused on the Lord. Our sister excused herself to go but the leader now seemed to be having courage and requested that he escorts her. She was not comfortable with that but could not help it. As they walked together, two sisters from the fellowship met them and from their looks one could smell trouble brewing. Our sister felt so bad and she knew that there was something wrong with the whole thing that had happened. She knew that there is no fear in love. They eventually parted and our sister went to her room and she started praying and confessing to God. She cried that God should forgive her for all the words that she spoke to the leader. The Lord ministered to her and told her what to do to avoid the trap the devil had laid. God told her to go to the fellowship and during her ministering, should explain to the fellowship how the devil wanted to trap her and that she has made up her mind to remain on the Lord’s side. God told her that if she does it that way, she will regain the confidence of the fellowship members and will take the fellowship to great heights. Our sister thanked God for his faithfulness in bringing those who go astray. The following day was fellowship and our sister declared it as a prayer and fasting day. The leader had planned to announce to the fellowship that he was going to start leading again but little did he know what God had planned. It is important for all those who preach to depend on God. It was amazing that day as many people who had stopped decided to visit the fellowship as they heard our sound our sister was. More visitors came that day and the leader was so excited as he was looking forward to his announcement. After the praise and worship, our sister went in front to share the word of God. TO BE CONTINUED BLESSED ARE YOU EARS FOR HEARING THESE THINGS. SHARE WITH OTHERS AND ADD MORE TO THE PAGE. To access the whole series invite me as friend.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 21:05:46 +0000

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