SHE BLAMED POVERTY TO HAVE RUINED HER FROM HAVING HER DREAM MARRIAGE SERIES PART 2 EPISODE 4 Prepared by Pastor Charles Chanda; Pretoria, South Africa Recap from Episode After the fellowship, the fellowship leader came to our sister and told her that he was under conviction for what he had been doing and God was telling him to hand over the fellowship leadership to our sister. Our sister refused that she was new but the leader insisted that it was not a matter of being new but having the right life that meets the approval of God. He told our sister that he has been committing fornication for a long time and continued leading which was wrong. Our sister accepted the challenge and was to be introduced to the fellowship the following fellowship day. TODAY’S EPISODE The fellowship leader did not tell anyone and wanted to take everyone by surprise. He did so because there were people in that fellowship whose lives were not right but wanted to hold on to leadership positions. He was not sure whether the same conviction that had come upon him was also the same with others. People gathered for the fellowship and as usual it was praise and worship time. When this was done, everybody expected the leader to preach but what he did was to go to the pulpit and when there, he told the people that he had an announcement. But before the announcement he requested everyone to open their Bibles. Isaiah 52:11 Depart ye, depart ye, go ye out from thence, touch no unclean thing; go ye out of the midst of her; be ye clean, that bear the vessels of the LORD. The fellowship leader explained that the Lord has convicted him of things he has been doing which he shouldnt have been doing as a Christian. He needs enough time to pray and seek God and in the meantime Our sister was going to be in charge. He told the fellowship members that the same God who has convicted him of his wrongs told him that our sister will take over the fellowship. With those words, he requested everyone to stand up and welcome our sister. There were mixed feelings in people’s lives as was seen from their facial expressions. Our sister stood up and came to the front. She requested everyone to close their eyes for a word of prayer and after the prayers she thanked the fellowship leader for the opportunity accorded to her. She told the fellowship that she was humbled as there are others who are more capable to lead. She explained to the fellowship that she would depend on the guide of the leader during this time that she has been given a chance to lead. She further told them she wont take long with the sharing. She shared from the following passage Esther 3:8 And Haman said unto king Ahasuerus, There is a certain people scattered abroad and dispersed among the people in all the provinces of thy kingdom; and their laws are diverse from all people; neither keep they the kings laws: therefore it is not for the kings profit to suffer them. I will share with you on the “Unquestionable Identity of a True Believer” A true child of God is a light in the midst of a dark evil world. His life cannot be mistaken to that of those who are hypocrites and compromisers. He says a big “NO” in the face majority compromised opinions. He is not afraid of any danger that is planned as a result of his faith and conviction. She dresses like a saint and not a Jezebel. Will chose what to eat and drink. He or she keeps the body as the temple of the Holy Spirit and will not allow anyone to play without. It is only to such that God will give the keys of the kingdom and these are the ones whose authority will be recognized by devils and demons. Do you have that Identification? She now requested everyone to pray and some started crying as they prayed. She prayed for everyone and closed the fellowship. Strangely there was no hugging of one another that day as the sermon had awakened their holy conscience. It was clear that the Holy Spirit had returned to the fellowship. After the fellowship two sisters from the fellowship decided to go and see our sister. They had some confessions to make. TO BE CONTINUED LESSON: Compromised and sinning leaders chase away the Holy Spirit from the church. SHARE WITH OTHERS IF YOU LOVE GOD! “The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it.” TO ACCESS FULL SERIES INVITE ME AS FRIEND
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 04:39:17 +0000

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